Categories: In The News

What a Week in Politics: 9/17/2011

  Here at CDN we try to give our readers insightful, informative and sometimes humorous articles generally written from a conservative point of view,( and sometimes Libertarian) thus we are known as Conservative Daily News. While very detailed articles are a must for most political junkies, citizen activists and all around working folks concerned about the direction of America today under the current  Liberal administration, sometimes folks just do not have the time to devote hours or even days deciphering a whole week’s worth of political information in say, their only day off  from work.

With the lightning speed of news and volume of information that is available on the internet today, some of us have also developed a form of what I refer to as PADD, or Political Attention Deficit Disorder and have developed patterns of just skimming headlines and news articles, mainly due to very busy schedules. This past week in politics was quite a firestorm, with seemingly major headlines popping up at a furious pace that was hard for even this political junkie/citizen journalist to keep up with, so I decided to recap the action in an all-inclusive article with short summaries about this week’s headlines, and links to the detailed versions for concerned citizens that may have the extra time to devote to becoming an informed voter in 2012.

CDN also puts out a very informative weekly newsletter via email that you may sign up for here, ( right hand side, half way down on page) that includes extensive news and opinion articles from the great team of citizen journalists at CDN delivered right to your inbox. NOTE:  Your email will never be given out to other groups that tend to flood us with spam 24/7. We respect our readers way too much to play that game.

Topping the news this week is what is now known as  The Solyndra Scandal

Recap: The Obama administration, along with the DOE  fast-tracked a $535 million dollar loan to a company who was shown to be a bad investment of the taxpayer dollars, as they were making solar panels that basically cost twice as much to make as compared to what they could sell them for.  While G.W. Bush was in office he held off on making these Solyndra loans based on the fact that some people had proven this to be a company designed to fail. Then we have one Mr. Kaiser, an ardent Obama/Democrat supporter visiting the White House several times just before this “deal”  was ramrodded through, and whom stands to be paid off  for his initial investment of $150M before the taxpayers will see the return of any of their half a billion dollars. That is also illegal according to law.  This pay to play scheme perpetuated by the Obama administration where the taxpayers dollars are being blatantly funnelled to finance Obama’s election campaigns will not be going away any time soon. Stay tuned, as it is very interesting to watch as the Obama administration and their puppets scramble to cover this one up.

Next up is the U.S. Senate FEMA Funding Bill  Scheme:

Recap: Liberal Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid must have been working overtime when he made this headline at CDN. Progressive U.S. Senate Piles on the Debt with 2012 FEMA Bill.   Progressives from both parties in the U.S. Senate have decided to increase FEMA funding in their own bill there, in a blatant attempt to bully the House bill that is coming up in which reps. are asking for cuts in funding to avoid putting the FEMA funding on our children’s credit card debt once again. By the way, since that article was written, the Senate has passed that bill. This is political football and a waste of time to anyone who sees this gimmickry for what it is: Progressives trying to get a leg up on the conservative majority in the House through this pre-emptive strike that shows that they will demand more debt spending in 2012. NOTE: The White House asked for $5.1B, while the house bill calls for $3.65B. So the Progressives in the Senate want to almost double the amount of FEMA funding in the House bill. And they want to borrow the money to pay for it. While this comes as no big surprise from big government Liberals in Congress today, the eight Republicans who voted along with them sure have some explaining to do to we the people here. Are your reps among the great eight listed below that should have a “P” ( for progressive) following their name instead of an “R’ ?

ROY BLUNT ( R-MO),  Scott Brown ( R-MA),  Collins (R-ME),  HELLER ( R-NV),  Hoeven (R-ND), Murkowski ( R-AK),  RUBIO (R-FL),  Snowe ( R-ME) .** If any of these are your reps, and you voted for them as a conservative, call or write them and demand answers from these progressive big government debt dealer’s votes here. My Rep.,Mr. Marco Rubio will be hearing from me, no matter how long it takes to get him to answer for this inexcusable action. If this bunch of debt-spenders and  tricksters think just because they did this on a Friday we will not be paying attention and calling them out on this vote, they have another thing coming!  **Vote info pulled from on 9/17/2011.

The next news story involves the propagandists at the DNC creating a new citizen informant group called AttackWatch supposedly to combat misinformation spread by folks like us here at CDN. Michelle served up an excellent report  on AttackWatch here  and exposes the very misfits it comprises of, and their comedy of incompetence. While pretty much the whole nation is laughing at this bunch of Obama-sheep supposedly keeping an eye on what folks are saying about the chosen one, what isn’t so funny is the fact that many of these clowns are being paid for with your very own tax dollars to promote the Liberal Socialist agenda of the fake democrats and Mr. Barack Hussein Obama. When you start a propaganda group such as this one with taxpayer dollars, people just might start referring to you as a Josef Goebbels-type Nazi social engineer. Now there is something for the misfits of AttackWatch to spin into me calling Obama a Nazi. As they say, if AttackWatch wants a piece of me,,, ” Come get some.” Another cool saying comes to mind here, ” You can’t handle the truth” and the truth is what we tell here at CDN, 24/7.

