Categories: Opinion

Report exposes colleges’ “disdain for Jesus”

Stories of rabid leftism on America’s college campuses is nothing new. For that reason, there should be little surprise that Jesus Christ is not a prominent feature of most course syllabi.
A recent report by a conservative news outlet, however, proves just how little respect professors show Him.

The study looked at a dozen universities and more than 300 individual courses covering overtly religious topics. Not only was God’s Son absent from the vast majority of class descriptions, the study found, His ministry is roundly attacked and questioned in those classes covering the Gospel.

Instead of focusing on what Jesus said and did on earth, most courses feature merely the commentary of those often most critical of His ministry, the report continued. Islam, by comparison, is treated with a more delicate touch, with schools offering courses designed to create more “understanding” of the faith.

One college, with a diverse religious studies department including such courses as “Whores and Saints,” did not make any room for a study of Jesus. Another featured a class designed to find out “What is Religion” but did not offer a course on Christ as a possible answer.

Perhaps more disturbingly, a major university’s only Christian-centered course is built around discrediting the Holy Bible by teaching the “wide diversity of early Christianity” and the Bible’s “suppressed … texts.” The same school, by the way, offers four classes on Islam and even has two on the study of Stalinism.

Sadly, these examples are indicative of the rest of the report.

Universities are among the most active hotbeds of leftist indoctrination in America today — and they’re up against some pretty touch competition! There will always be those college students secure enough in their beliefs to remain dissuaded by the onslaught of opposing views and they deserve our admiration and support. As for the rest of them, let’s just hope the real world wakes them up to a reality completely ignored in the leftist fantasy land of academia.

B. Christopher Agee founded The Informed Conservative in 2011. Like his Facebook page for engaging, relevant conservative content daily.

B. Christopher Agee

B. Christopher Agee is an award-winning journalist and conservative columnist. He established The Informed Conservative and late 2011 and currently reaches an audience of millions each month through publication on several major websites. He lives in the Fort Worth, Texas, area with his wife.

Published by
B. Christopher Agee

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