Watch this short video. Is it any wonder these many of these college age student-bots you see here can not get a job in the real world?
This tired retread of Marxist ideology/propaganda is being pushed as “new and improved” under the title, Rethinking Marxism. For a glimpse of just what this NYU professor is teaching college students today, I point one chapter of “lessons” from the Re-Treading Marxism page linked above, by Mr Rick Wolff:
From Economic to Social Crisis: Deficits, Debt and a Little Class History by: Rick Wolff
Throughout its history, capitalism never succeeded in preventing recurring economic cycles or crises. That’s right kids, evil capitalism is the reason you can’t get a job with your college degree in the liberal arts of Zimbabwe. Not everyone can be a fluffed up, lazy, overpaid-for-producing-nothing-but-anti-American-rhetoric-academic like Mr. Wolff . Here is what you get from these career college kids/academics like Mr. Wolff- All fluff and no production, as in never worked a job in his life. He started out with a degree in History from Harvard, to Economics degrees from Yale, and Stanford, to a PHD in economics from Yale, all of them acquired in the 60’s when preaching Communism was cool, just as hordes of dope-smoking hippies and wanna-be Communists at the OWS protests are now parroting.
Combining economics with history studies can be a valuable combination, especially when you are attempting to cloud the true poverty-inducing history of Marxism as they do in Rethinking Marxism. To quote Mr. Wolff: ” The world is being held back by the capitalistic system.” Do away with the evil “board of directors” he says, yet it is these very same types of evil boards of directors that have approved his lifetime of making money for his speaking engagements and being a visiting professor of economics around the country and abroad, such as when he was in France. ( albeit for a very short period of time in 1994) Again, I emphasize that this Marxist professor has never done an honest day’s work in his life. He has never applied all of his supposed economic brilliance to actually earn a living, in say running a manufacturing company or an investment firm. What he has made a lavish living at is student indoctrination and societal manipulation, just as his apparent lifelong mentor, the Socialist revolutionary Carl Marx did.
The similarities between Marx and Wolff can be seen in the following short biography about Karl Marx:
Karl Heinrich Marx (5 May 1818 – 14 March 1883) was a German philosopher, sociologist, economic historian, journalist, and revolutionary socialist who developed the socio-political theory of Marxism. His ideas have since played a significant role in the development of social science and the socialist political movement. He published various books during his lifetime, with the most notable being The Communist Manifesto (1848) and Capital (1867–1894), many of which were co-written with his friend, the fellow German revolutionary socialist Friedrich Engels. Mr. Wolff relies heavily of retreads of Karl Marx’ book Capital in his current Rethinking Marxism propaganda campaign. If you look at the bio of Mr. Wolff here, you can see stunning similarities between his “career” and that of Karl Marx.
The last time I saw anything that parallels the above video showing numerous adults parroting Marxism and anti-capitalism rhetoric was when I was in the second grade learning our pledge of allegiance: The teacher would say repeat after me: “I pledge allegiance to the flag…” That example is of six-year-olds learning the words to our pledge of allegiance through repetition. Mr. Wolff is shown to be using the same form of “teaching” ( reprogramming is a more apt word for it) on ADULTS at the OWS protests to spread Marxist propaganda. How pathetic is that? What is even more saddening is the fact that not one of those supposed adults listening to this bunk had the guts to call out the “esteemed professor.” I know for a fact that if he had attempted this type of anti-American indoctrination at a Tea Party rally, he would have been denounced after the first Marxism-promoting line that came out of his mouth. The last thing Tea- Partiers are ever going to put up with is some self-important academic telling them, ” Repeat after me children, I hate America” This is the difference between the Occupiers and the Tea-Partiers, and it is right out there for all to see. One group has a Patriotic love for America and the freedom she stands for and the other simply wants to tear her down and create some form of Socialist Utopia. Do you know which group is which?
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