U.S Attorney General Eric Holder was in the news recently in an attempt to announce what most Americans already knew, that there will be no show-trial for 911 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Khalid Mohammed will be tried at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba in a military tribunal, as Congress and the majority of Americans demanded in the first place. In six short months Americans will mark the tenth anniversary of the 911 Muslim terrorist attacks on the twin towers in N.Y.C. that resulted in the deaths of over 3000 innocent people. This has been ten long years of disgusting political posturing and an obvious overabundance of incompetence on display here, that further undermines the credibility of the U.S. Government, and specifically the Department of Justice.
Holder said Monday that he has “full faith and confidence” in the military commission system and that the Department of Justice will support the Department of Defense’s lead on the cases. Holder said that DoJ would continue to prosecute other suspected terrorists in civilian courts. (emphasis mine)
“Let me be very clear — our national security demands that we continue to prosecute terrorists in federal courts, and we will do so,” said Holder
So there you have it folks, the Attorney General of the United States of America says that it doesn’t matter that Congress says terrorists should be tried in military trials, or what the taxpayers feel about it, he will move forward with expensive show-trials of terrorists in the future. Holder also had to get a campaign plug in for Obama breaking his promise to close Gitmo, and stated that these military trials will probably extend the time that Gitmo is kept open. What he fails to say there is that if he had proceeded with the military trials that had been prepared for for many years, that would be a non-issue as far as extending Gitmo. Now it is being used as an excuse for Obama’s broken campaign promise.
This has been nothing more than a politicized battle over one simple thing, and that is the fact that these are enemy combatants who were waging war against the United States, and therefor should be tried in military courts. Holder, on the other hand, views this as a chance to placate Muslims while at the same time enriching his crony-lawyers at the expense of the taxpayer. Both democrats and republicans have expressed their desire and reasons to continue with the military trials, and evidence of this is found further on in the above linked Hill.com article:
Smith, King and other Republicans argue that suspected terrorists should be treated as enemies captured in the theater of war, and therefore tried using military commissions. But the administration has held that U.S. civilian courts are adequately equipped to handle the cases.
Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), a vocal opponent of holding a civilian trial for the suspects in New York, said he supports the move. “This means with certainty that the trial will not be in New York. While not unexpected, this is the final nail in the coffin of that wrong-headed idea,” he said in a statement.
When Eric Holder brags about how thoroughly he has studied these terrorist cases, and how he knows this case better than our Congress who have held numerous hearings and investigations into thismatter, we only have to look at the outcome of the last civilian trial under the direction of Eric Holder to see what results are achieved. Just last year, after millions and millions of taxpayer dollars for the trial of admitted murderer and terrorist Ahmed Ghaliani for the bombing of two U.S. embassies in Africa, we saw Ghaliani acquitted on more than 224 counts of murder and numerous other charges. So much for Eric Holder’s vaunted version seeking any form of true justice.
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