Categories: Opinion

Dominique Strauss-Kahn – Typical European Leftist

Dominique Strauss-Kahn (a.k.a DSK and  “the great seducer”) is having girl troubles .. again. The International Money Fund (IMF) leader and probable successor to current French president Nicolas Sarkozy was arrested and charged with sexually assaulting a maid in his New York City hotel room.

This is the second time “the great seducer” has been in trouble for his inability to keep things where they belong. In 2008, he was investigated for an improper relationship with a subordinate.

In the current case, the maid alleged that 62 year old DSK  chased her down a hallway and pulled her into a bedroom and forced her to perform oral sex on him. She was able to break free and escape. DSK left quickly after the alleged attack. Police that arrived moments later found a room where Dominique had left his cell phone behind. DSK had supposedly called the hotel from JFK airport to reclaim his phone and police had Port Authority Police detain him

Police said that once brought in, the maid picked DSK out of a line up and he was charged with criminal sex act, attempted rape and unlawful imprisonment. Strauss-Kahn has submitted to a medical forensic examination at police request.

The facts of the case are not why is this such big news in the United States. He’s a socialist and the left is beyond upset that the only socialist that might be able to unseat Sarkozy is possibly now fallen. The Huffington Post is running an op-ed that now is trying to show that maybe DSK wasn’t socialist enough.

But even before this latest scandal broke, Strauss-Kahn didn’t seem like much of a socialist. Last week, the press caught DSK, as the local press calls him, and his wife tooling around in a borrowed $150,000 Porsche, which reinforced his image as wealthy playboy.

Those of us familiar with the true, non-Utopian version of socialist-elitism would disagree. What does socialism look like? This is what socialism looks like!

The left isn’t disappointed in his behavior, they accept the role of women as girls on-the-side and good socialist wives are complicit. Progressive socialists just can’t believe he messed up their chance to retake the French government and return France to it’s former glory as an unsustainable deficit-producing machine as the author makes the point that, “..[Sarkozy’s] deep cuts in French social benefits have led to a search for alternatives.”

As far as progressives are concerned, his lack of morality, disrespect of the woman that is his wife, and lack of respect of the rule of law are nothing to be concerned about. The HuffPo piece continues the distraction by saying that everyone should be focused on the fact that he just isn’t socialist enough.

Strauss-Kahn looks like nothing so much as a faux-left version of Sarkozy, leaving voters to feel that elites, regardless of professed party identity, serve mainly themselves, their own megalomania and tawdry materialism.

Unfortunately, the post’s author, Robert Kuttner couldn’t be more wrong. Leftist candidate’s “leaving voters to feel that elites, regardless of professed party identity, serve mainly themselves, their own megalomania and tawdry materialism” is nothing new. It is the identity of the left. Elitism is a characteristic of the entirety of the extreme left.

  • Nancy Pelosi’s privileged jet rides received no scorn from the American progressive media
  • The press practically praises Obama and Michelle for lavish vacations, constant golf outings and questionable high-profile figures coming to the White House
  • Charlie Rangel should be tried for tax evasion and was instead given a slap on the wrist
  • Maxine Waters allegedly used her influence on bank regulators to the benefit of a bank where her husband was on the board of directors

*not a exhaustive list by any means

We currently have the megalomaniac-in-chief that can’t get through an important speech without a liberal (see what I did there) spraying of the pronouns I and me. I did this, I did that, it was thanks to me..

Consumerism is not a Conservative trait. Entrepreneurship is. Nike shoes, bling, jeans no one can afford, ridiculous cars .. not bastions of the right – but that which is coveted by the left. More, more more – stuff at any cost.

The entirety of the progressive philosophy is to even the field by taking from someone perceived to be stronger and give that material to someone that is thought to be  weaker. If that’s not materialistic, nothing is.

Robert Kuttner doesn’t realize, as most good little progressives don’t, that the things they have come to hate the most are their own progressive, left-wing extremists. They don’t realize it because they believe what they are told. They follow the doctrine. They ignore the facts and the behavior of their heroes – heroes like Dominique Strauss-Kahn.


Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and GETTR

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Rich Mitchell

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