Sandra Fluke: D.A.M. Member, Political Activist, Phony Victim

The Democratic Attack Machine recently rolled out a supposed 23 year old college student named Sandra Fluke to use as an innocent-looking “victim” who was being denied her “women’s health rights” by a religious university. Georgetown University, to be exact, where she made the choice to attend, even though she admits to researching Georgetown University and their policies about birth control beforehand. Democrats tried to insert this phony plant, (more on that later) by using an ambush tactic of not notifying the Committee Chairman ahead of time, simply because this “Fluke” is neither an expert on women’s health, a religious scholar, and certainly not a constitutional law scholar, which are just some of the related qualifications that would suggest that Fluke would be able to add anything substantial to the committee discussion. No, Sandra Fluke is now proven to be nothing more than a discredited political activist puppet, and just another tool for the desperate Democratic Attack Machine of 2012.

It has now come to light that Sandra Fluke is a 30 [not 23] year-old political activist/feminist/typical Democratic Attack Machine disingenuous disgrace. The only thing missing on her just-now-coming-to-light resume’ would be her probable connections to the GLBT political activist front groups. This fake episode of the supposed poor, young college student being abused and denied her “women’s health-care rights” while being paraded before Congress had all the makings of a D.A.M. farce right from the beginning. Fluke’s demanding other’s be forced to pay for her birth control and abortion pills is right out of the Planned Parenthood manual, along with a smattering of the supposed Occupy victim-card players propaganda and filthy common beggar syndrome..

The stench of desperate debt-spending Democrats [soon to be booted out of Congress in this year’s elections] during this charade brings back haunting memories of childhood trips to the local dump, where the stench of rotting food and trash left an indelible impression on a child for months to come. Low and behold, Democrats had the reelection campaign cash-begging emails all set to go the minute this farce was ramped up by the media. D.A.M. also used this farce to try to take down the truth-telling Rush Limbaugh by calling for advertisers to boycott his radio show. ( and of course you can donate to the campaign coffers of the desperate Senate Democrats while you are at it, them being such honorable people)

Of course the head of D.A.M., Mr. Barack Obama designed this whole charade of mandating religious organizations to pay for contraceptives and abortion pills to distract from the real issues facing Americans today, including the stagnant economy, high unemployment, and $4 dollar-a-gallon gasoline that his policies have crushed the middle class under the weight of. Barack is the most desperate Democrat of all when it comes to the upcoming elections, and this whole charade proves it. Note: Why not just let the Liberals pay for the abortion pills that they also claim are for “health reasons” and are now trying to refer to that rat poison as “medicine?”  How about putting your money where your mouth is Barbara Boxer. Today’s Liberal [fake] Democrats never do that, instead they are constantly devising disingenuous plots to spend other people’s money.



DJ Redman

Published by
DJ Redman

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