California Governor Jerry Brown was in the news again last week, with a startling “revelation”. He declared a State of Fiscal Emergency after looking at California’s budget, as California is 25.5 billion in the red. People seem to forget that this is the exact same declaration former Governor Swarzenegger made just last month, and which the California Democratic Legislature chooses to ignore, year after year after year. This is proof positive that irresponsible voting has consequences, and in this case disastrous ones. Dreaming of a liberal utopia where everything is free,while fiscal responsibility is non-existent, is more an act of childish ignorance instead of a responsible State government. It is also ridiculous when Liberals try to blame their fiscal insanity on Republicans, considering the fact that Republicans haven’t controlled the California Legislature since the 1950’s.*

While California’s looming bankruptcy is the culmination of decades of fiscal irresponsibility and the general incompetence of their Democratic officials, there are main causes of this problem that must be identified. Union pensions play a very big part and high taxation has also proven to drive businesses out. These two are obvious examples of causes of the impending bankruptcy of California. There is a semi-hidden cause that few people seem to want to acknowledge here that just astounds me. S Government Info gives us some insight here: **

In hosting America’s largest population of illegal immigrants, California bears a huge cost to provide basic human services for this fast growing, low-income segment of its population. A new study from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) examines the costs of education, health care and incarceration of illegal aliens, and concludes that the costs to Californians is $10.5 billion per year.

“California’s addiction to ‘cheap’ illegal alien labor is bankrupting the state and posing enormous burdens on the state’s shrinking middle class tax base,” stated Dan Stein, President of FAIR. “Most Californians, who have seen their taxes increase while public services deteriorate, already know the impact that mass illegal immigration is having on their communities, but even they may be shocked when they learn just how much of a drain illegal immigration has become.

The Dream Act is already being applied in California via Federally Illegal Sanctuary Cities

In discovering the massive cost liabilities of Illegal immigrants in California, why would they continue down this path towards economic destruction? Surely they don’t think the rest of the country will be willing to bail them out with Federal taxpayer funds? The reality of the situation is that this isn’t anything about a “Dream.” Dreams are based in pleasant thoughts. This is a nightmare. Here is some truth in  Liberal California Dreamin about the Dream Act:

From :Ten Things you need to know about the Dream Act, by Senator Jeff Sessions. ***

1. The DREAM Act Is NOT Limited to Children, And It Will Be Funded On the Backs Of Hard Working, Law-Abiding Americans2. The DREAM Act PROVIDES SAFE HARBOR FOR ANY ALIEN, Including Criminals, From Being Removed or Deported If They Simply Submit An Application

3.Certain Criminal Aliens Will Be Eligible For Amnesty Under The DREAM Act

4. Estimates Suggest That At Least 2.1 Million Illegal Aliens Will Be Eligible For the DREAM Act Amnesty. In Reality, We Have No Idea How Many Illegal Aliens Will Apply

5. Illegal Aliens Will Get In-State Tuition Benefits

6. The DREAM Act Does Not Require That An Illegal Alien Finish Any Type of Degree (Vocational, Two-Year, or Bachelor’s Degree) As A Condition of Amnesty

7. The DREAM Act does not require that an illegal alien serve in the military as a condition for amnesty, and There is ALREADY A Legal Process In Place For Illegal Aliens to Obtain U.S. Citizenship Through Military Service

8. Despite Their Current Illegal Status, DREAM Act Aliens Will Be Given All The Rights That Legal Immigrants Receive—Including The Legal Right To Sponsor Their Parents and Extended Family Members For Immigration

9. Current Illegal Aliens Will Get Federal Student Loans, Federal Work Study Programs, and Other Forms of Federal Financial Aid

10. DHS Is Prohibited From Using the Information Provided By Illegal Aliens Whose DREAM Act Amnesty Applications Are Denied To Initiate Their Removal Proceedings or Investigate or Prosecute Fraud in the Application Process

Sources: * ** ***


Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and GETTR

Published by
Rich Mitchell

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