Categories: Opinion

Be Careful Who or What You Allow to Move You!

I read an article last week by Thomas Sowell which related to a day in Barack Obama’s not too distant past, when Barack was ‘moved’ (to tears) by a message from his pastor and friend, the sometimes ostentatious and very often racist Reverend Wright. I do not accurately know the message Rev. Wright shared with Barack that day—it might have been a great Bible-based spiritual message, so I will not speculate on what exactly ‘moved’ Barack to tears. I would like to know the exact context of the message was on that day. That information would make what I am about to write about more dead-on specific for our current President. Although I do not have that specific information, fortunately, there are plenty of other historical examples of citizenry being ‘moved’ by a message or messenger that does enable me to get my point across.

First, let me say that just because people are ‘moved’ by a message or an occasion it does not mean that the message or occasion that moved them was truthful, correct, or in their best interests.. A lot of people were ‘moved’ by the idiotic or evil political or social messages of people like Carl Marx, Charles Darwin and Adolf Hitler in past, very harsh lessons learned throughout history. Worse yet, a lot of people were ‘moved’ to tears of sadness and sorrow the day evil people such as Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Ivan the Terrible, Mao Tse Tung, Idi Amin, and Genghis Khan etc. etc. etc. died. Even though the previously mentioned murderous dictators were responsible for millions of heinous deaths, they were, and still are worshiped to an extent, even today.

Being ‘moved’ to the point of tears, being moved to a deep inner conviction and/or inner enlightenment by a message or teaching that someone gives happens all the time. The problem with these inner movements of conviction, enlightenment or revelation is that a lot of people get ‘moved’ by the wrong messages or deceiving messengers. (There is a difference between right and wrong, light and dark, and evil and good.) I believe some people teach or share wrong messages simply because they are ignorant of the facts. The man-made philosophies of evolution and global warming are excellent examples of just how misinformation and propaganda can change people’s perceptions of what is right and what is wrong. I know that many people believe this false global weather scam because they listen to the inaccurate and misleading teachings of teachers who they themselves have been misled or deceived. It is truly bewildering to me to think that there are a ‘whole lot of people’ on planet earth who are genuinely convinced (i.e. so environmentally moved) that they believe they are really helping ‘Mother Nature” or ‘Mother Earth’ when they push their unrealistic go-green philosophies. Now, I am in favor of being (somewhat) environmentally responsible. E. I do not believe it is an environmentally smart thing to randomly and haphazardly store radioactive waste in populated areas. I am against dumping known toxins, chemicals, poisons, etc. etc. into the world’s waterways. I believe we need to do what is feasibly (i.e. practically and economically) possible to protect our environment. However, I do believe environmentalists have gone way too far with their ‘save the planet” movement. Anyone with more brains than a piece of toast knows that windmills and solar panels will never, ever provide enough power to keep this country running. When environmentalists are ‘moved’ to the point that they consider cow farts and CO2 environmental hazards they are moving in the wrong direction!

It is amazing me how easily people are ‘moved’ into believing things that are so foolish. We all have seen examples of the many naively false or purposely deceiving teachers simply teaching what they teach for political or economic gain. Most of the whole ‘tree hugger, ‘save the whale’ and protect the reindeer” movement is based on exaggerated and misleading information,and yet millions still fall for this politically biased philosophy. Now, once again, I am not saying that we humans should not be concerned about our environment. The good Lord put us here as stewards and made us responsible for helping to keep planet earth clean—but there is only so much we can do. However, more environmental ‘damage’ is done in one day by a spewing volcano than all the coal plants in America have ever done. So let’s be realistic here. I simply do not believe that saving a rare river snail or creek minnow at the cost of millions of jobs is the correct way to do things today, but that is a different message for a different time. However, it does amaze me how many environmental wackos have more concern for helping a beached whale then they do for helping an innocent baby that is about to be aborted in its mother’s womb!

