I know that most Americans enjoy watching a good action movie that shows the good guy doing whatever he has to do to get the bad guy to reveal important information, which will save his girlfriend’s life. The ‘average Joe’ among American families has no problem sitting around the big screen TV with popcorn and soda cheering on some super-secret government guy, whom is beating the snot out of some slime ball terrorists because they know where the bomb is. And yet, over and over and over again, I hear and read that most Americans believe this type of harsh, rogue, ‘James Bond-like’ behavior is just wrong. I personally do not believe that most Americans believe that harshly interrogating evil, viscous, anti-American terrorists is wrong. I have had this discussion with hundreds of people and I have yet to find one single American who believes that it is wrong to harshly interrogate the very people who are trying to wipe America off the map. These types of people are well-described in the following Bible passage:
Their feet run to do evil and they rush to commit murder. They think only about sinning. Wherever they go, misery and destruction follow them. They do not know what true peace is or what it means to be just and good. They continually do wrong, and those who follow them cannot experience a moment’s peace. –Isaiah 59:7-8
We have all heard the phrases ‘the lesser of two evils’ and ‘two wrongs don’t make a right’. I never did agree with the ‘two wrongs do not make a right’ idea, because the interpretation of what exactly is a wrong or a right can vary greatly from person to person. For example, there was a time in this country when it could have been death by hanging if a woman purposely killed her unborn baby and was found guilty of murder. Today in America, not only are some women comfortable with killing their unborn children, legitimate doctors are helping these women do just that ! (and with the tax-payer’s money)
Do I personally believe anyone should enjoy inflicting extreme pain or using seemingly other methods of harsh interrogation on terrorists? Absolutely not! The harsh interrogation of evil people is just something that sometimes needs to be done. If these interrogations lead to the arrest or killing of high-powered terrorist leaders than that is good, and justice has prevailed. It is similar to when the guilty child rapist and child murderer finally get his due payment in an electric chair. People basically like to see justice prevail. Even the Lord says that he takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked. However, the Lord has no problem with punishing those he deems wicked, disobedient, rebellious or evil because he considers it justice. I believe it is much more immoral to not do whatever we need to do to get life-saving information out of these worthless, evil terrorists, than it is to not do anything to these savage murderers, and basically let hundreds (if not thousands) of innocent people die! Again, I am not talking about harshly interrogating people who we hope have information, or who we hope might be a terrorist. I am saying if we have hard, clear facts that the person we have in custody is an integral part of a terrorist cell, then let’s treat them like the low-life vermin that they are! I believe harshly interrogating a known terrorist is partial justice in itself. I do not think any known slime-ball terrorist even deserves his or her day in court. We already know they are guilty—they proudly proclaim their guiltiness! I personally believe the just penalty for any known terrorist can begin the moment we capture him or her.
1 Peter 3:10-12 —– For the Scriptures say, “If you want a happy life and good days, keep your tongue from speaking evil, and keep your lips from telling lies. Turn away from evil and do good. Work hard at living in peace with others. The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right, and his ears are open to their prayers. But the Lord turns his face against those who do evil.”
I say that those who are telling you that most Americans believe that torturing evil, hideous, worthless, anti-American terrorists is wrong are, in fact, lying to themselves. I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I would bet that any American with the least amount of brains would agree that even if it took the harsh interrogating of a hundred slime-ball terrorists to save the life of one single innocent person it would have been worth it! As a person who appreciates the moral goodness in life, and who strives to be a good, honest human being, I could care less what we do to fellow human beings who have absolutely no regard for the same moral goodness of life. These evil people also have no problem using innocent children and women to purposely cause terrible and horrific suffering and death.
As an American citizen I expect the leaders in this country to do whatever it takes to keep me safe. As an American citizen I expect police officers to make every effort necessary to try and stop the bad people who want to harm me. As an American citizen I expect that all my federal governmental agencies (i.e. FBI, CIA, military, TFA, HLS, Rambo, Spiderman, Terminator and any other secret covert groups) to do whatever it takes to try to keep me safe while I am living in America. I can pretty much promise you that the vast majority of people who lost loved ones on 9/11 would have praised the Federal Government for doing whatever they had to do to get information out of any terrorists we might have already captured if it would have prevented 9/11 from ever happening. I personally believe that it is asinine to think that it is wrong to use whatever force or technique is necessary to get information from known evil terrorists if it will save American lives!
Why has American become so girly-man when it come to this harsh interrogation stuff? How did this nation ever get so politically correct? I would hope those people who are reading this article would have enough brains to know that I am not condoning the use of torture-like techniques on innocent or ‘wanna-be’ terrorists. I am well aware that many innocent, righteous people have suffered horribly because evil men used torture techniques in the past for unrighteous reasons. However, that does not mean we should throw out the baby with the bath water when it comes to interrogating people for legitimately righteous reasons. When I talk of using torture techniques to get information from people, I mean using these harsh techniques on known evil people; terrorists whom we know by name; terrorists who we know are already involved in the killing of innocent civilians because they gloat about it! And I am one of those people who believe that anyone who supports a terrorist is a terrorist himself!
(I would never wish this next scenario on anyone but it does happen.) A wealthy man comes home from work only to find out his ten year daughter has been abducted by kidnappers. The police are called in. After a short while this rich man is told that the kidnappers had been involved in a car accident as they were fleeing the area. The car accident resulted in one of the kidnappers being seriously injured (and left behind by his buddies for dead.) The police tell the rich man that it is important that they find his daughter within 24 hours. In the mean time the seriously injured kidnapper snaps out of his injury induced coma. He is able to talk but is refusing to share any information with the police. He is asking for a lawyer. Dad, what do you do? Are you willing to have this man harshly interrogated in order to save your daughter? Mr. President, if that was your daughter these slime-balls had kidnapped, what would you be willing to do to get information (quickly) which could save your daughter’s life? Remember, time is running out! I say give me a pair of pliers and nail gun and I will have this guy talking in five minutes. I probably won’t even have to use the nail gun! I can promise you that I will not have to kill this slimy kidnapper to get information—though I would like to! I can promise you that it will not be long before I know everything about this guy and his buddies. (People just don’t do pain well! Most people squeal like pigs if they get a simple sliver in their finger.) I should not have to cut off any body parts—though I would do it if it helped to save the life of an innocent ten year year old child.
