Categories: Opinion

Media Bias and Cover-up

Why are the main stream media, and even “conservative” media, ignoring the story about John Dummett and the Liberty Legal Foundation in their suit against the Democrat Party over the certification of Barack Obama as an eligible presidential candidate? Why are we, instead, talking about the latest “bimbo eruption” that seems to have no real basis in fact?

John Dummett is a registered, eligible candidate for the Republican presidential nomination for the 2012 elections. He is recognized in all 50 states and by the Federal Election Commission. He and Van Irions of the Liberty Legal Foundation are trying to save a nation from a despot who should never have been on the ballot in the first place. The media that are supposed to be on our side, the side of We the People, ignore the most important development in the “nullification” movement. This case has moved far beyond any other attempt. The reason is the context of the lawsuit. I am not going to go into all of the details here but you can go to this link and find all the details you want to read.

The question being raised by this lawsuit is not the “birth certificate issue” but instead targets the citizenship of Obama’s father. I understand why the main stream media doesn’t cover it, they are the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, of that there is no doubt. What I don’t understand is the “conservative” media remaining silent on this matter. It is a legitimate story with serious consequences to the future of our nation. Yet, even they focus on whether Herman Cain is handling his “bimbo circus” properly.

The point of this article isn’t the legal ramifications and “legalese” of the eligibility issue. My focus is on the lack of reporting on a serious issue in favor of a negative fluff thing with no solid basis. As I stated, I understand the main stream media not covering this because it will effectively remove their “messiah” from the scene and undo everything he has done.

The “conservative” media and the other Republican candidates say nothing, and when asked anything about Obama’s eligibility status shrug it off as nothing but a bunch of “nuts” or “birthers”. It would seem they are afraid of the race card, or just don’t care about the Constitution. I wonder if the 9th Circuit Court, the most liberal in the nation, are “racists, nuts, and birthers” also. They are the ones who said John could pursue this after courts have turned down a dozen or more attempts by others.

Why do the media and talking heads on the “right” spend all of their time trashing any but the most liberal in the Republican Party? They talk about how bad we need a candidate who can beat Obama and then push the most liberal Republican they can find. That tactic worked out well in 2008 didn’t it? The media, those who are supposed to be on our side, completely ignore the issue, and the man, who just might take Obama down; and has certainly gone farther than anyone else ever has. Is that not newsworthy?
Whether or not the media personnel agree with John Dummett is immaterial, they should report the story. What WE the People have available to us in the way of truthful reporting is the internet and blog radio. We must spread the message of this matter and force the media to cover it. The Constitution is in danger of being rendered irrelevant, and those who talk of how they are the “watchdogs” of government are asleep on guard duty. That is a court-martial offense in the military, but standard operating procedures in the press.

The future of America is at stake and those who pledge to inform us objectively and fairly only cover what is “politically correct”. Covering the Cain non-story deflects attention from matters much more serious. Are the “conservative” talking heads really interested in We the People or are they more concerned with their face time on network television? Who is setting the agenda for the “conservative” media? The fate of our nation doesn’t seem to too high on their list of important matters.

It seems to me as if the television network talking heads on the” right” are more interested in keeping the status quo than they are in finding the truth about the eligibility question. Are they doing the job of the “Third Rail”, or are they merely securing their face time by insuring that people like John Dummett, a down home conservative-to-the-bone patriot, are never heard in public?

I would think that these media people would be happy to see true conservatives step up to save our nation, someone putting their life on hold to make a difference. What we see in actuality is media support for professional politicians and the super wealthy who can afford to spend months travelling around the country campaigning, without acknowledging what could be the most important issue we face today.

It seems to me that those media people, the ones “on our side” who have national exposure, are so concerned with their future income that the truth can go by the wayside so they don’t really have to stick their necks out. As soon as any “conservative” commentator with national exposure stands up for the truth in this matter they will be pilloried and they aren’t willing to take that kind of heat. The race card, as lame as it is, will come out against them from the left and their cohorts on the “right”. Since none of them want to be the object of this derision from their peers they remain silent.

Our nation faces a danger more perilous than even World War II. We find our own government trying to subjugate us and those media people who are supposed to be protecting us with the truth wouldn’t know the truth if it slapped them in the face. The “right wing” media is nothing but the propaganda arm of the Ivy League Republican Party establishment. And I don’t mean the party of Reagan, as such is no longer the case. The Republican Party has been inundated with Democrats, politicians and media personnel.

These Democrats, like Rick Perry of Texas, ran from their party when the Marxists began taking over instead of staying and fighting for their party. Others changed over when they saw the pendulum swinging back towards the Republican Party, and rather than be on the outside they decided to “change” parties for the “hope” of acceptance and a lofty position due to their “change of heart”. They didn’t have a change of heart, they had a case of political opportunism and it worked perfectly. We now see the party of Reagan turned into the party of Democrat cowards who ran from one fight and are now running from another one but taking conservatives with them down the road to tyranny and despotism.

Where is the courage in the “conservative” media? Where are the Republican “strategists” and “analysts” who will stand up for We the People, the 67% who call ourselves TEA Party conservatives? Where are the strategists and analysts who have the courage to stand up for the truth? Where are the conservative media people with the courage to take the story of a common man sticking his neck out to save a nation?

It is up to WE the People to spread the word of freedom and truth throughout the land. We cannot count on any media people to help, it is up to us alone. If we will have the courage shown by John Dummett and Van Irions, we can overcome a media biased against us.
The internet and blog-o-sphere are large enough and popular enough that we can spread this message to all corners of our nation. If you will take the time to look at the case being presented, you will see the possibilities. Don’t buy into the hype that it isn’t possible, that is the defeatist attitude the party machines want you to have. Some people in George Washington’s day thought what they were doing was impossible too, but these people forged the freest and most prosperous nation ever seen on this earth.

It is up to us, We the People of These United States, to insure the future freedom of America. It is up to us to stand up and support those like John Dummett and Van Irions, men who will stick their necks out and speak truth when it would be easier to be silent.

Where is the courage in the media to tell the truth about this issue, or any other issue for that matter? Political expediency and political correctness are combining to destroy our nation. The internet and the blog-o-sphere are our source of the truth, not television talk shows. Until the media gets over their egos and begins to put the truth and the best interests of our nation first we will find ourselves going down the path to the total extinction of our freedoms.

I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God To honor His work and not let it die from neglect.

Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
December 6, 2011

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and GETTR

Published by
Rich Mitchell

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