Disgusting. Deranged. Denigrated. Disturbing. I could go on with any letter of the alphabet, to describe “Sandra Fluke as Person of the Year”. Not only is Fluke a paid shill, she is represented by SKD Kinckerbocker, as O’Reilly uncovered last March
O’Reilly made his case by first detailing who has been booking Fluke with various media outlets — a mysterious man named “Mike.” Strangely enough, O’Reilly can’t track Mike down, and now, Fluke is being represented by someone from the progressive PR firm SKDKnickerbocker, where Anita Dunn — the former Obama communications director — is a managing director.
So, here is this “activist”who is launched to be a paid “actor” in the fake “War on Women”. As you all remember, Fluke, a law student at Georgetown University, gave a mediocre “performance” testifying before the Democratic Steering Committee, headed by Nancy Pelosi and Elijah Cummings. She played the part of a “storyteller” about how women at Georgetown (a Catholic University by the way) could not obtain adequate birth control. Sounds like a “plot” rife with unreasonable scripting—if it wasn’t “real life” no one would believe it! Yet, that is how it went down. Fluke, sometimes on the verge of tears, sometimes with mock “outrage” in her voice, gave an implausible speech, not worthy of even a “B” movie. Sandy talked about how a friend had ovarian cysts, who couldn’t afford over 100 dollars a month out of pocket expense for Birth Control pills. Sandy stating she was denied coverage, oh yea and she was gay, so Sandy thought herself the smart vixen, saying “I don’t think pregnancy was her reason for needing the BC pills”. (Question- you can get it at the Walmart for 30 bucks a month, Sandy. Was that not an option?) She continued to preach to her handlers, Pelosi and Cummings, in a ridiculous hearing, paid for by you and me. All this to “launch” this fake “War on Women”, which sadly, did have quite an effect on single female voters.
We all recall their “game plan” then unfold. This would be a major “talking point” for the Obama re-election Campaign. Even though Sandy decided on Georgetown (I doubt anyone from the Vatican put a gun to Ms. Fluke’s head to attend Catholic Georgetown) she must have known the Church isn’t a fan of Birth Control, yet that’s where Sandy decided to place her cap for her education. Only to “kill two birds with one stone” attacking the Church and attacking insurances. Brilliant.
She went on to infamy, highlighted by our President making a phone call to Sandy. Yes, these memories are little nuggets of gold which helped re-elect Barak Obama. Obama, placed a much publicized phone call to Sandy, making sure “she was OK” after Rush Limbaugh referred to her as a whore in an on air diatribe. Perfectly reasonable, for the President to make sure a 30 year old paid shill was “OK” after such a National incident as the Limbaugh diatribe. Call Brian Terry’s family? You know, Brian Terry, the Border Patrol agent who was gunned down by our weapons in the Fast & Furious debacle. NO sir. Why would he call them? Sandy being called a whore, now there is a tragedy, worthy of a phone call.
Is Sandy a whore? You betcha. A whore for the Left, a paid shill. A self promoted activist, who was in the right place at the right time. Just like a “working girl” on any urban corner, waiting for the right “John” to drive by.
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