There is a reason that this country was founded as a Republic and not a pure Democracy.
The Mob.
When the loudest voices get what they want Justice be damned, there is The Mob.
When Organizations have Tried and Convicted outside of the Courts of Law, there is The Mob waiting with a noose in hand under the local hanging tree for the man pulled from his home. As the New Black Panther Party has done as they take on the action of handing out “Wanted: Dead or Alive” posters with Zimmerman as the hunted.
When Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, the Reverends of God’s word so they claim, preach that Zimmerman must be punished, even before Trial by his Peers, they have become not ministers of Gospel but active flame fanners of The Mob.
When all media is turned against a man to demand his arrest and push the State to prosecute a man who has yet to be charged and given a chance to defend himself, there is The Mob screaming threats of, “No justice, no Peace. There will be retaliation,” as Louse Farrakhan, leader of the ethnocentric Nation of Islam has tweeted.
If The Mob does not get the blood it requires it will take that and more from wherever it can.
When the day came that the President himself sided with The Mob before a man has his Constitutional right to a day in Court, the Office of the Presidency joined The Mob.
I can believe the man is guilty without ever giving up the concept of his Rights. Just as I believe there was no justice for Caylee Anthony or Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman but never would I join The Mob. Each person accused in those cases had their day in court and were found not guilty. Even if I do not agree that does not mean I take justice into my own hands and play like it’s the Wild West. Ask Richard Jewel what it’s like to have The Mob on your tail.
I will not presume to find the man guilty based on evidence presented to me through a media I have problems with finding as a truthful organization to begin with. Just as well I will not be intimidated by The Mob to call for a man’s death before his day in court and convicted.
Right now in America The Mob has the biggest loudspeaker it has ever been granted, the Oval Office, and a another life and several others if The Mob gets its way, may be lost as well as all sense of true Justice because of that.
George Zimmerman did shoot Trayvon Martin that is a known fact. All the rest is for Due Process in a Court of Law. All the rest happening on the outside is nothing more than looking for a Lynching by The Mob.
Tom is an erratic contributor to CDN. Former U.S. Army Signal Corps soldier, outspoken future Re-Education Camp intern #7-2521, world traveler, combat veteran and Author of the new book Sucker Punched, a dystopian near future America novel available at
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