Back to my article topic:

I have read that Adolf Hitler was a great orator. I have read that his public speeches mesmerized many who listened to him. (I have to be honest. I have listened to his public speeches and they did nothing for me. Of course I am Irish, and a strong Christian man. I believe the Lord opens the eyes both spiritually and intellectually . But nevertheless, many Germans thought Adolf to be almost like god-like. The people of Germany were so ‘moved’ by the messages of Adolf that a vast majority of these well-educated and extremely civilized German people believed it was good to not only exterminate Jews, but anyone who was not of ‘pure’ German race! Sad isn’t it? A whole nation ‘moved’ to commit horrendous atrocities such as murdering millions of Jews by the message of one deranged man!

History has shown that time after time, entire races of people or entire nations have been so moved by a message or philosophical teaching that it led to the death or serious decay of their citizenry. America went through this during our Civil War. Some American citizens were so ‘moved’ by the issue of slavery that they were willing to kill (sometimes even their own family members) just so they could have the ‘right’ to own people!

America went through another trying time in the sixties. A whole generation of young people decided that peace and love (not war and morality) were what was right for America. Thousands of people (mostly college kids and their liberal teachers) began protesting the Vietnam War. The people shouted, “Violence is not the way” and “War never solved anything” as they illegally and violently took over many of America’s larger college campuses. (By the way, I need to remind these ‘war never solved anything’ people that I know for a fact that war defeated Communism, Nazism, Fascism, and slavery, and that American warriors are presently working on wiping out crazy Islamic fundamentalists who use innocent women and children as bomb carriers.)

While these anti-war protests of the sixties were going on, this same culture of young people decided it was best for America if people were more ‘open’ in their sexual behaviors and drug usage. So this generation of young people decided to push a philosophy that taught that it was good to freely and openly express one’s sexual behaviors. An entire nation of young people was ‘moved’ by the ‘message’ of free love, peace not war, and tripping out on acid as a way to really discovers one’s “inner self.”. Our culture was changed by this whole ‘hippie love’, do drug movement,and it was not necessarily a good change! Fifty years later, look where this movement has gotten us. America is a largely doped up, sexually permissive society. There are over fifty different types of sexually transmitted diseases floating around in America these days. This ‘free love’ movement produced another dilemma; unwanted pregnancies. So free loving liberals decided America needed a law which would make it ‘legal’ to eliminate the unnecessary side-effects (i.e. babies in wombs) of sexually promiscuous people. People were so ‘moved’ by the message of free love (i.e. I will use my body as I choose) that they used this same reasoning while arguing that it should be the pregnant woman’s choice to decide if she wants to kill or keep the baby inside her womb. How dark is a society when it legally allows innocent babies to be murdered in their mother’s womb? What kind of righteous movement is that? We are throwing aborted babies in garbage cans like they are simply part of the daily trash. Yeah right, ‘free love’ and legalized abortions; those are just the kind of things I want to be moved to support. Not!

The peace/love movement of the sixties sounded real nice—but it did not turn out real nice. An entire nation of people were ‘moved’ by the peace/free love/do drugs music of the sixties. You know the saying; “ If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” America is in such a horrendous drug epidemic that I believe the only Someone who can restore this country is the good Lord Himself when He returns for his second coming. (The next time Jesus comes to planet earth he comes as a judging/avenging lion and not an innocent lamb. Paraphrased: Jesus is going to do some serious righteous ‘butt kicking’ the next time he shows up on planet earth.)

Famous leaders like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Kim Sung, Hideki Tojo, Leopold II, etc. etc. many times deceived not only other nations into thinking their political agendas were good, but also their own people. The political philosophies of these ruthless, wicked dictators ‘moved’ the people to point of assisting these evil rulers in viciously torturing and murdering millions upon millions of innocent people.