Now, let’s magnify that scenario a thousand times over. Let’s say we have one of the terrorists whom we know was involved in the bombings of innocent people. We know he has connections with other terrorists and their activities. We know he was planning to set off more bombs—somewhere. So how much is the life of one innocent American worth? It is worth more than the suffering of one evil terrorist? How much are a thousand innocent lives?
Some people in America just don’t seem to understand that there are a group of evil, worthless, slime-balls living in this world who have no concern for innocent human life. These wickedly evil terrorists have no qualms with using innocent women and children as bomb carriers. These crazy and out-of-control religious or political zealots have no problem trying to destroy us as a nation and as a people. If we are going to survive as a nation we have to quit acting so sanctimonious when it comes to treating terrorists as just another type of criminal! America, please listen to what I am saying! The vast majority of people in this country who denounce the practice of torturing known terrorists for vital, life-saving information have no problem with the ungodly torturing of innocent babies—while still in the ‘safety’ of their ‘mother’s’ womb! (Of course they won’t call that torturing! To them abortion is a health matter. Well the harsh interrogation of known terrorists is also a health matter. Healthy people die when we give terrorists the same rights as law-abiding Americans have.) Don’t you liberal, pro-abortion hypocrites dare try to tell me that it is inhumane to torture known terrorists! The last time I looked it was still legal in this country to pull a totally innocent baby 90% of the way out of their ‘mother’s’ womb, and then jam a high-powered suction tube into the brain of that baby and kill it by violently sucking their brains out! So again, don’t you dare try to tell me that it is just not America to torture known terrorists to get information! The blood of those innocent babies cries out from the grave because of the way and because of the selfish reasons most of them were killed. Don’t you dare try to convince me that America just doesn’t do things like torturing humans! We have a whole generation of children missing in America because they were cut up–while still alive in their ‘mother’s’ womb–like a piece of meat and then throw into garbage cans like some unwanted trash! So don’t you dare try to tell me it would be un-American for those in the various branches of our military or governmental agencies to be harshly interrogating known terrorists while condoning knowing the murder of innocent babies in this country! America, we need to stop the practice of murdering babies and babying murderers.
Time after time the Bible refers to certain types of people as being worthless because of their lack of moral character. Worthless means they are worth nothing. God said it, not me—though I do agree with Him.
Proverbs 6:12 —- A worthless person, a wicked man, is the one who walks with a perverse mouth….
This idea that all people are somehow God’s children is liberal religious babbling. The idea that evil people deserve the same breaks in life as the people who are trying to do good is simply B.S! The good Lord above created all humans with a free will. He gave everyone the ability (and the opportunity) to choose to do good, or to choose to do evil. In the Bible, God told people through his prophets that he was going to set down some commandments, that lead to life, and some other commandments that lead to death. God told anyone who wanted to listen, that if they wanted to live a good life (in this life and in the next life) they simply needed to do as he commanded. He also told everyone that if they wanted to suffer miserably, (in this life and in the next life) all they had to do was to rebelliously disobey his commandments.
Deuteronomy 27:25 —– ‘Cursed is anyone who accepts payment to kill an innocent person.’ And all the people will reply, ‘Amen.’
As I stated before, the torturing of people for information is not new to America. It was not President Bush who invented ‘harsh’ interrogating! The torture of human beings has been going on for thousands of years. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people who were doing the torturing were evil themselves. The powers that be in America might not always get it right, but it is not for lack of trying. The idiotic notion that a large group of vile, evil terrorists will see the errors of their ways if we simply give them a hug and a fair trial is absurd! The idea that viscous, mean-spirited religious nuts will be converted to the American cause if we simply love them is asinine. These are people who forcibly strap bombs on little children in an attempt to kill innocent people! These slime-ball terrorists are the type of people who promise a poor mother that her orphaned children will be taken care if she agrees to become a human bomb. Don’t even try to tell me I should have compassion for the evil-doers of society, especially anti-American terrorists that are out to destroy America. Don’t even try to tell me that I should be concerned about possibly hurting people like this if I interrogate them too roughly! My God, what has America turned into!
Again, don’t you dare try to sell me on the false idea that America just does not do things like this because it is supposedly immoral! I have already touched on some very wicked and immoral things that people are legally allowed to do to unborn babies! What is more immoral than that? How allowing hundreds (and maybe thousands) of Americans to die simply because those in power believe it is wrong to harshly interrogate a slimy, worthless ‘form of life’ terrorist! Those in power in America during World War II had no problem dropping an atomic bomb on innocent people in order to save lives—which I agree with. Have you ever read about the terrible suffering that thousands of innocent Japanese had to endure because of the side effects of radiation poisoning? And yet, the bomb was still dropped in hopes of ending the continued deaths of American soldiers. What about the Waco debacle? Idiots in our Federal Government decided it was more important to risk the lives of innocent women and children then to just do the compassionate thing and leave this religious group alone. How can it be right for the powers that be in America to decide to forcibly attack a religious compound in Waco (knowing that there was almost a 99% chance that innocent American women and children were going to suffer horribly) and yet consider it wrong to harshly interrogate slime-ball, worthless, murdering terrorists? Go figure!
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