Categories: Opinion

Taxpayers are paying People Millions to Teach Stupidity

I have absolutely come to believe that I live in a nation where millions of American citizens must be voluntarily taking stupid pills. There can be no other explanation for the allowance of all the stupid ideas and idiotic practices that are being tolerated or, worse yet, accepted by many American taxpayers. From this country’s liberal political arena, to many of this country’s “places of higher learning” (i.e., colleges and high schools) stupid is being tolerated on unprecedented levels.

In what is supposed to be our Nation’s hallowed halls of Congress, politicians are doing anything but what is hallowed—and many people in this country have no problem with that! Now I understand that this nation has always had some “loony-tunes” in the political arena. And I also understand that there have always been a few citizens on the fringe who have supported these political weirdoes. The problem we are having today in this nation is that there are a lot of people who are blindly supporting the liberal ideologies that have permeated many aspects of American life.

In many of our nation’s colleges and high schools professors/teachers are allowed to teach (i.e., spew out) things that would have been considered “crazy-man talk” (by a vast majority of Americans) in days gone by. Some of the most ridiculous philosophies imaginable are being passed off as higher learning in many of America’s schools.

This nation has way too many socialistic college (and even high school) teachers pushing and forcing (not truthfully teaching) ridiculous political or philosophical babblings without being held accountable for their absurdity. We have literally thousands of professors in colleges who are promoting (not teaching) socialism, communism, fascism and even terrorism as though they are a good thing. A professor at a Brooklyn College was recently fired for promoting openly Palestinian bombers in his classroom.

A dentist or doctor who teaches, promotes or practices dangerously stupid medical ideas is arrested and has their medical license revoked. A semi-driver who teaches, promotes or practices dangerous driving procedures is stopped from being allowed to not only drive but liable for teaching or promoting unsafe driving practices. An airplane pilot who teaches and/or practices unsafe flying procedures soon loses his license, and is definitely not allowed to teach others in an educational environment. And yet we have a nation full of college professors who are not only teaching young, naïve, vulnerable college students many stupid (and sometimes dangerous) anti-American philosophies and ideologies, they are openly practicing them without really being held responsible. Occasionally you hear or read of some fruit-cake professor being fired for not be correct or factual for something they taught, but that is the exception rather than the rule.

True-blooded American Patriots need to put a stop to all this taxpayer supported “educational” foolishness. Just as we need to end taxpayer supported abortions, things done in the name of “art” and “public” (i.e., liberal) television and radio. Below is a partial list of the some of the idiotic things that we the taxpayer are “supporting” through our tax monies.

Literature and Language

These courses will help you learn to do a wide variety of things, from conversing with the elves of Lord of the Rings to analyzing the deeper meanings of zombies and vampires in popular literature.

  • Arguing with Judge Judy: Popular “Logic” on TV Judge Shows: Ever felt like the plaintiffs on TV judge shows have some pretty questionable logic? This class addresses that subject directly, allowing students to pull apart courtroom excuses just like Judge Judy. [University of California, Berkeley]
  • The Adultery Novel In and Out of Russia: Who doesn’t love a good tale of adultery? This class asks students to consider it as a literary theme, however racy or immoral it may be. [University of Pennsylvania]
  • The Vampire in Literature and Cinema: The growing popularity of vampires in popular media should make many students out there pretty jealous they can’t take this class focusing on the infamous bloodsuckers. [University of Wisconsin]
  • Invented Languages: Klingon and Beyond: You don’t have to be a sci-fi nerd to appreciate the subject matter in this course at the University of Texas focusing on the reasons, rules, and social realities of created languages. [University of Texas, Austin]This course was taught by the world’s foremost expert on this language, who was even a consultant to the makers of the films. While not practical, it certainly speaks to super fans of the series. [University of Wisconsin]
  • Harry Potter Lit: If you want to appreciate the Harry Potter novels as more than just a fun read, head to The Ohio State University to spend good money exploring the larger themes within the seven book series. [The Ohio State University]
  • Those Sexy Victorians: While sexy usually isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when you think of an era shocked by the sight of ankle, this course delves into the interest in sexual matters behind the prudish exterior during the Victorian era. [Ole Miss]
  • The Living and UnDead: An Inquiry into Zombies in Cinema and Literature: While you might often feel like a zombie stumbling to your early morning classes, this course takes a deeper look at what is so fascinating and horrifying about these brain-craving monsters. [Ole Miss]


Learn about the aspects of history that are often overlooked in these courses:

  • The Phallus: Explore the role this part of the male body has played in society from the early, often sexist, works of Freud to newer feminist theories. [Occidental College]
  • American Degenerates: Learn more about the relationship between writers and early Americans and their sense of personal identity in this course. [Brown University]
  • Comparative History of Organized Crime: While the streets may be education enough for real gangsters, this course aims to teach students about the history and culture of the mafia around the world. [Williams College]
  • European Witchcraft: While so-called witches are still around today, you can learn about the origins of what people thought were witches and the often extreme and illogical measures they took to get rid of them. [Oneonta College]
  • Sex, Rugs, Salt, & Coal: Not only does this course have a snappy name, it also is full of topics students find compelling, including sex, slavery, money, and more. [Cornell University]
  • Age of Piracy: Johnny Depp’s kooky but sexy Jack Sparrow has gotten many students interested in learning more about the pirating arts, and this course offers them the chance to take a look at the much less appealing, real-life lives of pirates. [Arizona State University]

