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Grave Robbers: Democrats Love Stealing Money from Dead People

Democrats are firmly opposed to President Donald Trump’s tax reform plan which includes the idea that the “death tax” or estate tax should be eliminated. The question remains, why do Democrats like taking money from dead people so much?

The law greatly affects family farms and ranches the most. They don’t create trusts like the billionaire silicon valley types that Democrats snuggle up to. They just will their land to their children to carry on the family legacy. Unfortunately, U.S. tax law, as usual, oppressively comes after their wealth in a double-tax, anti estate, situation.

Donald Trump says this is wrong. Americans think this is wrong. But Democrats believe the government deserves another HUGE bite at that apple even after it has fallen from the tree, rotted and become dust.

It’s sickening. It’s terrible. It’s the government … so go figure. Democrats argue that when people die, their tax burden should grow exponentially. How did death become a taxable event? Who let this happen? Oh yeah, us.

What’s worse is that the farm or ranch owner’s children will be forced to choose between paying an almost impossible tax bill and keeping their families’ land or selling the land to pay for the Democrats’ cash cow. It’s criminal – or it would be if it weren’t Democrats doing it – because what prosecutor is going to go after a Democrat? They’re all sharks.

The farmer or rancher worked their whole lives and paid taxes on their earnings so how is it legal to now tax the property that they used their already taxed earnings to buy?

Democrats should let the farm or ranch grow, increase its revenues and collect the taxes on that income instead of being short-sighted and going after a one-time take once grandad or grandma bites the dust.

It doesn’t make sense, but Chuck and Nancy have gone all in on robbing dead people. l guess we’ll have to see how voters feel about the mean, nasty, unnatural and certainly unfair estate tax in 2018.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. Democrats view the masses as if they are farm animals. Animals to be harvested with annual and daily taxes.Then when they die to be harvested one last time.

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