You know the feeling all too well.

You want to trust.  You want to believe.  After all, he is the President.

But you sense deception.  Dishonesty.  A dark and malicious, hidden agenda.

As your stomach tightens and your pulse begins to race an overwhelming desire to fight, flee or vomit begins to sweep over you—adrenaline surging.  Intense anger and deep disgust invade your soul.  It’s happening again.

Barack Obama is speaking.  And you’re being lied to.

All across America, this scenario is repeated every day as Americans listen to their president on radio, TV or over the internet.  There’s no argument.  No discussion.  No opinion polls necessary.  Americans know that Barack Obama is a prolific and, some say, pathological liar.  A say-anything-do-anything-to-get-what-he-wants kind of guy.

All politicians are accused of lying.  While some obviously do lie, others are guilty of the art of “spin.”  Everyone spins.  Especially parents.  “Eat your broccoli sweetheart it’s good and good for you.  It’ll make you big and strong.  Plus, you can have ice cream later.”

Spin is supremely annoying.  But it’s not necessarily lying.

Most Americans would agree that politicians should be forgiven for lies that protect national security or sensitive military and intelligence operations.  It goes with the territory.  It’s common sense.  We don’t tell the enemy our plans and we don’t jeopardize the lives of our military and intelligence personnel.

But a constant, repeated pattern of self-serving lies, deception and manipulation for personal and political gain is a different story.  It’s one thing for a red-faced politician to lie about personal failings, whether it’s a naked “tweets” scandal or a stained blue dress.  It’s quite another thing to lie to the American people as a matter of course, as a way to govern and as a way to legislate.  It undermines and destroys the social compact that we have with our elected officials.  Americans want honest politicians.  Honesty breeds trust.  And no relationship can survive long without it, be it parent/child, husband/wife, friend/friend, employer/employee or President of the United States/the American People.

Barack Obama lies so often and with such disturbing ease that multiple books have been written detailing his falsehoods and comfort with the untrue.  Obama’s lies cover virtually every aspect of his presidency and personal life.  His connections to numerous anti-American radicals like Bill Ayers and Jeremiah WrightObamacareThe unemployment rateAmerica’s “oil reserve.”  The Debt Limit debateThe Keystone Pipeline.  The fake issue of contraception.  The list goes on and on and on.  Obama’s dishonesty is so well known, so frequent and habitual that it, along with his famed arrogance, have become the defining traits of the 44th President of the United States.

Reagan was The Great Communicator.  Bush Sr. pledged Read my lips.”  Bill Clinton?  See Monica Lewinsky.  George W. Bush is forever linked to September 11, 2001.  How will history remember Barack Obama?


So many questions surround Obama and his deceptive ways that it’s an overwhelming task to unravel it all.  And maybe that’s the point.  Maybe that’s the true, political genius of Barack Obama.

Under Obama, Americans face the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.  Millions are out of work.  Millions more have stopped looking.  Businesses closing their doors.  Retirement and college funds raided just to pay bills and keep food on the table.  And millions upon millions of homes lost in foreclosure.   A reign of shattered dreams.

The prospect of another 4 years of the same, or worse, is truly frightening.  So, what does the most failed president since Jimmy Carter do to win re-election?

Change the subject.  Create a false series of crises.  “Republicans want to take away your contraception.”  “They want to take away your healthcare.”  “They hate the poor.”  “They hate women.”  “Republicans want dirtier air, dirtier water and less people with health insurance.”  “If you’re a self-respecting human being please vote for President Obama.”

In other words, lie.  Lie big.  Lie boldly.  Lie often.

Lie about what you said and did and then lie about your opponents.  Talk about how things would be so much worse if you hadn’t come along—and how bad they’ll get if you’re not re-elected.  Lie about your intentions and the consequences of your legislation.  And then lie some more.  Send your opponents scrambling as they try to disprove your lies.  Meanwhile, make up more stuff.  Tell more and even bigger whoppers.  Blame the other guy(s) and get the opposition to spend their time, energy and money responding to numerous and wildly false accusations, dutifully repeated of course, by your loyal media co-conspirators.

So, what do we do about it?  How should we respond to Obama, Liar in Chief?

Maybe you remember the story.  Jesus Christ was lead into the mountainous, desert wilderness.  There, He fasted for 40 days and 40 nights and was tempted by the father of lies.  With each temptation, Jesus responded by quoting Holy Scripture.  Truth.  He defended Himself with ultimate truth.

And so should we.  Not by playing defense and answering every false accusation.  But, by recounting the truth about Obama.  What he’s said and what he’s done.  His abysmal record on jobs and the economy.  His relentless attacks on freedom.  His commitment to wealth redistribution and Marxism.  His dictatorial exercise of executive power.  His numerous, flagrant violations of the Constitution.  His radical environmentalism.  His regulatory assault on American business.  His attacks on the oil industry, the coal industry and the firearms industry.  His racism.  His antipathy toward religion and most especially Christianity.  His anti-semitism.  Tell the truth about Obama’s corrupt administration.  The Solyndra scandal.  Fast and Furious. The Justice Department’s blind eye to blatant voter intimidation by the radical, racist Black Panthers.  Tell the truth about all of it.

Get informed.  Get the facts.  Get mad and get the word out.  Spread the truth about Barack Obama.  And make sure you’ve got your facts straight.  Truth has power.  Rumors and internet blogs are often wrong.  Check your facts and proclaim only the truth.  To remain silent in the face of Obama’s lies is to empower him and the dark agenda that he holds for America.

While we’re all researching and telling the truth about Barack Obama, maybe it’s time to fairly and honestly evaluate the evidence and claims of one of America’s most trusted lawmen and well known truth-tellers, Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, AZ.

Joe Arpaio is a maverick.  Not only does Sheriff Joe enforce the law in Maricopa County, he is universally known to be an honest man.  A rarity in elective office these days.  Joe tells the truth.  To the media.  To his constituents.  And to the powerful.  Even if it’s uncomfortable.  Even if it’s politically incorrect and regardless of whose feathers may get ruffled.  That’s why America loves him and why many Americans wish he was their sheriff.

An official law enforcement investigation conducted by Arpaio’s “Cold Case Posse” has determined that there is sufficient, probable cause to question the truth of Obama’s personal narrative.  Evidence gathered by seasoned law enforcement investigators has determined that Obama’s PDF birth certificate released on the White House web site is most likely a forgery.  Evidence has also led Arpaio’s team to conclude that Obama’s Selective Service registration card may be fraudulent.

Isn’t it reasonable to at least investigate these claims?  Yet, there’s been a virtual media blackout on the results of Arpaio’s investigation.  Sheriff Joe has been labeled a “Birther” in an attempt to discredit him.  Media attendees at his press conference were more interested in Arpaio’s motives than the facts of the investigation.

But, what is more likely?  That tried-and-true Sheriff Joe Arpaio has become a wild-eyed, Constitution-quoting, Obama-hating, conspiracy-theorizing Birther? Or that Barack Obama, known deceiver, consummate liar and pathological narcissist is hiding something critically important to the future of the American nation and doing so through the use of forged/fraudulent documents?

The truth about Barack Obama must be known and must be told.  All of it.  No matter how politically inconvenient or damaging.  No matter the consequences.  In a free and democratic society, truth is a requirement.  The press is constitutionally charged with uncovering it.  And the American people can handle the truth.  If only they are told.

“You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” -John 8:44

New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation






















Jay Clarke (@AmericanHeirs)

Published by
Jay Clarke (@AmericanHeirs)

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