Oh where, Oh where do I start with this one??!!!
This article is going to be much shorter than my normal writing because I really am nearly speechless on this one. It seems there was a “disagreement”
The combatants were two Republican House members, Harold Wright and Mike Reynolds. I am not going to tell
In Arab parliaments/legislatures they have the decency to throw shoes at one another. In some European countries they throw fruit or chairs at one another. In San Francisco they have limp wristed slap fights when disputes break out. In the Oklahoma legislature two high brows push their noses together and slobber mean words at each other like a couple of junkyard dogs. But all of this is beside the point of this article.
The true point of this article is about the legislation behind the “slobberfest”. Before I get into the actual details of the legislation at the core of this dispute, let me bring readers, especially those in the State of Oklahoma, up to date on what is happening in our legislature during the current session. The Republican leadership- the state is controlled totally by Republicans- are beyond the pale of pathetic in what they are doing. I wrote a couple of days ago about the criminal activities taking place in our state government. Please read this article to get up to speed on some of the problems we are facing. Oklahoma Republicans are using the same tactics employed by Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi in dealing with legislation. I have taken to calling Gov. Mary Fallin, Sen. Pres. Brian Bingman, and Speaker Kris Steele Oklahoma’s Axis of Evil.
In addition to the Obamacare items in the article linked above, we have legislation that has been sitting around for three years not being acted upon. This legislation ( HB 1399 & HB 2569) would prohibit the use of RFID chips in Oklahoma driver’s licenses. These chips allow the federal or state government to track every move a person makes and to know within 10 feet where citizens are at all times. We also have legislation from the last couple of years that would allow the open carry of firearms in addition to the current concealed carry allowed in the state. And for those outside of Oklahoma, especially in the Northeast and California, we do not have “Dodge City Night” every weekend in Oklahoma.
Now that you have the background to understand my disgust, let me get to the meat of the matter. All of this dust-up and behavior befitting a couple of 5th graders was in regards to a continuing resolution to “honor” February as “State Music Therapy Month”. Now bend over and pick your teeth up off the floor, I did.
We have the Oklahoma legislature ignoring the will of We the People in about a dozen different pieces of legislation, and that is just the ones that I know of, and a fight starts over “Music Therapy Month”? What the hell is wrong with these people? Is this why we spend millions of tax dollars to elect you clowns, to go down there and get in a fight over “Music Therapy Month”? This is despicable to a point that I can’t even fathom!
Our state, and our country, are melting down around our ears and these two juvenile jackasses are fighting over “music therapy month”. They both should resign in shame and take their sorry butts back to where they came from. This is not the reason for you being there. It is bad enough that you waste time with crap like this that means nothing without fighting like a couple of spoiled school boys.
The taxpaying citizens of this state and this nation are fed up with the things going on at the legislative and executive branches of both state and federal governments. And don’t get me started on the Judicial branch. We are not being represented, we are being dictated to. If you people don’t have anything better to do, just go home and let us live our lives in peace. I am sure some of us common, everyday hayseeds can go in and figure out if we need a music therapy month or not. We can also use our lack of intelligence to figure out if 70% of We the People saying we don’t want Obamacare means 70% of us don’t want Obamacare imposed upon us. Just go home, let me know when you are gone, and I will recruit some people to take care of business without a slobber fight. I am sure some of us hicks can figure out if we want RFID chips in our wallets, medical implants in our hands, and a music therapy month. And if some judge doesn’t like our legislation, we know where to find tar, feathers, and rails.
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor his work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
February 16, 2012
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