Categories: Opinion

Garth Brooks to Obama: I’m Shameless

“I think he’s trying his heart out. I love him to death!”

This quote came from someone that I would have least expected it to come from, especially about the person that was being discussed.

The once legendary country music star Garth Brooks is the person who said these words. The person he spoke so highly of is President Barack Obama. When I heard this very recent interview, you could have knocked me over with a feather, I was so shocked! It appears as though Mr. Brooks “fully” supports the President.

I am sure many people reading this may wonder why I am so surprised that a celebrity would be so enamored with the President. Throughout the campaign most of Hollywood has stumbled over themselves to make sure the world knew of their undying love for him.

However, most country music stars are more Conservative in their political views. Yes, I did say most country music stars, because I do realize that there are some who have been in country music who are far from Conservative. Oh, let me think- one group that comes to mind is The Dixie Chicks. I do find it interesting that with the exception of a couple of compilation albums of the “Greatest Hits” re-released, the Dixie Chicks have pretty much fallen off the face of the earth. Could it be because most country music fans tend to be more Conservative in their views, and when Natalie Mains went on her condemning rant of President George W. Bush many of their fans refused to support them any longer?

Now, I must admit, as a lady who absolutely loves country music, I was a Garth Brooks fan for many years. Notice I said was a Garth Brooks fan! I find his past behavior a bit neurotic- retiring, coming out of retirement, releases an album with an alias identity, going back into retirement, and now evidently he is back out of retirement and doing shows in Las Vegas. Maybe there is a reason for all of his confusion and indecisiveness.

It seems that maybe his confusion was caused by something none of us could have ever imagined. It appears to have been a very well-kept secret up until this point. But it appears as though the true object of his deep, soulful crooning from the very depths of his heart have been finally revealed. Strangely, it’s actually all beginning to make sense now!

Garth Brooks loves President Obama- to death! Wow! That is a very deep and soulful admission, Mr. Brooks!

While I supported President George W. Bush in a lot of his policies, there were many I did not. One thing I do love about President Bush- I never once doubted his love for this country and his commitment to keep her safe. Did I always agree with everything he did and every decision he made? Absolutely not! And I most certainly have never said, “I love him to death!”

So, in thinking about this latest interview with Mr. Brooks, I really began to think long and hard about some of his song lyrics! The song that comes to mind that seems to speak the true feelings of Garth Brooks’ heart is his seventh Number 1 hit “Shameless”, which was on his album Ropin’ The Wind. The song itself was released on September 10, 2001.

Things are starting to actually make a lot of sense now! Billy Joel is actually the one who wrote the lyrics of “Shameless”.  And it has been no secret at all that Billy Joel is a very strong supporter of Barack Obama!

Barack Obama graduated from Harvard Law School in 1991. He then returned to Chicago, where that same year, he accepted a two-year teaching position as Visiting Law and Government Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School.

One can only assume, now that Garth Brooks’ true feelings for Mr. Obama have been revealed, that maybe the fateful crossing of their paths happened when Garth Brooks was touring around the country giving concerts and promoting his albums to sell out crowds. Who would’ve known?! The name Barack Obama was not known to many people at all, outside of his circle of questionable friends.

So, in light of this recent interview, the lyrics of the song “Shameless” most definitely shed new light to the situation.

“Well I’m shameless when it comes to loving you”
Garth Brooks most certainly showed no shame at all in his love and support of President Obama. While many of those who previously supported him in his campaign have recently come out to say they no longer support him, Garth Brooks says he “loves him to death!” I certainly do not hear any shame in his words or voice with that statement!
“And I’m standing here for all the world to see”
Garth Brooks most certainly stood for all the world to see his undying love for the President that many have referred to as “the worst President in the history of this nation”.  It most certainly makes you wonder about the judgment of a man who “fully supports” a President who has made countless poor decisions- or, should I say indecisions in his still ongoing presidency.

“And I’m changing, swore I’d never compromise”
Garth Brooks… or is it Chris Gaines... certainly knows a lot about changing!  He’s retiring. He’s not retiring. He is no longer Garth Brooks. He’s Chris Gaines. Oh, wait! No! He is Garth Brooks! But, now Garth Brooks is retiring. Again. Oh, but wait! Now Garth Brooks is coming out of retirement yet again and now taking his show to Vegas!

“I’ve never had so much to lose
Oh, I’m shameless.

Well, Mr. Brooks, you do have a lot of fans to lose! I can assure you that most country music fans are hard-working, tax-paying citizens of a country they love! They are watching a man who calls himself the leader of the free world do nothing but work to put this nation into bondage and slavery! And you “fully support him”? You “love him to death”? You may be shameless, but I am most assuredly ashamed of you! You had an opportunity to be the voice of your fans and let the President know that he is destroying the working men and women of this nation! Unemployment is unsightly! He places a moratorium on our off-shore drilling, thereby taking away even more jobs; yet, he goes to Brazil and does everything he can to boost their off-shore drilling! Yes, Mr. Brooks, I am deeply ashamed of you, and for you!

“You know it should be easy for a man who’s strong
To say he’s sorry or admit when he’s wrong

Mr. Brooks, will you admit that you are wrong in this? I highly doubt it! How unfortunate! Maybe your next career should be politics! You will fit right in with the elitism, hypocrisy and butt-kissing! Because it will surprise me if you are able to sell enough tickets in Vegas to say you even have a career after your shameful statements!

“Oh, I’m shameless, shameless as a man can be
You make a total fool of me
I just wanted to you to know.”

No… Mr. Obama did not make a fool of you, Mr. Brooks. YOU did that all by yourself! I hope it was worth just wanting to let him know so all the world could see!

Yes, Mr. Garth Brooks… you are indeed shameless! To quote another song that was not written by you, but one that you ended many of your concerts with…..

“A long, long time ago…
I can still remember
How that music used to make me smile.”

I will try to smile when I remember the Garth Brooks I knew and loved once before… a long, long time ago. Your music did most certainly make me smile! Now, it will only make me sad to wonder if you ever believed in the people who supported you and your music career- the hard-working American people! Because if you truly believed in us you would know for certain that we do not fully support the decisions of Barack Obama! He is destroying this nation and everything she stands for! Your “words of undying love and encouragement” only spur him on more! Thanks for nothing!

“But something touched me deep inside
The day the music died.
So bye-bye,
Ms. American Pie…”
Yes, something has touched me deep inside- deep down inside my heart that aches for this nation! She is becoming a mere shadow of what I grew up knowing and loving! When I heard you “stand for all the world to see” how much you supported the man who has called the God-fearing citizens of this country his enemies I am ashamed to say I ever supported you!

Bye, bye, Ms. American Pie! This country as we have known is disappearing! And bye, bye, Garth Brooks! I can no longer support you! You have sold me out, as well as the rest of my fellow citizens who are fighting so diligently for this country we love so dearly! Every day we are standing up and exposing the atrocities from our government- from both sides! You are doing nothing but selling us down the river! You have gained your fame and fortune on the backs of the hard working American citizens who bought your albums and bought very expensive concert tickets to see you perform! I wonder if you will still be shameless when this is all said and done!


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