At least that’s what the Obama campaign folks will undoubtedly cry when all is said and done. Now, it’s true the British already think we’ve become more prejudiced during this administration, but perhaps we can choose to take that with a grain of salt, given that the Brits are arguably left of Obama himself.
But, back to our shores. You know it’s bad when even CNN is pointing out that Obama is having trouble with a particular group of voters. In this case, his trouble is with white males. Obama is carrying 40 percent of the white voting bloc right now. That is an important number, when you consider the following:
Obama made history when he won the 2008 presidential election — a feat he accomplished in part with 43% of the white vote. It was the same percentage former President Bill Clinton netted in 1996…
In 2004, Sen. John Kerry lost his presidential run after getting only 41% of that group. In the 2000 election, Vice President Al Gore lost with 42% of the white vote, 90% of the black vote and 35% of the Latino vote.
Yes, you read that right – less than that “magic” number, 43% of white voters, and there haven’t been any Dems getting into the White House. And Obama’s sitting on 40% support. Sure, this doesn’t mean “game over” for the Obama campaign, however it also isn’t good news by any stretch of the imagination. As for why this is happening, it’s not news to conservatives at all. We’ve been saying for months that there are plenty of former Obama supporters that are jumping ship, and we’ve been sharing piles of video and audio interviews with these disillusioned voters. And yes, many of them have been white.
If nothing else, it has left NPR looking for a race to the bottom – of the barrel, that is. Their path to a win for Obama in the face of these numbers includes counting on relatively uneducated votes of all races to come to their guy’s rescue. Now, if that isn’t a sad statement in itself…
But, time will tell. Now we just have to sit back, and hope that Sandy doesn’t totally screw up the election by leaving the East Coast in the dark on November 6th.
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