Anna-Maria Hoffman is a college student and conservative woman who feels strongly about the messages current pop culture sends out to our young women. She feels there has not been a properly public voice from her generation to stand up and defend modesty and encourage young women to value themselves and demand others value them as well. To that end Anna-Maria has created the blog “Counter Cultured“, where young conservatives address the culture they live in. They don’t just talk politics – they talk movies, television, music, values and she even has a fashion section. This week I had the pleasure of traveling to the Dr.Phil show with Anna-Maria to talk about the topic of “slut-shaming”. A lot of folks don’t know this term (I had to look it up before we taped the show). Anna-Maria describes the term and gives her response here. It’s well worth a listen, and if you know of any young women who are hungry for this type of message then this blog is a great resource. In the age of Kardashians, Jersey Shore and Teen Moms it’s refreshing to see a young woman who is proud to wade against the culture and advocate for more self-respect among her peers.