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Obama lied on refugee vetting program

Does anyone recall the assurances that Barack Obama gave the entire nation about a robust two-year vetting process that incoming refugees went through before they were allowed to enter the United States? Most doubted that a refugee could wait two years in a camp in Syria or Jordan and still be living after that period of time, much less make it to the United States, but our Barry assured us that this was the case.

Recently DHS Secretary John Kelly exposed this vetting process as a lie. Obama used it to get his terrorist pals into the United States where they could continue his “fundamental transformation of America” via different means. Mr. Kelly told us that only those Syrian refugees with passports were vetted, but Those without passports were just allowed in considering the impossibility of vetting a person who is from a government that doesn‘t exist any longer. And consider for a moment how many Syrian civilians have passports at all. Is Syria a nation of sufficient wealth these last 70 years that its people have active passports to travel to Europe and the rest of the Middle East? It turns out that some refugees have no documents at all and are lucky if they have a spare shirt to wear, let alone an updated set of documents from a legitimate, existing government.

Obama and his criminal administration lied about everything they were asked about, and as Donald Trump attempts to put some sanity and honesty back into government he is savaged by the leftist press every step of the way and blocked by leftist judges from putting in place practices that could protect Americans from terrorist attacks from our sworn enemies.

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Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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