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CPAC 2011 Rocks on Day 2

Many big name conservative stars hit the stage for day 2 at the Conservative political Action Conference of 2011. With the rowdy applause and cheering reminiscent of a 70’s rock concert, the enthusiasm was pumped up to incredible levels by a wide variety of solid, hard-hitting, Patriotic speeches. While the messages contained the basic conservative Teaparty theme of smaller, more accountable government, less taxes and regulation, with a return to our Constitutional principles, we learned that these messages could be expressed in an amazingly wide variety of ways.

Day 2 saw the emergence of  idiotic attention seekers such as a Sarah Palin look alike and the asinine antics of an appearance of Jimmy McMillan of the Rent is Too Damn High Party.  CBS was even foolish enough to headline it “Jimmy McMillan Takes CPAC by Storm.” I will not link to the  CBS attack piece on all things conservative by one Brian Montopoli, as it is nothing short of childish liberal rubbish and not even close to real journalism. This does show how low CBS will go today in promoting the Obama-led Liberal trashing of America. Just when I thought they couldn’t get any lower in the respect department, they did.

Once again we saw hecklers seeking their 15 seconds of fame when Senator Orin Hatch was decent enough to answer questions. While one person asked the question of why Hatch voted for the wall street bailouts, the crowd rudely screamed and would hardly let Hatch even answer the question. Again, these people are an embarrassment to all conservatives across the nation, not to mention the fuel they will add to the Liberal attack pieces sure to point out their childish antics. If we want our reps to answer questions to get an insight of why they did something, this is no way to go about it. Plus, this will also make them hesitant to take the stage next year. It got so bad at one point that the panel’s moderator had to step in  and express his disgust with these people who seemed more intent on scolding and screaming at  Senator Hatch, then letting him explain his position at the time of his vote for the bailouts. He apologized for it, yet they continued to act more like SEIU thugs than conservatives or teapartiers.

Day 2 at CPAC was launched by another Presidential hopeful in 2012, Mitt Romney. While his speech did contain an all encompassing rally against the Liberal big government of today, he seems to have skirted the Obamacare debate all together. Many consider him unelectable due to his creation of the failed Romneycare of Massachusetts. Compared to the rest of the firey speeches to come on Friday, Romney’s speech was pretty much forgotten an hour after it was given.

Rep. Tom Price (GA) took the stage at 11;15. Mr. Price said that there was an energy at this year’s CPAC that he didn’t remember being their last year. Most of that energy was good. Mr. Price mentioned the nasty heckling that Cheney, Rumsfeld and Hatch endured in stating, “That’s part of CPAC, isn’t it?”  Why can’t we all just get along may have been a more appropriate question there. Mr. Price addressed the gay conservative group GOProud being at CPAC  as the more conservatives the better. Rep Prices speech seemed to be well-written, with a theme he summed up with a quote from Samuel Adams. ”  It doesn’t take a majority to prevail – but an irate and tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” With statements like that Rep Price has certainly aligned himself with the grassroots Teaparty of America.

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (TN) used her time at CPAC to concentrate on the FCC and their attempt at regulating the internet with no Congressional participation. While her speech detailed the need to stop the FCC,  she largely ignored the many pressing issues the 112th Congress is facing today, such as raising the debt ceiling, Obmacare repeal, Patriot act extensions etc. While I enjoyed her speech, my research showed her to have voted for many Liberal big gov’t policies such as increased foreign aid, increased UN payments, and pretty much increased spending across the board. No wonder she ignored the issues that have led to 14 trillion in debt today. She has voted to increase that debt at every turn. Do you hear me Teaparty members and conservatives from Tennessee? How did this big spending, big government RINO get invited to the CPAC ?

At noon on Friday they gave out an award for the Conservative blogger of the year. It went to Mr. Javier Manjarres of  The Shark Tank, which happens to be here in my Florida and to which get daily updates from. I have to be honest here, in stating that I know of no less than 30 more qualified conservative bloggers who were more deserving of this award, IMO. Who voted for this ?

Next to speak on Friday at CPAC 2011 was Sen. John Barrasso (WY) who also happens to be a doctor. His main topic was Obamacare and he addressed it’s failures and unconstitutionality very well. Sen. Barrasso gave us a Doctors perspective as to why Obamacare must be repealed, filled with many real life examples of the coming danger to America’s healthcare system that Obamacare will bring. Of note, Barrasso said the new House Republican majority had “kept its promise” to voters by advancing a repeal of the healthcare law. “Now it’s the Senate’s turn,” he said.  In my opinion, this is one Senator who might make a good President if he chose to run.

