Citing good health and wishes for Congress to return to a more Centrist platform, Senator Olympia Snowe has announced that she will not seek reelection this year. Senator Snowe explained her decision in the following statements, courtesy of Fox News:
“After 33 years in the Congress this was not an easy decision. My husband and I are in good health. We have laid an exceptionally strong foundation for the campaign, and I have no doubt I would have won re-election,” she said in a statement.
“I do find it frustrating, however, that an atmosphere of polarization and ‘my way or the highway’ ideologies has become pervasive in campaigns and in our governing institutions,” she said.Saying that she does “not realistically expect the partisanship of recent years in the Senate to change over the short term,”
What Senator Snowe does not explain in her statements above, are the reasons why there is so much partisanship in American politics today. America is approaching $16 trillion dollars worth of Greek-style debt insolvency. America’s irresponsible debt-spending must stop, and therein lies the divide in Congress today. On one side of the aisle, you have responsible representatives seeing that dangers of America having her credit downgraded [again] and the resulting austerity measures that will come with it, while on the other side you have the irresponsible big government debt-spenders who have no regard for the future of America. Liberal Democrats and their allies have controlled both houses of Congress for four straight years and still control the United States Senate and the White House. What has that gotten America? Historically massive amounts of record yearly deficits of over $1 trillion dollars for every year since 2008 when Democrats took over Congress.
Senator Olympia Snowe has voted with the big government debt-spenders of the Democratic party on virtually every single spending bill of the past 5 years as can be seen here and in the latest revelations about Senator Snowe voting against Republicans more times than with them… by a very large margin. From The Washington Post:
Snowe is known for her independent streak, often voting with Collins against many of her Republican colleagues. According to the just-released National Journal 2011 vote rankings, only Collins voted with Democrats more than Snowe last year.
As America watches Greece go up in the flames of chaos and citizen discontent due it’s massive debt-load and the resulting austerity measures, expect more irresponsible RINO-Republicans and big debt-spending Liberals to run out on the very people who voted them into power, and leave Congress in 2012. Olympia Snowe was a big government spender not a conservative, and future generations across America will be made to pay the price one day for the trillions of dollars of debt these people have racked up. Bi-partisan cooperation in Congress used to mean that representatives across America came together to do what was best for the people. Now it has been perverted into being nothing more that a steal-the-tax-dollars-while-adding-to-the-national-debt free-for-all by the shameless elitists and their crony-capitalists in big government. Greek style debt-chaos and austerity measures are coming to America, and with the current trillion-dollar deficits and refusal to enact measures to control spending, it is coming a lot sooner than most people expect.
The only question left to ask is whether Senator Snowe will take the other big government debt-loving RINO from the Northeast, Senator Susan Collins with her into retirement? Maybe then we could actually start moving America forward towards ensuring a stable financial future for generations to come.
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