Sociology, Psychology, and Anthropology

Gain a deeper understanding of social and cultural issues through these courses on often touchy subjects:

  • The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil: This course examines a question that many people ask themselves–how can good people do bad things? [Massachusetts Institute of Technology]
  • Border Crossings, Borderlands: Transnational Feminist Perspectives on Immigration: Here you can understand what feminists think about immigration. [University of Washington]
  • The American Vacation: Study your vacation time more closely with the knowledge this historical and social course offers. [University of Iowa]
  • Mail Order Brides? Understanding the Philippines in Southeast Asian Context: As off-putting as it sounds to most people, mail order brides are a real thing, and students at this prestigious university can learn why the phenomenon exists and is so prevalent in the Philippines through this course. [Johns Hopkins University]
  • Whiteness: The Other Side of Racism: This course teaches students about their role as white members of society and has been much criticized for promoting guilt about students’ race. [Mount Holyoke College]
  • Alien Sex: Explore the weird, wild and depraved aspects of sex between humans and monsters alike. [University of Rochester]
  • Daytime Serials: Family and Social Roles: Students in Wisconsin can take this course that explores the familial relationships of characters on soap operas–essential for those who just can’t get enough of their programs. [U of Wisconsin]
  • It’s the End of the World as We Know it (And I Feel Fine): While we all hope the world won’t be ending anytime soon, this course explores the variety of Armageddon scenarios out there and why we’re so obsessed with the end of it all. [Alfred University]
  • Purity and Porn in America: Through this course, students can learn about the role between sexuality and modesty–taking a hard look at the way it’s dealt with in modern society. [Alfred University]
  • UFOs in American Society: If you’re the Fox Mulder type, then you’ll be jealous of students at Temple University who get to learn more about the role of UFOs in popular culture in this course. [Temple University]
  • The Good, the Bad, and the Revolting: You might think you know what is revolting and what’s not, but this course offers to teach you what it really means to be disgusting, shameful, and pitiful–among other things. [Alfred University]


Make your science education a little more interesting with these courses that draw on sexuality, garbage, and fiction for inspiration:

  • The Science of Superheroes: While it might sound like fun and games, this course takes superheroes as a means to teach students real lessons about physics. [University of California, Irvine]
  • The Science of Harry Potter: Unicorns and magical spells might not be real, but this course addresses the magical happenings of the Harry Potter series through a scientific lens, applying physics to things like quidditch. [Frostberg State University]
  • Joy of Garbage: While it might sound like an ideal course for clutter bugs, this course is actually designed to teach students how to manage garbage and encourage them to make less waste and recycle more. [University of California, Berkeley]
  • “Far Side” Entomology: The much-beloved Far Side comics form the basis for this course that addresses the relationship between people and insects. [Oregon State University]
  • Facial Reconstruction: This course isn’t so much ridiculous as it is weird, being one of the few in the country that teaches students how to puzzle together the bones of the face to help figure out the identity of recovered remains. [University of Montana]
  • The Amazing World of Bubbles: No, this course isn’t about bubble baths or even bubble wrap. Instead, it explores the energy potential of the bubble. [California Institute of Technology]
  • Fem-Sex: Women of all ages and orientations enrolled in this course, teaching women about different definitions of sex, orgasms, sexual norms, and even taboos like incest. [Carleton College]

With all the ridiculous stuff that is being taught in many of America’s colleges these days it is absolutely the grace of God which has been keeping this country from becoming a hell-bent, hedonistic country. A hundred years ago these anti-American, anti-God, anti-morality college professors would have been arrested for treason. Two hundred years ago many of them would have been hunted down for promoting and practicing witchcraft-like philosophies. I truly believe that if the Founding Fathers had the ability to see the future there would have added an addendum to the Amendment dealing with freedom of speech which would have limited freedom of speech for anti-American, anti-constitutional liberals who teach, promote, or support the likes of communists, Marxists, fascists, socialists and even terrorists.

And what is really sad is the fact that not only do all these anti-capitalistic, anti-American (i.e., unpatriotic) pro-Marxist/fascist/communist/socialist professors and students spew out their political rhetoric in many college campuses paid for with Capitalistic (i.e., taxpayers) monies, many of these students are only in college because of the financial donations of big, rich capitalistic business owners.

Conservative American taxpayers not only need to put a stop to supporting all these anti-American, anti-constitutional college philosophies with their tax dollars, Americans must unite and simply put an end to these types of anti-American teachings all-together—especially if they are supported by the our tax money. Americans who love this country need to seriously start cleaning house. Instead of allowing logical truth and moral and political absolutes to determine right from wrong, we have allowed political correctness to determine right from wrong, and good from evil. I believe we need to start calling out these anti-American, anti-constitutional, tree hugging, whale saving, baby killing professors and teachers for what they are; people purposely trying to destroy the very moral fiber (God and His ways) that this country was founded on.

“The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: it connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity.”
-John Quincy Adams 6th US President and son of John Adams



DJ Redman

Published by
DJ Redman

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