The New Enemy Part I: Collectivism

What the men who wrote our constitution had in mind was a government based on Individual Rights, one that was a government not based in power, but in responsibility to its constituents. This collection of extremely intelligent and well read men put together the finest governing document that had ever been written and it remains a blueprint for other countries to base their constitutions on. I believe that Divine Providence intervened and brought the most intelligent men on the American Continent together to produce this exquisite document.
At the time of the Founding of the United States of America, Engels and Marx had not written any critiques of their philosophy of collectivism. This is not to say that there were not societies that practiced collectivism before the Communist Manifesto was published. One look at some of the city states of Greece answers that question. One of the attributes of Great Britain that our Founders fought against was a hereditary succession wherein the inheritor was not guaranteed to be as smart or as wise as his predecessor. This type of government, monarchy, invested all the power of the state into the king or queen, with or without a parliament that suggested laws to be passed. The American Revolution was also based on the iniquity of taxation without representation. Now, we find ourselves fighting a different kind of evil, the malevolence of statism, collectivism or Marxism.
Where did the organized philosophy of Collectivism start? Many will say it started with Engels and Marx treatise. However, the foundation of this socio-economic philosophy came from many men before them, but the most influential writings for Marx and Engels were those of Ludwig Feuerbach. He served to be a bridge from Hegel to Marx and Engels. Feuerbach thought of himself, along with others, to be the herald of a new culture. His later writings were concerned with developing a materialistic humanism and an ethics of human solidarity.
Marx and Engels were materialists who were trying to bring about social change by way of a political and economic ideology. All of Marx’s early writings are based in Feuerbach’s theory of human nature. Later writings of Marx indicate a break with Feuerbach, but his initial influence is what Marx used to continue down his philosophical road. It is the collectivism of Marx and Engels that the left wing of the Democratic Party, and several “liberals” in the GOP, has foisted upon the people of this country.
Collectivism has come to mean many different things. We are all part of the collective of human beings that live on Earth, the 3rd planet from the sun in the Solar System named Sol, in the galaxy of the Milky Way, in the Universe. Focusing on earth, we have many collectives all over her surface. There are Europeans, North Americans, South Americans, Chinese, and so on. Further down into our small cosmos there are Germans, Chinese, Americans, Brazilians, Peruvians, Canadians and on down to each of our communities. And communities can be broken down into neighborhoods, which can be categorized by race, ethnicity, economic fortunes, the young, the old. In other words, each person on earth belongs to not one collective, but numerous ones.
Some collectives are not immoral, but a result of a person’s birth circumstances. The collectives that people choose to join are not all malevolent. Some are, such as the NEA teacher’s union. Some people are forced into collectives or put into the pigeonholes of identity by virtue of human attributes, such as skin color. Marxism requires humans to be seen as part of a group of people so as to more easily manipulate them into doing what the power mongers desire.
The aim of the engineers of the collective in the United States at this time is to make every single citizen dependent on the government for everything, much like the set up that was tried in the old Soviet Union. Forget that that model didn’t work. The Utopians will tell you that the Soviets didn’t run it correctly, and they will this time, and they will achieve nirvana.
In order to control people, there are certain requirements that the “masses” must adhere to; the inability to question what they are told, the “herd” mentality which must be instilled into the people at a very young age, the fundamental changing of the language, engaging in rhetoric rather than logical arguments to certain philosophical ideas and altruism must be part of the process as well.
“Individualism is at once an ethical-psychological concept and an ethical-political one. As an ethical-psychological concept, individualism holds that a human being should think and judge independently, respecting nothing more than the sovereignty of his or her mind; thus, it is intimately connected with the concept of autonomy. As an ethical-political concept, individualism upholds the supremacy of individual rights…” — Nathaniel Branden
“The foundation of individualism lies in one’s moral right to pursue one’s own happiness. This pursuit requires a large amount of independence, initiative, and self-responsibility.
“But true individualism entails cooperating with others through trade, which facilitates the pursuit of each party’s happiness, and which is carried out not just on the level of goods but on the level of knowledge and friendship. Trade is essential for life; it provides one with many of the goods and values one needs. Creating an environment where trade flourishes is of great importance and great interest for the individualist.
“Politically, true individualism means recognizing that one has a right to his own life and happiness. But it also means uniting with other citizens to preserve and defend the institutions that protect that right.” — Shawn E. Klein
“Collectivism is defined as the theory and practice that makes some sort of group rather than the individual the fundamental unit of political, social, and economic concern. In theory, collectivists insist that the claims of groups, associations, or the state must normally supersede the claims of individuals.” — Stephen Grabill and Gregory M. A. Gronbacher
“Collectivism means the subjugation of the individual to a group — whether to a race, class or state does not matter. Collectivism holds that man must be chained to collective action and collective thought for the sake of what is called ‘the common good’.” — Ayn Rand
