Paid for by…yes, you guessed it… you. I know you won’t believe it so two different news sources are linked.
Many things about this administration really gripe me. But this news story takes the cake.
In the midst of the worst economic crisis in this country since the Great Depression, or perhaps even ever, this administration has added a micro-brewery to the White House.
Yes, it’s true. The White House admitted it today.
From USA Today: “There is a home brew, if you will, at the White House,” said White House spokesman Jay Carney.
Apparently word got out after President Obama mentioned that he had stocked his campaign bus with their private brew.
Officials admitted to the brewery after President Obama told some Iowa residents that he had some of its product stocked aboard his campaign bus.
Per the Des Moines Register: “Obama campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters that Obama gave the man a full bottle of said beer, retrieved from the bus.”
We now know the beer is called White House Honey Ale, and is made in both light and dark varieties.
Making home brew or establishing a micro-brewery is done every day by many individuals. It is legal in most states. Personally, I find the idea of making one’s own beer interesting. It’s probably a very fun hobby and the micro-breweries often successful businesses.
But is this the best use of taxpayer money? It seems awfully elitist to me. Maybe it’s time for a new president who will actually focus on problems at hand rather than starting a new hobby.
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