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Obama to Speed up Reviews of Great Lakes Wind Power Projects.. That Do Not Exist

The campaigner-in-chief has really stepped in it this time. Barack Obama, facing the fact that due to a miserable economy and extremely high gas prices crushing middle class Americans, he will assuredly be a one and done President in November…  so now he wants the American people to believe he is really ramping up U.S. energy production … as in windmills. From Fox News comes this enlightening announcement:

The Obama administration announced an agreement with Great Lakes states on off-shore wind projects….and has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the  governors of Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, New York and Pennsylvania to  streamline reviews of potential off-shore wind projects. (emphasis added)


 As in the Solyndra green energy scam that saw half a billion tax dollars funneled to Obama campaign bundlers and big donors, one can only guess which of Obama’s Democrat-crony-capitalists are standing in the windmill line to scam the taxpayers out of a few billion more tax dollars in exchange for big campaign donations. So far it’s pretty hush-hush, as can be seen by the fact that as of right now, these so-called soon to be expedited wind mill projects that Obama is bragging about… not currently exist!

However, when asked how much faster permits could get approved, White  House Council on Environmental Quality Chair Nancy  Sutley said, “There currently aren’t any projects seeking approval…”

This is a sign of a president who knows he can not run on his miserable failure of a record during his first term in office, so he turns to making announcements about speeding up reviews that do not exist. Of course there will be plenty of Obama donors lining up to rake in the cash while defrauding the American people through these green energy scams.. eventually. Meanwhile, American oil and gas production and permitting has been stopped dead in it’s tracks under Obama’s regime, including blocking the Keystone XL pipeline that would deliver hundreds of thousands of oil to U.S refineries the minute it was allowed to go online.

This is a man ( Barack Hussein Obama) who the people now see saying one thing in fluffy campaign speeches.. while doing just the opposite behind their backs.  Barack Obama just does not understand that when Americans can’t go on vacation because of $4.00 a gallon gasoline this summer, and seeing him stop U.S oil production while giving away billions of dollars to his campaign donors for failed green energy scams… they will say enough is enough and give him the boot in the November elections. He is in for a very harsh lesson in reality this November.

DJ Redman

Published by
DJ Redman

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