As you can see from the quotes, collectivism and individualism are very different. Collectives are groups of individuals working for the good of the group and are usually at the expense of the individual. The collective is seen as an identity having the power to think, have ideas, have a purpose and is able to act to bring about this purpose. This is what we as freedom loving citizens must fight on a daily basis in our personal lives and in our political system. The statists have taken over our congress and the White House. Never before in the history of the United States has our culture been under such fierce attack.
We are told in order to be “good people” we must sacrifice our hard earned money to satisfy the altruistic ideals of the left wing. We are told that all cultures are equal when they are not. The Democratic Party has turned into the Socialist Democratic Party. They have turned Blacks against whites, creating a voter base of approximately 99% of the Blacks that vote. They have turned Hispanics against Blacks and Whites, creating another voter base that primarily votes for their candidates. They have turned the poor against the rich, making them think that they are entitled to the fruits of the rich person’s labor. Corporations have been demonized as taking your hard earned money and giving their CEOs outrageous salaries and bonuses which they could not possibly work for. And they have turned a great number of people against the Republican Party by using demagoguery.
Our fight must be on all levels of the political system of our country. We must take over the city halls, the town counsels, the states’ congresses and Governorships. We must throw out those that have become comfortable in the jobs that they feel entitled to. We no longer have any statesmen; however, there may be a few in the House of Representatives and the Senate at this point that may become Statesmen. The Democratic Party has had more time than the Republicans in control of the Federal Government and they have filled the judgeships of the Federal courts with far left wing ideologues and activists. This is most important to change as the courts are now making law instead of reviewing bills from the Congress as to their Constitutionality.
We start by changing the language back to what it means. A is A. Gay is not homosexual. How do you explain to your children at Christmas time that the song that has the line, “Now we don our gay apparel” doesn’t mean we dress up like the deviants in the streets of San Francisco? We don’t allow ourselves to be called “racist” when in fact the left is the racist party and hell-bent to keep blacks on the welfare plantation, and to put as many illegals and Hispanics on welfare as they can get to become dependent.
We continue by calling the left what they are, not liberals, but statist, socialists, collectivists, Marxists. We do not back down from our principles. We continue to go to Tea Parties and to invite our neighbors, who may be old line Democrats like Zell Miller, or Ed Koch, to go to those Tea Parties with us.
We must not hire anyone who is against our ideals. They will only use your hard earned money that you pay them for their hard work to further the ideology of the hard line left. Do not do business with those that are ideologically on the side of the killers of our culture. Do not buy GE light bulbs or any other product they sell. We must not listen to the mainstream media, they lie.
Do not borrow money from any bank or other financial institution that accommodates Sharia Law. The Muslims and left have joined hands to take over the United States of America, and when that is accomplished, the Muslims who are committed to following the hate of the Koran will start by beheading those that supported their infiltration into this country. Look at what is happening in Europe to see what the future of the United States will be if we do not stop the cultural takeover of our country.
We must legally and constitutionally rescind every law that any Congress and any occupant of the White House have foisted on the citizens of this great and unique country. Get rid of the Alphabet Soup Agencies that make law by memo. Start with the EPA as it is the main offender to our inherent right to property, and is the most dangerous entity to our businesses as well as our homes. The abomination of Obama Care must be thrown out with all the trash and burned in the incinerator! We may have to do this incrementally, as it was foisted upon us, but don’t allow anyone to tell you we can’t get rid of the laws or agencies because they are firmly ensconced in the government. If you have a diseased organ, you cut it out.
Do not join unions or allow them into your business. Try to break unions out of all Public Service areas. Read conservative political commentary, books, magazine and websites. One of the most important books to know what is happening in our country is The Road to Serfdom, by F. A. Hayek.
And last, and most important, do not entrust your children to the Indoctrination System of the Public School Educational System. Home school them, send them to private schools and make the sacrifice to accomplish this goal. Teach your children conservative values. Do not allow them to read Heather Has Two Mommies or any other book that promotes the deterioration of the American Culture. When they are ready to go to College, try to send them to Hillsdale.
We have our work cut out for us. I know this outline is a lot to do and it may seem overpowering. But it is not. Unite with your conservative friends to develop strategies useful to your goals. Attend city counsel meetings as a group. Be vocal in your newspapers. Start a neighborhood walk wherein you print out 10 or more copies of the articles that you find on the net telling the truth about the antics of the Congress Critters; put them in the hands of your neighbors and tell them how it will affect them on a personal level. (Don’t put the paper in the mail box. That is illegal.)
If we cannot overcome the insidiousness of the left at this point in time, I am certain that we will not pass to our children and grand children the America we know and love.
Keep the Gadsden Flag in mind, and use it as your mantra: DON’T TREAD ON ME!

Jeff P

Published by
Jeff P

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