Florida Rail Project Decision Due Today

The two people pictured at the left here are State Senator Arthenia Joyner (D-Tampa) and State Senator Thad Altman (R-Melborne). Fore those of you not familar with Florida, Melbourne is on the far side of Eastern Florida, which is nowhere near the path of this High Speed Rail scheme.  I,d like to hear Mr. Altman’s explanation as to why he saw himself as needing to join a Tampa-Orlando rail dispute here. He sure does balance out the picture there doesn’t he? The perfect stage prop and puppet. This isn’t any of your business Altman so butt out. As far as Joyner is concerned, lets take a look at her wealth of experience that makes her such an expert on this project that she can threaten a lawsuit against our duly elected Governor, shall we? In her Florida State legislature bio* , we see once again a Democrat posing as a “lawyer” with zero credible experience at actually being a lawyer. All fluff and no substance as they say. From https://myfloridahouse.gov/ we see the truth :

Biographical Information
Occupation: Attorney; Public School Teacher, 1964-1965
Education: •Florida A&M University College of Law, J.D., 1968
•Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University, B.S., Political Science, 1964

Born: February 3, 1943 in Lakeland, Florida
Religious Affiliation: African Methodist Episcopal
Recreation: Reading, traveling

1 year of working experience, then a bunch of apointments and fluffy awards, as we can see here:

Other Public Service
•University Community Hospital Trustee, 1986-Present
•National Labor Caucus, Executive Committee, 2004
•Hillsborough Head Start Community Foundation Board, Inc., Board of Directors, 2002
•Federal Aviation Authority Management Advisory Council, 2000-2001
•Florida A&M University Foundation, Board of Directors, 1996-2000
•Hillsborough County Aviation Authority, 1991-1999
•Tampa Bay Partnership, Policy Board, 1993-1999
•U.S. Delegation United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, China, 1995
•Governor’s Commission on African-American Affairs, 1993-1994
•Hillsborough County Overall Economic Development Committee, 1992-1994
•Tampa Economic Development Board, Board of Directors, 1992-1994
•U.S. Delegation World Population and Development Conference, Cairo, Egypt, 1994
•Clinton-Gore Administration, Justice-Civil Rights Transition Cluster, Senior Advisory Council, 1993
•Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce, Board of Governors, Executive Committee, Minority Economic Development Council, 1990-1993
•Florida Supreme Court Racial and Ethnic Bias Commission, 1990-1991
•Governor’s Commission on Government for the People, 1991
•Bay Area Legal Services, Board of Directors, 1977-1986, 1990
•City of Tampa General Employees Pension Fund, Board of Trustees, 1988-1990
•Hillsborough County Partners in Progress Committee, 1989
•Travelers Aid Society, Inc., Board of Directors, 1980-1988
•Governor’s Task Force on the Black Family, 1986
•Helping Hand Day Nursery, Board of Directors, 1978-1986
•Hillsborough County Charter Review Board, 1985-1986
•State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Committee, 1984-1986
•Hillsborough Community Housing Resource Board, 1984-1985
•Criminal Justice Planning Council of Hillsborough County, Charter Member, 1974-1984
•Hillsborough County School Board, Citizen Advisory Committee, 1983-1984
•Florida Probation & Parole Qualifications Selection Committee, 1977
•YWCA, Board of Directors, 1976-1977
•Hillsborough County Nursing Home Ombudsman Committee, 1975
•Tampa Urban League, Board of Directors, 1975
•Legal Assistant to Representative Joe Lang Kershaw, Florida House of Representatives, 1969

That certainly looks impressive, unless you ask yourself one small question: “Has this woman ever accomplished anything in the real working world that would have us believe she understands the logistics of this high speed rail plan?”How about any engineering, accounting or business degrees? Take a good close look, this Congresswoman hasn’t accomplished anything along those lines in her life. She didn’t even prove herself to be an accomplished or experienced successful lawyer at any point in her life. All those fluffy awards above point to one thing and only one thing: Another fake lawyer/career politician has been injected into Florida Congress through the Democratic Party once again. What right does she have threatening a bogus lawsuit against our duly elected Governor Scott for doing what we elected him to do? ZERO She needs to be ousted in the 2012 elections, just for her part in this madness and ignorance.

Butt out Joyner, this trickery and phony bluff of a lawsuit is not only a disgusting display of ignorance on your part, it is also unwanted by over 95% of the people here in Tampa that I have interviewed about it. When people are told the truth, they see the the power grab being done by career politicians trying to enhance their reelection chances here, plain and simple.

The Governor is acting on his mandated authority to create a balanced budget plan, which is in the Florida Constitution. maybe you should go back to law school and study up, then you wouldn’t look so ignorant here with this phony lawsuit. No taxes will be levied on the people of Florida without the Governor’s signature. What part of that doesn’t the esteemed lawyer not understand?  No businessman in his right mind will ever sign on to take billions of dollars in losses and agree to pay the operating costs of thisRail scheme for decades to come, so yes it would involve tax dollars being sucked out of Floridians wallets eventually, thus Governor Scott’s decision. I stand behind the Governor’s decision, whether you approve or not.  I do this because as I have stated before, Iwill put Rick Scott’s business experience and budgetary knowledge up against all the fake law degrees you career politicians can print up when it comes to the Florida budget plan and this trojan horse tax being sold as an economic boom for Floridians. Clear enough?

Stay tuned folks, as today at 9am there is supposed to be a “ruling” from some more politically connected judges down here in Florida on the viability of this phony threatened lawsuit. In the end, as I have outlined above, the lawsuit has no merit whatsoever! The only problem with that is today we see more and more self-important Judges making unlawful decisions based on political ideology or Party affiliation. Will we see this fluff-lawsuit put to rest today, as the Rule of law and the Florida Constitution mandate, or will wee see another politically motivated injustice hoisted onto the backs of the Florida taxpayers?

Related information: https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150093382352687 This is from a Senate Budget Committee hearing, which exposes just how out of touch our government is today regarding spending our tax dollars.

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee, submitted the following statement at today’s hearing to consider the Department of Transportation’s FY 2012 budget request, which increases spending by 62 percent and assumes $435 billion in additional, unexplained revenue:

“Thank you, Secretary LaHood, for joining us today as we examine the president’s budget and his request for a stunning 62-percent increase in transportation funding.

“And now this budget will further undermine America’s infrastructure by using foreign loans to pay for costly and unnecessary projects—such as high speed rail—while the Highway Trust Fund remains empty.” (emphasis mine)


* https://www.flsenate.gov/Senators/s018

DJ Redman

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DJ Redman

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