Let’s start with checking out the head of the snake, so-to-speak, the original community-organizing [group] that started it all, the Occupy Wall Street crowd shall we? Both Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity sent reporters down to check out the Occupy Wall Street protesters. Red Eye’s Bill Shultz and Jesse Waters both reported that most of the protesters had no real definition of just what exactly they were protesting, or even what they expected to accomplish with these protests. No revelation there, as this is a movement based on Marxist anti-capitalism rhetoric, and the general Liberal ideology that the successful working class people somehow owe these people a good portion of their hard-earned wealth. The problem is that these people are trying to play the victim card , yet they just can not come out and say we don’t want to work for a living like everyone else does, we want Congress to give us their money. That is right out of Barack Obama’s wealth redistribution agenda that he was caught red-handed stating to Joe the Plumber.
Bill Shulz sloshed right into the mosh-pit at Occupy Wall Street and came back with some very hard-hitting truths about just who these people are and what they are [ trying ] to accomplish there. Shulz described them as ” people with absolutely no purpose or focus in life,” while adding that the smell of the place was equal parts patchouli, body odor, and urine.” The Occupy Wall Street folks wanted some media exposure so check it out, thanks to OnyxBook.com:
Now let’s take a look at the “sister protests” out in Los Angeles. Excerpts from their supposed community organizing homepage:
Republican New York Rep. Nicole Malliotakis accused CNN anchor Kate Bolduan of trying to pin…
Air Force Col. Bernard Francis Fisher was not a rescue helicopter pilot during Vietnam. Still,…
Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett lit into the Supreme Court Monday, saying they allowed…
For most Illinois students, learning ability is limited by their ZIP code far more than…
If this is an ongoing event, I do not think this is clear in the promotional materials you are using.
Occupy Demands And Civil Disobedience Guidelines
Proposed By Lloyd Hart – Demands: Free college education. Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment .Open borders migration, anyone can travel anywhere to work and live. Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Outlaw all credit reporting agencies. These demands will create so many jobs it will be completely impossible to fill them without an open borders policy. ( tell me this guys isn’t a lunatic)
I also saw on TV yesterday that at the Los Angeles protest had 6 people who were inside of a bank and going to stay there 24/7, hoping to be arrested, because the bank had the nerve to foreclose on their houses … for not paying their mortgages.
Now for some of the info right out of the Occupy Chicago folks page;
Supplies needed: Current Top Needs
Do you people go to week long protests without your socks? Really!
Posts from their homepage:
Please fix the NBC photo link — it goes to swimsuit models and celebrities instead of photos of the occupation.
Where are you demonstrating at? Like precise location? I would like to join tomorrow.
We’re not going to get long-term change unless we dig up a ton of dirt on GOP Senators and Congressmen (Their Presidential candidates are doing each other win quite well). We’ll need 70 liberal Senators and a liberal House to: (SIC)
1.) Enact socialized campaign financing. 2.) Impeachment of the SCOTUS 5 who brought this mess on when they selected W in 2000, and exacerbated this wiht their Citizens United decision. (sic)
its all going down at the corner of jackson and lasalle in chicago’s financial district. I’m sure the over nighters would appreciate tarps, toothbrushes, toothpaste.
If you don’t have a proper mission statement on your webpage, people will form their own (many a times, incorrect) opinion about this movement, which might be detrimental to the movement. An organic movement is great, but any movement has to have a mission. Without a mission, quoting George Bernard Shaw again, is like a “blind leading a blind, and both will fall into a ditch”.
No mission, no clue, just a bunch of non-working 60’s hippies, radicals, and uniformed youth gathered together calling for the over-throw of the government and the financial system, while demanding that everyone else support them, instead of actually working for a living. Community (Dis) organizers in the mold of another long-time Marxist student, Mr. Barack Obama. Remember folks, they need toothpaste, toothbrushes, food, tarps, mattresses, tents, and SOCKS ! LOTS of SOCKS!
Update1: Across the land the “We deserve other people’s money” protesters are actually bragging about shutting down the Brooklyn Bridge yesterday.
Power to the people! You sure showed that bridge that you mean business! Last count was 700 in jail, and again, these lunatics are bragging about being arrested in New York, just like the people who didn’t pay for their houses and were infuriated that the bank was foreclosing on them in the Occupy L. A. debacle. As noted above from their very own website in the “Occupy L..A” protest, they are calling for a “guaranteed living wage, employment optional.” That says it all right there.
UPDATE on the Parrots of the Occupy crowd: https://dailycaller.com/2011/10/03/limbaugh-on-occupy-wall-street-demonstrators-these-people-are-tools/