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Will the OWS Protesters Protest Obama's Newest Corporate Government Bank ?

The Wall Street protesters are demanding jobs, not more big bank bailouts, as signs across America have shown us last weekend.

  The Occupiers hate banks, they hate evil corporations and they hate the government manipulators in Congress. ( supposedly) I wonder how they feel about the creation of a brand new government bank created solely for the purpose of politicians stashing away billions of our tax dollars to use for Union payoffs and vote-buying to further empower themselves?  Surely these protesters will speak up against another big corporate government bank stealing tax dollars for their own self-interests, while non-politically connected folks go without jobs, right?  Well, it turns out that these protesters are made to look like simplistic hypocrites when we discover that they, and many of their sister protesters and allies are promoting the very creation of another evil bank, this one run by their government as nothing more than a giant slush fund for the current Liberal rulers in Congress and the White House. What is the name of this bank you ask? Who is creating this bank and how can they get away with it? Have these innocent grassroots protesters been duped ?  I can answer all of those questions in one simple but true statement: The creation of this new bank is hidden in Barack Obama’s American Jobs Act. It is called, The American Infrastructure Financing Authority or AIFA. From we see the following explanation:

“The jobs bill would create the American Infrastructure Financing Authority as a wholly owned government corporation that would “provide direct loans and loan guarantees to facilitate investment in economically viable infrastructure projects of regional or national significance,” according to administration officials.” ( emphasis mine)

As we previously discovered that Congress has shown the pattern of  illegally creating their own slush fund/loan sharking banks such as the FFB, it should be noted that nowhere in our Constitution is Congress given the authority to create any banks, or financing authorities. Keeping in mind that many of the Green Energy loans (think Solyndra) were given out by the above-mentioned illegal FFB as an underhanded way to avoid full inspection by Congress and avoid accountability to We the People,  it boggles the mind to see the Wall Street occupiers and sister groups promoting Obama’s fake jobs bill with a new evil banking corporation created right in it.  Low and behold, that proof can be found right here.  The Communist Party USA, The AFL-CIO, Barack Obama’s all support Obama’s jobs bill and the Occupy Wall Street protests. In the jobs bill is the creation of an evil corporate bank which is created solely to pay off the biggest Transportation Union in the country, the AFL-CIO.  My what a coincidence!

The Occupiers would surely object to a President who wants to take billions of tax dollars to use as a political slush fund right? Has anyone yet to see any signs at the Occupy Park Benches Across America Union supported protests? How about the fact that the AFL-CIO big Union vote-buying machine is sleeping right next to them while also spending millions of Union dues dollars to promote Obama’s newest evil corporate bank? Will this new bank somehow translate into jobs for the supposed grassroots folks down at Wall Street, as Obama has them  apparently duped into believing? The fact that Obama already took some $836 billion tax dollars in the Stimulus fraud and yet we still see unemployment at 9.1% somehow seems to escape the Occupiers.  If not, they would have signs protesting the next half a billion dollars being stolen to pay back their protest-bed-pals at the AFL-CIO, while creating a new big corporate bank. The creation of the AIFA is a long-term planned theft of tax dollars to pay off Unions, as we see by the mandates for funding in it:

“The bank would be capitalized with a $10 billion congressional appropriation for its first two years. Loans would go to projects of  at least $100 million, or **$25 million** in rural areas. The loan or loan guarantee could finance no more than 50% of the project’s cost. The base interest rate on a direct loan would be at least the rate on Treasury debt with a similar maturity.” ( emphasis mine)


First we see that $10 billion tax dollars will be ‘loaned out” in first two years. What about in the future?  Is this a bottomless black money pit? Billions upon billions will continue to be shuffled into this new AIFA “bank” as we see from The Patriot Update:

In its first two years, AIFA would rake in $10 billion in congressional appropriations; $20 billion over the next seven years; and $50 billion per fiscal year after that. How would Obama ensure the loan review process is protected from special interest favor-trading and White House meddling? If the ongoing, half-billion-dollar stimulus-funded Solyndra solar company loan debacle is any indication, the answer is: not very well. (emphasis mine)

In case some of our readers are not familiar as to who exactly will “qualify” for all these new jobs that this “bank” will supposedly create, you need to read the new law created by the Obama administration that now mandates that every single federal construction contract over the above stated **$25 million tax dollars** MUST BE USE UNION LABOR.  Didn’t know that fact? Then read this. The  bottom line is that if the out of work Occupiers do not pay the Unions dues and become a member of  their AFL-CIO- OWS-bedpals , they are locked out of even a chance to get a job from Obama’s jobs bill!  How about it Occupiers?

Instead of chanting “Four more years!, maybe the Occupy protesters  should draw up some signs stating that they are against Obama’s jobs bill which creates the big evil corporate bank AIFA, which is loaded with graft and billions of dollars for their new pal,  Richard Trumka, the current head of the AFL-CIO.  Until we see that, the “Occupy movement”  is nothing more than a bunch of hypocritical nonsense that has been hijacked by the Obama2012 reelection campaign and his Union vote-buying pals. So, lets all head on up to our nation’s capitol and protest Obama’s jobs bill shall we? 


Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and GETTR

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Rich Mitchell

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