Whitney Houston sadly died an early death due to drug and alcohol abuse. A very gifted singer has died much too early due to her own
The Blaze.com ran a story about the sorrow over the death of Whitney Houston and the touching item written by Jamie Lee Curtis in the Huffington Post. That is great that she says nice things about her friend, but stop there. Jamie Lee, express your condolences for yourself and let it go at that. After saying nice things she started in on Obama to “do something”. In “rich and famous” lingo that is take the money from the serfs to solve a problem.
How many millions of dollars does Jamie Lee Curtis have? How many millions of dollars does Michael Moore have? How any millions of dollars do Sean Penn and Danny Glover have? If Jamie Lee Curtis, or any of the rest of them want something done about drug addiction among their peers ,why don’t they give all of THEIR millions to solve this issue among the “rich and famous”? Why should Curtis live among the “Top 1%” and tell Obama to take my hard earned money and give it to the Whitney Houston’s of the country? I wonder why the OWS occutards are protesting in Oakland and burning their own city down when they could actually go burn the homes of the real 1%’ers in Hollywood.
Jamie Lee, it isn’t your money you are crusading with, it is mine. I am among the lower income range but still pay income taxes, Social Security and Medicare taxes, along with every other tax to support a “War on Drugs” that has been going on for 50 years with nothing to show for it but billions of taxpayer dollars down the toilet of feel good projects like this one you demand. After all these years of taking my money for your touchy feely causes I am broke, our nation is broke; but your kind can still live life like it doesn’t cost anything. You can hide your money in various shelters, I can’t. It does cost for my family to live, and it costs a lot at our income range.
When are the bleeding hearts of this nation going to actually do something to help this great nation that has made them hundreds of millions of dollars and allowed them a lifestyle not even remotely possible for most of the citizens of America. Talk about out of touch with reality!!! The “rich and famous” always come out of the woodwork when an actor, singer, or whatever dies tragically and begin demanding the government do something about social issues among their peers. Do they actually NEED the welfare from me and my kind? When I believe in a cause, and can afford to, I donate to it. But it is my money I give, not someone else’s money.
I have also noticed many of the bleeding-heart 1%’ers showing up at various “Occupy” events stirring up hatred for the “rich”. It is sad that the occutards aren’t smart enough to realize that they are being egged on by some of the richest people in America. The occutards want my tax money to pay for everything they want and the uber-rich want my tax money to pay for all of their “heartfelt causes”. There isn’t any need to leave anything for my family to live on. We are expected to give everything we have and just go demand something from government like they do.
Now we have Jamie Lee Curtis putting on a sob story about a person who had everything, looks, voice, career, hundreds of millions of dollars, and mobs of adoring fans. And what did this super-star do with her life? Died in a bathtub in a drug and alcohol induced
It is so easy for the ivory tower sitters in Washington D C and Hollywood to sit in their palaces and tell me where my meager income should be spent, but I notice they don’t do much more than tell me how they need to use my hard earned money. Personal responsibility has to come into the mix somewhere or it is a lost cause. The reason the “War on Drugs” and the “War on Poverty” don’t work is that there is no personal responsibility expected. Just call them diseased animals and require that I pay for their upkeep. If you want a memorial to Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, or any other entertainer, provide it yourself because I don’t care about them, they had more than enough to live a grand life but they abused themselves into an early death. You want something done, do it with your money and leave mine alone.
As for me, I would rather spend my money to protect the borders of this nation; to help the families of soldiers lost in battle; to provide the medical needs of wounded warriors, and to help those truly in need and willing to help themselves. Use my tax money for these righteous purposes to help those who aren’t among the wealthiest. Don’t take my tax money and give it to an industry known for drug and alcohol abuse, physical abuse of spouses, adultery, and overall demonic behavior. Don’t make some grand speech about the “horror of drug addiction” and direct Obama to my wallet.
There is help out there for those who truly want to be delivered from their addictions. Personal responsibility is the key to cure, not money. For those who are willing to work and do what is necessary to recover, I am with them. For those who just want to throw money at a problem without the key ingredient, I am not with them. You can’t make sugar cookies without sugar and you can’t overcome any issue without the desire, the drive, and the willingness to do what is required to be successful.
So to Jamie Lee Curtis and all the other hoot owls out there who demand the government confiscate my money for their “cause”, Zip it and leave my money alone. Do whatever you wish with your money and let me spend what little I have as I wish.
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
February 16, 2012
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