While the Obama administration, along with the folks at DHS, ATF, and the DOJ would like us to quickly forget about the Fast and Furious scandalinvolving our government selling guns to drug cartels from Mexico, this story just keeps getting nastier and nastier as we witness the pathetic attempts to sweep this fiasco under the rug. Warren did an excellent job of detailing that injustice in the above link. Untold numbers of citizens and at least one border agent have been murdered by thugs wielding assault weapons that were fast-tracked purchases authorized by our very own government. The ATF are running a game of musical chairs in transferring employees directly involved in this scandal to posts in DC and elsewhere, in desperate attempts to shut down this investigation. This is sure to be a news story gift that keeps on giving for months or even years to come, until we get to the bottom of this and people are in fact held accountable, whether Eric Holder or Barack Obama like it or not. A society that doesn’t obey the rule of law becomes a lawless one in which murder and mayhem ratchet up across the country. Hold your ground Congressman Issa, for the betterment all of the law-abiding citizens of America.

In an early headline this week we saw President Obama hit the media scene with numerous demands to pass his American Jobs Act, including this intitial one: Obama Begins “Pass the Fake Jobs Bill” Campaign Today .  Obama somehow expected American citizens to somehow believe this was not a retread of his past failed stimulus bill that cost the taxpayers over $800B and left us with nothing more than a stagnant economy and miserably high unemployment. Obama and the DNC even sent out directives for their political operatives and Socialism-pimps in Congress to stop using the word “stimulus” completely. While team Obama were busy screaming at Congress to pass The American Jobs Act bill right now, even though it had not even been submitted to Congress, an enterprising Congressman submitted his own American Jobs Act here, leaving team Obama without a name for his supposed jobs bill.  Ryan posted the actual Obama jobs bill on CDN  here, just in case you are interesting in actually reading it. A quick summary of the bill is fairly simple. This bill contains many paybacks for Unions for their supporting Obama’s reelection campaign, albeit in a stealth way disguised as improving schools for kids, help for war veterans, and the always proven to be phony infrastructure funding, etc. It is also a pathetic attempt to pander to minorities and women for their votes, which Ryan points in the above linked article:

Just a quick note about the American Jobs Act website itself: It shows a clear distinction in the split in thought between mainstream America and the Beltway culture in general and Democrats in particular with its links where people can see the “impact” on women, Latinos, and African-Americans. Philosophically speaking, this is a despicable habit because it only seeks to separate people into inequality groups instead of counting everyone as simply “Americans” and reinforcing the idea that we are all created equal.

Bottom line: This retread of the failed stimulus bill is nothing more than a campaign tool for Obama and his Liberal Democrats as they desperately try to claw their way into forcing another four years of his failed, economy-busting Marxist wealth redistribution-for-votes campaign to remain in power. Even many Democrats are stating that this “bill” will not pass, whatever name they try to disguise it by. I totally agree with Ryan there,  that to inject race-based class warfare into a supposed  “American Jobs Act”  is very unpresidential, to say the least. Maybe the Obama handlers should have asked him to more aptly name that bill the ” minorites and womens jobs act to further divide America with class warfare” bill. But that title leaves out the Union vote-buying aspect of it, and we sure would hate to leave the Unions out of  Obama’s  supposed jobs bill title. Let’s just call it Obama’s failed stimulus 3.0 and call it what it is.

In other news, we saw that Glenn Beck has launched his new GBTV Internet TV show in an article that also includes videos here. Beck came out swinging at the Obama fake jobs plan and also a good expose’ on the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists and how our own political correctness of today that leads us to avoid telling the truth about these terrorists that poses a huge danger to America today, and in the near future. Love him or hate him, Beck delivers some hard-hitting facts about the dangers of big government tyrants and always sprinkles his shows with doses of history that make it hard to deny how creeping Socialism is tearing apart America. Wanna-be Communists and Che-worshipping Liberal puppet-bloggers across the country are sure to be pulling their hair out at the reemergence of Glenn Beck and his own GBTV show. This should keep the misfits at AttackWatch busy for years to come, also.

In a breaking news story, there has been a tragic plane crash in Reno Nevada, as reported by our fearless conservative leader and founder of CDN, Mr. Rich Mitchell.Plane Crashes at Reno, NV Air Race Kills 3 [Video + Pictures] Here at CDN and across the country our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families of this horrible tragedy in Reno.

NOTE: There are a few late-beaking stories that happened yesterday that I may have left out of this weekly wrap-up here at CDN, so be sure to check back in with CDN for any late-night news stories that have been reported this weekend as our citizen journalists scour the news world to keep our readers among the most informed in the country.  Have a great weekend and thanks for joining us here at CDN.










Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and GETTR

Published by
Rich Mitchell

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