
Hoffa: What he said was not bad…. comparatively.

“Let’s take these son of a bitches out.” Hoffa shouted to a large crowd on Labor Day 2011 in regards to the Tea Party. Individuals on both sides of the political spectrum are upset about the statement, ranging from conservatives to the likes of MSNBC. Yet, Hoffa’s statement is incredibly tame, and it is naïve to expect criticism in response. The left consistently issues similar statements, normally these statements lead to celebrity, never admonishment. Even in MSNBC’s rare rebuff of the statement, it seemed that they were frustrated only because it could be linked directly to their paramour, President Obama. The reality is the left thrives on images of violence, whether interpreting actions of their adversaries, or perpetrated by their acolytes , whether unilaterally or in collusion.

“Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary,” said Rep. Mike Capuano (D-Ma.) This statement never received a second look from the left, but understandably scared anyone who might catch the ire of the Wisconsin union machine. Even after many assaults linked to union mobs, this statement was forgotten. It is likely this statement will help Capuano rather than hurt him. But, both the prior quoted statements are nothing compared to the constant vitriol coming from the left since Thomas Jefferson started the Democrat party.“Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at.” This is a musing of Bill Ayers. Ayers is an admitted domestic terrorist that considers the deaths of his close friends and innocent individuals “vandalism.” Ayers has worked with the Democrat party for years, only taking a break to avoid his connection with President Obama from being brought to the light. Most interesting, Ayers, because he is a terrorist, is not allowed in Canada.

“Dig It. First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, they even shoved a fork into a victim’s stomach! Wild!” This gem came from the mouth of Bernadine Dohrn. A FBI informant implicated Dohrn in the murder of Brian McDonnell, a police sergeant at San Francisco’s Park Station. Dohrn is the wife of Bill Ayers.“Really? I never knew that guy had a son,” said Kathy Boudin, the woman who aided in the murder of two innocent police officers after she was party to an armored car robbery. Boudin spoke these words when she was told that “that guy (‘s)” son still showed up on the anniversary of his dad’s murder. The quote is from a New York Times Article mentioned in Susan Braudy’s book Family Circle: The Boudin’s and the aristocracy of the left.  “That guy” was the first African American individual to be hired by the Nyack police force, slyly mentioned in a New Yorker article titles “The prisoner” from 2001.

“That Scott down there that’s running for Governor of Florida. Instead of running for Governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him. Put him up against the wall and shoot him.” This is from a New York Times column written by former US Representative Paul Kanjorski. Just months before writing this gem, Kanjorski begged for, “An atmosphere of civility and respect in which political discourse can flow freely, without fear of violent confrontation.” Calls to violence and violent images seem to be necessary for the left and their image in the mirror seems to be incomprehensible in its similarity to what they supposedly despise.“Hippie faggots associated with SDS,” is a quote produced by an individual before the days of rage protest in Chicago. This individual was not insulting SDS but describing himself as, for lack of a better term, a rough chap. Oddly enough, he and his fellow protesters were very much associated with SDS, as he vehemently denied, the weather underground being an off-chute of SDS. This quote illustrates how irrational those on the left can be, which makes their violent tendencies of greater concern.

Hoffa’s statements are certainly incendiary and brutish. It is indicative of the culture of the left and adds ammunition to the intellectual cannon of the right. Bernadine Dorn is a law professor. Bill Ayers is a professor in Childhood Education at University of Illinois at Chicago. Boudin is still a leftist idol. Capuano and Kanjorski are still respected by their herd. The left’s belief that people are easily manipulated is misplaced. Thinking, rational individuals will resist the insidious call or suggestion to violence and they will not forget what these individuals said. “Neither so outrageous or violent at first. The poison had worked its way into our soul, the effects becoming less visible to us as they become more ordinary.” Harvey Mansfield was correct, but the people are noticing. Point it out, leave out the shock, because it is not shocking

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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