Chris Christie: 2012 Presidential Profile

Update: August 16, 2011– Speculation still continues to swirl around a possible run for the White House by Chris Christie. See “In The News” for updated news article.

Chris Christie has said numerous times that he will not be running for President of The United States of America in 2012. In fact, after much speculation, rumors, pleas, suggestions and questions regarding a possible run for leader of the free world Mr. Christie made the comment that it looked like the only thing that would prove he is not running for President is to commit suicide.

It has been reported that Roger Ailes and Rush Limbaugh met with Chris Christie to ask him to run for President. It appears as though Mr. Christie stood his ground, even with El Rushbo and the Chairman of Fox News.

I am a member of the crowd who would absolutely love for Chris Christie to throw his hat into the ring.  I am sure it is wishful thinking on my part, as well as the other people who fall into the category I do.

Even though Chris Christie says he is adamently opposed to entering the presidential race, let’s dig deeper into the facts about New Jersey’s new governor. We’ve seen him stand toe to toe with the teacher’s unions. We know he is exactly what this country needs fiscally. But is he a true Conservative?

Personal Information

Chris Christie was born in Newark, New Jersey on September 6, 1962 to Bill and Sondra Christie. He was raised in Livingston, New Jersey. With the exception of when he was in college, he has lived in New Jersey all of his life, so he “has a deep affection and strong commitment to New Jersey.”

He is of Irish and Sicilian descent.

Religious Affiliation
Roman Catholic

1986- Chris Christie married his college sweetheart, Mary Pat. They have four children. The family currently lives in Mendham Township, New Jersey.

1980- Graduated from Livingston High School
1984- Graduated from the University of Delaware with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science
1987- Graduated from Seton Hall University School of Law with a Juris Doctor degree

Official Lawyer
December 1987- Admitted to the Bar of the State of New Jersey
December 1987- Admitted to the Bar of the United States District Court, District of New Jersey

Legal Career
1987- Dughi, Hewit & Palatucci, a lawfirm in Cranford, New Jersey where it wasn’t long before he made partner
2002- Was named U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey
Served as one of the 17 U.S. Attorneys on the Attorney General Alberto Gonzales’ advisory committee

Political Affiliations

Political Career
2009- Elected as Governor of the State of New Jersey
January 2010- Took office as Governor of New Jersey
1999 to 2001- Lobbyist on behalf of GPU Energy, Securities Industry Association, Hackensack University Medical Center, Univeristy of Phoenix and other companies for various issues
November 2009- Elected as Governor of New Jersey, took office January 2010

Civic Affiliations
1994- Elected to the Board of Chosen Freeholders in Morris County
1997- Director of the Board- Morris County
Liaison for Morris County Department of Human Services
Little League Basketball Coach
Former Board Member of Mendham’s Daytop Village

Political Accomplishments
In his position as the chief federal law enforcement officer in New Jersey (U.S. Attorney), he was praised by leaders of both the Democrat and Republican parties for his efforts in fighting political corruption, corporate crime, human trafficking, gangs, terrorism and polluters. He also gained national attention for his fight in each of these areas.

Chris Christie has proven that he does not care what political party you are affiliated with or how many political connections you have, if you break the law he takes action! Under his leadership, his office won convictions or guilty pleas from more than 130 public officials- on both sides of the aisle. He and his team never lost a single case.

When he left the U.S. Attorney’s office  in 2008, he was praised by every major newspaper in the state of New Jersey for his accomplishments as New Jersey’s US Attorney.

War on Terror
Chris Christie has been in the thick of the battle in the War on Terror. No, he is not in the military, but he led the team that prevented a terrorist attack at Fort Dix.

Chris Christie is known for standing up to the political games and underhanded dealings of the political elite. He has made it very clear that he will not tolerate the abuse of power by elected officials or stealing from the taxpayers in New Jersey.