We all need to be very, very careful that the ‘movement’ our heart is following or leaning towards is not foolishness or worse yet, simply evil. The good Lord created humans with emotions and these same emotions came with a free will. No one can use words to make us do something we really do not want to do, unless they are heavily disguised words to hide theie true meaning, such as “Social Justice.” Unfortunately, way too many people allow their free will to be controlled by their emotions. Way too many people listen to what teachers or leaders are telling them without having all the facts before them, or worse yet, not even be willing to look at the facts! (A religious pastor can be taught how to be a great evangelist. Like a good actor, he or she can go to school and learn how to fire up and deceive people with words. As we now know, great orators or religious motivators like Adolf Hitler or Osama Bin laden do not necessarily make for great human beings.)

A lot of other people listen to what political, religious, social or economical teachers tell them knowing that what they are being told is wrong, but they continue to listen anyways because an inner evil part of them likes what they are hearing. Racist skin-head preachers or promoters are a good example of this. A lot of their ‘followers’ are people who like what these (mostly anti-black people) racist skin-head leaders teach simply because the person listening to them already hates minorities. So these new followers use the racist movement of groups like the skin-head as justification for hating minorities. After all there is power in numbers. A movement,right or wrong, does not need a lot of followers to become a movement. The wacko religious cult known as Heaven’s Gate moved (with its message) 38 people to commit suicide so they supposedly could catch a comet ride to heaven. What is scary about a lot of these religious and political movements is that it is hard to get out once you get in. It is very, very difficult to convince liberals who have been moved by a deceiving socialistic message that socialism does not work. It is hard to convince religious people who get moved by a cult religious teacher that they are on the wrong path of ‘light.’ As with the Heaven’s Gate’s followers, once people move in a certain direction it is very, very difficult to get them to back-up. So, please be careful what you get moved about.

It is difficult for me to understand why intelligent, non-doped up or non-drunk people are moved by messages or philosophies that are obviously wrong or just plain evil. It saddens me that there is a group of hateful, evil people out there in America who did belong, and still belong to groups who’s sole purpose is to try to eliminate (innocent) fellow Americans of minority races! What ‘moves’ people to even listen to idiots like this? However, it happens all the time!

I guess I am just too logical, practical and analytical to fall for these self-centered, evil, selfish things. (Although I am quite aware that peer pressure is a very powerful influence in some people’s lives.) I challenge the movement that promotes hating people because of their skin color. Hey, all you idiotic skin-head types need to read the part of the American constitution which states that the good Lord created all people equal, although in your case he did not create people with the same intelligence! (I say that sarcastically. I do not want people who follow stupid, evil promoters of racism to use stupidity as justification for your evil philosophies.)

I also challenge those people of ‘science’ who promote a movement which time after time attempts to debunk the wisdom of God. Many times people who ‘get intelligence’, (through supposed places of ‘higher learning’) actually become dumber than they were before they got educated. It always amazes me how some people, who once they get educated suddenly think they are smarter than The One who created all things. You secular geniuses cannot even figure out how light works, and yet you believe you have the wisdom to explain the deep complexities of this universe. You guys do not have a clue on the diverse intricacies of a simple cell, and yet you spew out your idiotic movement that all life happened by random chance! Some would say that the Theory of Evolution is simply science fiction at its best. And in spite of the fact that this idiotic ‘movement’ is ridiculously idiotic—and mathematically impossible—millions follow this movement like lemmings headed to the cliff. So I have a question for all those self-proclaimed academics
out there: “ Just how did all those glaciers melt on planet earth a few thousand years ago? Were there too many tepee factories around back then? ”
Who’s “ carbon footprint ” can you blame that episode in world history and evolution on ?

So be careful people, on just who or what you allow to shape your perceptions of what is right and what is wrong today. Some people are trained to manipulate you to go against what you know is the right thing to believe in, today in America. The future of America depends of all of us to seek the truth on our own, and that must include denouncing what anti-American propagandists with an agenda are telling us. The truth, and only the truth shall set you free.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and GETTR

Published by
Rich Mitchell

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