While the sensational-ism screaming media-maniacs across the nation are trumpeting Herman Cain’s impressive blowout of the 2012 GOP presidential field as some kind of anomaly that really shouldn’t have happened, this Floridian simply wonders why it didn’t happen sooner. Herman Cain has been very impressive and pretty much gaff-free in all of the debates leading up to this one in Orlando, Florida. Just like most of the nation today, Florida is a very divided state due to the dangers of the D.C. debt machine and the class warfare that comes with it. Herman Cain is a proven common sense problem solver, and lord knows we have some huge problems to deal with starting in 2013, when Barack Obama will attempt to slap another four years of high unemployment, inflation and stagnant-to- negative economic numbers onto the backs of working class taxpayers across the nation in his reelection bid. Predictably, America will not fall for that con job again.
Hurricane Herman Cain won the Orlando GOP straw poll by a landslide. The Liberal media will have a field day trying to make this out to be anything other than this this truth: We have one of the most diverse, powerfully conservative Republican Presidential candidate fields in all of American history right now before us, some 13 months before the elections.
Eventually, this field will have to be narrowed down to five or six candidates as 2012 fast approaches. Herman Cain now appears to have to have cemented his place in that field. Herman Cain was very impressive in this debate, but let’s not discount the powerful speech he made at the Orlando CPAC on Saturday. During this speech we saw just how far Herman Cain has come in his ability to communicate with an audience in the last 6 months or so. Just like a Florida hurricane, Mr. Cain started his speech by building a quiet momentum, slowly emphasizing his conservative principles and his idea of what it will take to pull America out of the largely proven to be Democratic mess of recent years.
The Hurri-Cain ( spelling intended) then picks up speed and intensity in his somewhat ministerial style as he belts out the following statement: “Stupid people are ruining America.” The loudly enthused audience at this time has been shocked into quiet murmuring while they ponder the weight and truth of that last statement. It is not unlike when people hear hurricane warnings here in Florida, choose to ignore them, and then stand there starstruck at the reality of the destructive power upon actually seeing a hurricane bear down on them. (Yes, while it is blatantly stupid to ignore hurricane warnings and not take shelter to avoid being killed by it, just as it is stupid to ignore the dangers of the Obama-debt machine of today and the dangers it poses to All Americans in order to vote for race-based class warfare and a largely undefined hope and change con job.)
‘ The Hurri-Cain then calmly reengages the crowd with very detailed bullet points after the ‘stupid people are ruining America’ statement, which is very similar to the calmness inherent in the eye of a hurricane when it pass over an area, such as say, Orlando Florida, as it did this past weekend. Then the Hurri-Cain really picks up steam again in his Orlando CPAC speech and really snatches up the attention of the crowd with the power of his words and the truths they carry. I found myself waiting for the Hurri-Cain to smash the podium to pieces as he ratcheted up his speech to feverish heights near the end. Then, just like a Florida Hurricane after it completely ravishes an area and moves on, The Hurri-Cain calmly waves at the crowd and exits the stage leaving them breathless. Just in case you missed what I consider to be the best, most powerful Conservative speech of the Orlando CPAC event this past weekend, just watch The Hurri-Cain rip up Orlando in the following video of his CPAC- Orlando speech:
Cain’s CPAC speech- https://video.cpac.org/video/herman_cain_cpac_florida_2011
Here’s Cain describing his 9-9-9 tax plan:
Nice job in speaking for all concerned Americans today, Mr. Cain and congratulations on a well deserved straw poll victory. Stay tuned, as the Hurri-Cain could very well soon be coming to your town or state with his forceful conservative message for America!
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