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FCC Gameplans to Shut Down Patriot Talk Radio

The FCC is quietly planning an all out assault on free speech and Conservative/Patriot talk radio in America. In a report from, Mr. Morris outlines how the FCC, with the blockage of the Fairness Doctrine by Congress, will once again do an end around Congress and try to silence free speech through regulatory gimmickry. Mr. Morris makes 3 very valid points on their plans in his new book REVOLT! :

First, the FCC led by another Obama appointed Czar named Mark LLoyd*   Who just  happens to be another radical along the lines of one self-avowed Communist Van Jones, will attempt to shorten the radio license period from the now required renewal of 8 years, to requiring re-licensingevery 4 years. This would give the radical progressives under LLoyd’s direction life and death decision-making powers over all radio stations before the people get rid of Obama and all of his appointed radical cronies. Time is of the essence here, and they know it. These types of actions have been commonplace from within the Obama administration and his radical lapdogs for the entire time he has been in office. They are trying to make Congress powerless, and to an extent they already have. These radicals are not elected by the people, therefore have no authority to create laws that support their progressive agenda of stifling any opposition to their Socialist utopian ideology.

Next up in the FCC”s game-plan to stop Americans from speaking up against their agenda is in requiring all radio stations to produce 25% of their programming locally.  This would make it economically impossible for stations to be broadcast nationwide for free, therefore shutting a number of them down. Talk radio listeners have every right to listen to the station of their choice, regardless of what Mr. Lloyd’s Socialistic wishes are in this situation. keep in mind that while all of this is going on, NPR and PBS suck off millions of taxpayer dollars to basically promote the Democratic agenda  on a yearly basis. The wife of  Democratic Senator Jay Rockefeller,  Sharon Percy Rockefeller, is CEO at WETA, the Washington DC PBS affiliate, and her compensation for 2009  was a very capitalistic $447,166.00. Her husband votes and lobbies for funding for PBS, a direct conflict of interest that is illegal at its base. So anyone trying to say PBS and NPR aren’t politically biased towards Democrats, needs to see that documented reality check I just laid down there. Why would the taxpayers allow the wife of a Democratic Senator, who also happens to already be filthy rich, bilk the taxpayers for a salary larger than the President of the United States?

The last set of  illegal plans coming out of the FCC and the radical FCC czar Mark Lloyd to shut down free speech in talk radio seem to come right out of Obama’s fake social justice scams using the very same community organizing scheme that allowed him to lie his way into the White-house in 2008.  The FCC wants to establish “Community Advisory Boards” to report on whether the radio stations are “satisfying the needs of the community.”  More illegally appointed “advisors” would be given the authority to provide the basis for denying radio broadcasting licenses to anyone who doesn’t agree with the Liberal agenda, and of course the Democratic Party that they have heavily infested today.

To top the agenda off, the FCC wants the power to fine stations for failing to “comply with the community advisory boards” with the fines being paid directly to the FCC ! This would be the final piece in making Liberal ideology the de-facto law in radio broadcasting across the land! In a country where the radical Liberals already control the Main Stream media which receive their talking points memo’s from the Obama administration Liberal Democratic propaganda operatives, the censoring and financial threats to free speech and talk radio represent a very clear and present danger to America today. The FCC must be stripped of this false, self-appointed authority today, whether it takes de-funding them, or deleting this tyrannical band of radical misfits program all together.

Congress needs to get on this situation and do it today, instead of letting it sneak by while the Liberals put up the distraction of the phony budget debate that is going on now.


Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and GETTR

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Rich Mitchell

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