Next to speak was my pick for President in 2012, Sen. John Thune. (SD)  In his low-key speaking style, Sen Thune took a big swipe at the Obama administration and big government Liberals with the statement of, “”President Obama likes to talk about winning the future, but someone ought to tell him: You can’t win the prosperity of tomorrow if you’re mortgaging it to pay for the big government programs of today.”  That sums it up very well, in my opinion. No one candidate will be perfect in 2012, yet i will put Sen. Thune’s record of staunch conservative principals against any other candidate mentioned today.

Later on , former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty also received a rousing ovation when he took the stage. Take note that at this time it was reported that many Ron Paul supporters had entered, and I addressed some of their rude behavior in my Day 1 report here at CDN.  Pawlenty captured the audience with personal stories of his life and growing up in St Paul in a blue collar family that endured many hardships, including losing his mother while a teenager. He summed it all up in saying, “”At a young age, I saw up close the face of loss, the face of hardship, the face of losing a job and I saw in the mirror something else: the face of a very uncertain future,” he said. “I know Americans are feeling that way today. I know that feeling ? I’ve lived it.” Mr. Pawlenty certainly has to be appealing to grassroots conservative voters disgusted with out elitist, out of touch government of today.

Next up came Libertarian and former presidential candidate, Rep.. Ron Paul (TX). While most conservative Americans can agree with many parts of Ron Paul’s libertarian values, we all know he is as Donald Trump stated, “unelectable.” Maybe that was at the heart of the Paul supporters rudeness at CPAC this year. I have admired Paul’s firey speeches for many years and he usually makes a solid presentation of his views of how America should be. While he did that again this year, there was also something else evident in his speech: He either has some serious health issues or he appears to becoming mentally unstable at times, or both. Watch his speech and judge for yourself.  I mean no disrespect to Mr. Paul and his many years of serving our country here, but when we see signs of instability in someone,  especially a member of our government or congress, its high time we speak up and make arrangements to have them removed for the good of the country.

After Ron Paul’s speech came what I viewed as the best speech of the CPAC so far, from Texas Governor Rick Perry. It was very emotional, yet delivered in a way that  has to vault him to the top of possible 2012 presidential candidates, should he chose to run. This was an amazing conservative shout-out to all Americans opposed to the Liberal mess of a government we have today. Gov. Perry threw the crowd a curve-ball when he asked them to pull out their phones and text “FED UP” to the number he gave them. A return text from the number asks supporters to visit, which features a petition to stop the “pervasive embrace of bailouts.”  A smooth move by Gov. Perry to get more people involved in stopping  the big gov’t expansion we see today. Gov. Perry closed his speech with the statement,  “We can restore this nation to its preeminence in the world. There is no other greater cause in our time.” Well said Governor, now about 2012………

Herman Cain, former Godfathers Pizza CEO, a Teaparty favorite and potential presidential candidate in 2012 was up next, and he fired up the crowd with his hard-hitting unique style of telling it like it is. The crowd roared when Mr. Cain said, “the American Dream is under attack,” and that “stupid people are ruining America.” As they say, sometimes the truth hurts people, and Herman certainly put a hurting on the ignorants running our country into the ground up in DC today. I love this guy’s attitude and approach towards the need  for real tough conservatism today. Cain’s speech included a swipe at liberals playing the racist card saying,  “They call me racist too just because I disagree with a President who happens to be black,” he continued. He told the crowd: “You are not racists — you are patriots.” Mr Cain concluded, to a standing ovation: “The United States of America will not become the United States of Europe.” This man is the exact opposite of Barack Obama. He is a successful businessman, not a career rabble rousing community organizer who needs to play the race card to hide his incompetence as Obama has shown to be. Mr. Cain believes in the U. S constitution, which Obama skirts and ignores at every chance he gets today. Mr. Cain relishes the chance to talk and answer questions about the direction our country is headed and possible solutions. Barack Husein Obama hides like a Tyrant and avoids the very people he is supposed to serve when they demand answers for his blatant Anti-American policies . Yes sir, Herman Cain is the Anti-Obama. He will definitely make the primaries in 2012 very interesting to say the least. I would love to see a debate, moderated by a Teaparty member with no pre-set questions between Herman and every single one of the RINO pretenders in 2012.

CPAC 2011 was certainly rocking on Friday!   Saturday should be very interesting with Andrew Breitbart, Haley Barbour, David Horowitz, John Bolton, Jonah Goldberg, Ann Coulter, and Lt Col. Allen West among the speakers scheduled.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and GETTR

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Rich Mitchell

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