On The Issues
Pro-Life– says every human life is precious
Marriage is strictly between one man and one woman
Pro-Economic growth, pro-jobs, pro-business
Supports making manufacturing a priority
Says we “can and must” lower taxes
Supports cutting taxes and the cost of doing business in New Jersey
Supports making New Jersey’s health insurance more affordable for small businesses
Supports cutting wasteful spending and enacting more fiscal watchdogs
Strong stand against child pornography and human trafficking
Supports eliminating the special interest labor union loopholes
Public education system if failing. Accountability for teachers and administration needs to be increased.
Supports renewable energy
Supports incentive energy manufacturing and wind turbines
Supports eliminating dual office-holding, dual public employment and conflicts of interest
Supports line item veto
Supports putting all legislation online
Supports eliminating the legislature conflicts of interest
Supports changing the ethics laws to require strict disclosure
Believes government officials should be held accountable for their actions
Supports putting citizens back in charge of their government
Has a 10-point plan to punish elected officials who commit crimes

The Man With A Plan
One thing is for certain- Chris Christie is a man with a plan! I have been impressed with what I have seen in his now numerous and infamous showdowns with the Teacher’s Unions. He also has a written plan of 88 different ways he will fix New Jersey.  In reading his plan it appears he has an answer for almost every issue we face as a country. He is dealing with the issues on the state level within New Jersey, but the issues he is faced with in governing the state are the very same issues we are facing as a nation. Mr. Christie shows that there can be a realistic way to address each one of these issues. Are we going to agree with every single one of the 88 things he has planned? Absolutely not! I do not believe there is a single person I agree with 100% of the time! However, there is a plan in place. His plan is made public so the people of New Jersey can see what his plan is. Agree with him or not he knows how to get things accomplished!

His Reputation
Chris Christie has been called a lot of things in his short, yet very busy governorship.

He’s been called “a fiscal genius“.

It’s been said he:
“has charisma dripping out of every pore in his body”

It’s been said he “was missing in action

He’s upset:
The Obama Administration (this wins him HUGE points with me!!)

What If He Changes His Mind?
Though there are many speculations as to whether or not he will change his mind, Chris Christie is still standing firm that he will not run for President in 2012. The question has been asked whether or not his reputation will be ruined if he changes his mind between now and October 2012.

I am reminded of  George Washington when in 1787 he was approached- and eventually persuaded- to join the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. It is said that upon hearing that the they wanted him to join the Constitutional Convention, he said (although somewhat disputed) “Have I not yet done enough for my country?” While these exact words may not be the ones he expressed I can imagine it was something very similar.

I can also assume this is very much the way Chris Christie feels, though in a bit of a different sense. While he has not served as President before, and has said that he does not feel that he is ready for the Presidency, I am sure it is quite a daunting thought to think about.  To know that many people have the confidence in you that you may not feel in yourself is probably a bit unnerving.

Then there is what I would consider to probably be the main reason why Chris Christie is not running for President at this point. I know that I have heard him discuss this, but I can just about bet that this is the number one deciding factor in this decision. His family. He is a family man and wants to be a part of his children’s childhood. He wants to be able to coach their basketball teams and other extra-curricular activities. Becoming President of the free world would put a bit of a dent in those plans.

Having this put before him cannot be easy on Chris Christie. I am quite sure he is very well aware of the state of this nation. I admire the fact that he wants to complete a full term in office as governor. But I also see the qualities in him that would make the kind of President we need right now.

We are at a very crucial point in the history of this great nation. We are on a collision course with destruction. If we do not find someone with strong morals and character to stand up and say, “Enough is enough!” when it comes to our budget I just do not see any hope out of the mess we are in. Without a doubt I know Chris Christie would be this man.

Is it fair to ask someone to give up their way of life, sacrifice their family life for the rest of this nation? I don’t know that there is really an answer to that question. What is fair? Life is not fair. I think it goes well beyond asking if it is a fair question or not. What that question is I honestly do not know. But I know that we are in a dire situation.

I believe Chris Christie is the kind of man that is not willing to sell his soul, principles, morals and character out to the lobbyists and special interests. Is he perfect? Absolutely not! But I believe he understands what it takes to lead. There are very few people that are able to make the hard decisions that must be made as a leader. I believe this is what defines a good leader from someone who is in a leadership position. ANYONE can be given a title. It takes an exceptional person to be able to stand up to the naysayers and do what must be done. That is the mark of a true leader.

In Chris Christie I see a good leader. This country needs a good leader right now, more than ever!

Is Mr. Christie the man for the job? Only time will tell!

In The News
Speculation of Chris Christie Presidential Run Continues After Rick Perry Joins Race 
Chris Christie to Obama- You Can’t Lead From Behind 
Chris Christie Out Polls Obama in New Jersey 

On The Web
Due to the fact that Governor Christie is adamant that he will not run for President there is no official campaign website.
State of New Jersey- Governor Chris Christie Official Website
Governor Chris Christie on Twitter
Governor Chris Christie on YouTube


The Official State of New Jersey Website
Conservative New Jersey




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