MSNBC Says Romney Broke Charity Guidelines; Obama Talks “Lean Forward” In Covert Speech Speak

What can I say?  Has it come to this?  Is the Obama campaign so desperate that it is making coordinated attacks using MSNBC  “slogans”?  As we get closer to the Election it just keeps getting stranger and stranger.

MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, a real life “radical” of journalistic bias, had a discussion over the Romney Campaign recently using a scheduled stop in Ohio, and transforming it into a “donation drive” of sorts for the victims of  Hurricane Sandy.  The day after the Hurricane did its worse damage, Romney staff  rightly cancelled the event as a regular Campaign stop, and asked the attendees and the community at large to stop by the event bringing canned goods, bottled water, clothes, all the items one would need after such a tragic event as Hurricane Sandy.

Well, what in the world was Romney and his staff thinking?  Don’t they know the Red Cross has guidelines and those items aren’t what they are looking for?  Gee, I don’t think Romney was thinking about the Red Cross, he was using his own bus to drive in the goods directly into the areas most affected and distribute the items.     Aren’t there laws in place prohibiting this kind of misguided giving?   According to Andrea Mitchell, and then later Martin Bashir, it sure seems so!  Romney is not worthy to be President, seems to be the thinking—he broke with the Red Cross guidelines, how dare he!   No way can he be “Commander and Chief” says the Left,  this “donation violation” situation sure proves it!


Then, Martin Bashir, feels this is discussion worthy.  He even implies Obama is taking a “jab” at Romney as Obama spoke at the Red Cross later in the day.

President Obama speaking at the Red Cross, used what this writer believes to be “code words“.  Yes, besides Obama himself stressing the Red Cross’ guidelines, stating “these folks know what they are doing, they have guidelines, so give them a call…” he then goes on to “work in” MSNBC’s slogan “Lean Forward”.     So get out your decoder rings, folks.  I agree, this is strange, and if I didn’t hear it myself,  I would have dismissed it.  What caught most as downright odd, he uses this “lean forward” not once, but twice, in the same “speech” which is only a few minutes long. (Listen to the context, it sounds utterly nonsensical, are we losing it altogether?)

 If this is all they got, coordinating slogan speak, and accusing your opponent of donations “violations”  –I am hearing the fat lady sing, loud and clear.  And no, you don’t need a “decoder ring” to get what I am talking about.   Hear me “ranting” on this whole situation from my Radio Show here.    Five days and counting….

Rebecca Diserio

About Rebeca Diserio–After the tragic death of her first husband, LA County Deputy Sheriff Stephen Blair (Gang Unit, Compton, CA), in the line of duty, she became a Conservative Writer, Activist, and Speaker. She worked on Star Parker’s campaign, co-managing a district office. Currently, she is the CEO & Executive Producer of FIDELIS RADIO NETWORK, and host of the REBECCA DISERO show. She resides with her 3 sons, 3 dogs and 3 cats.

Published by
Rebecca Diserio

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