In a recent Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, The Justice Departments Chief of The Executive Office for Immigration Review, ( EOIR ) Mr. Juan Osuna outlined the problems of the failures of the United States Department of Homeland Security to prevent the recent floods of illegal immigrants bombarding America today. Since DHS head propagandist, Janet Napolitano says the borders are more secure than ever before today, maybe she should have been made to attend this hearing and explain what was discovered there. Among the more scathing proof of DHS’ failure and total incompetence is the fact that Mr. Osuna stated that his department now has a current backlog of over 270,000 immigration cases as of end of March of this year, and the projected backlog of cases for 2011 surpassing the 400,00 mark !
These facts show us that the border is in fact, not even remotely secure, as there are hundreds of thousands of illegals still flooding the United States every year. When Obama talks about immigration reform, it needs to start with securing the southern borders as simple common sense dictates here. This immigration hearing is detailed here, at The Center for Immigration Studies website . In in we see the following truths about why Illegals are overrunning America today:
Julie Myers Wood, former Assistant Secretary for ICE, testified that in fiscal year 2010 immigration judges completed an average of 1,300 proceedings per judge, many more than other administrative law judges in other fields and with far fewer law clerk resources to assist them. While Mrs. Wood appeared open to the idea of additional hires and also proposed additional means for internal efficiencies, she explained that internal efficiencies are “insufficient to fully address the existing backlog and expected influx of cases and ensure that the court system operates with some efficiency.” She explained that one goal should be “to reduce the number of cases that must come before immigration courts for full hearings.” One way to achieve this, she explained, is through an expansion of expedited removal, something discussed in an earlier blog. The goal should be to reduce not only inefficiencyin the immigration courts, but also to reduce demand. (emphasis mine)
As the former ICE official explained:
By statute, expedited removal may be utilized for individuals that have been in the country for up to two years. However, the executive branch has not utilized the full statutory authority provided for expedited removal, but instead applied certain arbitrary limitations, including the most recent requirement that the alien be apprehended no more than 100 miles from the border and has spent less than 14 days in the country. There is no reason that the government could not take steps to administratively expand the current use of expedited removal, by, for example, focusing on certain known smuggling routes beyond 100 miles or slightly extending the current time period for eligibility (30 days vs. 14 days, for example). Another alternative would be to apply extended time and range limits for the use of expedited removal for immigrants who are convicted of a crime by state or local law enforcement.
We see that the problem lies within the Justice Department itself, along with Obama’s executive branch, who are applying very radical limitations on the deportation statute. The only way to speed up deportation, according to the Obama puppets blatantly ignoring the rule of law, is for when they are caught near the border and within 14 days of entering the country illegally. That means that all the criminals and other illegal aliens that have snuck into the country to avoid legal immigration laws that have been here undetected for years, are being given hearings and appeals to the point of collapsing the deportation system. This is a page right out of Obama-Hero, Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals handbook on how to collapse our government to effect radical change: AKA Socialism and chaos.
From the same website mentioned above, we see just who actually started this blatant act of treason against American Rule of law, and decided to change how we deport illegals when they were in power:
As written into law, expedited removal applies to illegal aliens apprehended anywhere in the United States, provided the alien has not been continuously physically present in the country for longer than two years. Both the Clinton and G.W. Bush administrations decided to limit the program; Clinton allowed for expedited removal only at a few ports of entry while Bush decided not to use the removal process for Mexican or Canadian aliens. Implementing the program to the full extent of the law could greatly reduce the burden on immigration courts. (emphasis mine)
When we look at the staggering total backlog of over 400,00 illegal alien deportation cases projected for this year alone, we can see that the Obama administration is following along right in G.W.Bush’s footsteps in not deporting illegal aliens. This is truly one time where Bush needs to be blamed for his part in causing the current illegal immigration crisis in America today ! This also leads us to understand why the informed voters and political strategists of America today call G. W. Bush a progressive. Progressives make their living subverting the Rule of law in any way they can to effect radical change. They have taken the bad illegal immigration situation created by Bill Clinton and G.W. Bush, and turned it into a chaotic disaster that is crushing many State budgets and causing a huge division within certain groups of Americans today. Divide and conquer comes to mind there. This is just one blaring example of the cancerous infection hiding behind the innocent sounding words such as, Progress, Social Justice and Civil Rights. This is why we need to stamp out the progressive fake Democratic Party of America once and for all in 2012 and beyond. That includes the Progressives in the Republican party also, such as Bush, McCain, McConnell, Romney, Huckabee, and anyone else who doesn’t want to abide by our immigration laws that say that all illegals will be deported as soon as possible, PERIOD. They are criminals who broke the law when entering this country illegally. They have no rights, except to be put on a bus or plane and be shipped out of America period. No Amnesty, No excuses, just obey the rule of law !
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