If we’re to form conclusions based on the behavior of our elected officials, the United States government being over $15 trillion in debt is a minor concern.
Figuring out how to cut spending is simply too adult a puzzle for ”progressives” in the Senate and the White House. What else can the average American conclude from the recent actions of these overpaid, irresponsible feeders from the public trough? How on God’s green earth can hard working people, many struggling just to make ends meet, expect these elected officials to sacrifice their ruling class prestige, salaries, perks, expense accounts, per deim and oversized, overpaid staff? Clearly, this expectation is presumptuous, outrageous and out of hand.
For America to rebound from the existing economic quagmire, not only must the size, scope and cost of government be dramatically reduced, America needs to reestablish its manufacturing base. The manufacturing base that allowed America to fight on two fronts in WWII and win. The government manufactures nothing. Additionally, recent actions strongly reinforce the perception that government is ill-suited to engage in capital investment. The impulse to engage in cronyism was simply far too strong.
America needs elected representatives who will support legislation that repeals unnecessary government meddling in competitive, private markets. America’s economic strength has always resulted from private market capitalism where free, private Citizens pick winners and losers by how and where they spend their own money.
To those who choose to ignore the call for a return to free market principles, it will be a clear indication that keeping their seat at the banquet table of corruption is more important to them than is their oath of office.
America will be much, much better off after they are gone…for good.
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