The American Redneck Society Announces the Formation of the Redneck Political Alliance

RONT ROYAL, Va., May 18, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Rob Clayton, Executive Director of the American Redneck Society, announced today the formation of the Redneck Political Alliance.

As 2010 drew to a close, the nation witnessed the birth of the American Redneck Society, established to bring benefits to millions of rednecks throughout the country.  As the nation draws closer to a new presidential election year, the American Redneck Society wants to add another benefit to its menu . . . an opportunity to let elected representatives know what issues concern American rednecks.

Clayton commented, “The Redneck Political Alliance will not endorse any candidate or political party but rather will give American rednecks a chance to let elected officials know if they’re LEJIT.  Like its sister organization, the American Political Alliance has a sense of country and a sense of humor, even if it doesn’t have a sense of spelling.”

The Redneck Political Alliance rating system focuses on the core values that LEJIT spells out:

  • Limited Government:  Are American politicians growing government or keeping it in check?  Are they operating within the constitution or outside of it?  Are American politicians using our military to defend our nation or the United Nations?
  • Erasing the deficit:  Rednecks know that a government which spends beyond its means is a government that is stealing from their youngins . . . spending more than taxpayers can afford today and expecting future generations to pay off staggering debts.
  • Job creation:  Hard-working and fun-loving rednecks need and want jobs.  Are elected officials creating an environment in the USA for job creation or an environment which encourages companies to ship jobs overseas?
  • Immigration reform:  All Americans are descendants of immigrants.  Likewise, rednecks are proud of their ancestors, but are sick and tired of illegal immigrants taking jobs and receiving benefits that should be reserved for U.S. citizens and legal residents.
  • Tax Reduction:  Rednecks pay enough in taxes.  Is the “government of the people” increasing or decreasing taxes?


Clayton concluded, “Initially, we’ll be asking folks to grade politicians according to these 5 criteria.  Soon, we’ll be grading candidates for president and letting folks know whether they’re LEJIT.”


Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and GETTR

Published by
Rich Mitchell

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