Well, John Boehner took time out from his latest sob-fest to come
Boehner is as predictable as Obama because they are two of a kind. The only real difference in them is one is a dictator and the other is his lackey, and it isn’t difficult to figure out which is which.
We have Obama, Reid, McConnell, Pelosi, and Boehner making all of the real decisions in our government and they are owned by the same
“Just words” bites us once again. These tyrannical liars have no intention of ever allowing WE the People to have the liberty won and preserved for us by generations of patriots. The Republican Party is trying to leap-frog the Democrats when it comes to playing “Santa Claus” and in the process has abandoned everything the party used to stand for, including the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.
These people and their henchmen are merely fighting over the spoils of tyranny. Who will get the biggest piece of the pie of dictatorship? Obama is Hugo Chavez/Adolf Hitler but who will John Boehner be? Is he looking for the part of Himmler? NO, that has to go to Dingy Harry Reid!! What role is Mitch McConnell interested in
Every president since Reagan has grown government, including both George Bushes. It doesn’t seem to matter how the parties divide the legislative pie, their pie always grows and the pie for the peasants dwindles. Republican president, Republican Congress; Republican president, Democrat Congress; Democrat president, Republican Congress; Democrat president, Democrat Congress; one party in control of any two of the three; where are the true differences? What has either party done when in complete control to benefit the prosperity and liberty of American citizens?
In the 2012 elections the Republican Party actually opposed Richard Murdoch and Todd Akin, preferring to support liberal Democrats over
This paragraph is important to understand so read carefully, please. We had three candidates here in 2012 races, all espousing conservative values, limited government, and personal responsibility. They didn’t all belong to the same political party yet they were treated exactly the same by their own party when espousing the very same values. Anyone want to explain the differences between the Democrat and Republican parties?
And to add icing to the cake, The Traitor John Boehner, in his speech at the freshman orientation, told the new members of the House of Representatives that they are there to resolve “the issues of the day” not to represent their constituents (https://www.businessinsider.com/boehner-reelected-speaker-speech-house-text-2013-1?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+businessinsider+%28Business+Insider%29). If you will read the text, notice the next to last paragraph and compare it to the audio. Pay particular attention to what Boehner says beginning at the 5:15 mark of the audio. The press release of the article added the word “just” to what Boehner actually said. That one word changes the entire statement and tone of his remarks. This is merely cover for his tyrannical speech in which he told new members that if they are there to represent their constituents the door is in the back of the room. Is this what we expect our “representatives” in government to believe?
Is it any wonder our nation is in the condition we find it today? Is this representation or is this organized crime/totalitarianism
There are some in Congress who actually care about the Constitution and us “commoners” but they are few and far between. And remember what happened to Huelskamp and Amash for having the temerity to represent their constituents instead of the party line. The political bosses and their lobbyist K Street handlers have such a hold on everything that We the People are merely cannon fodder in the true battle going on in Washington, the battle for who gets the biggest piece of the pie of tyranny. What really matters to most in government is grabbing a bigger piece of the power pie with no regard at all for those of us who pay the bills. Our national symbol should be a different bird than the bald eagle. It should be the Buzzard of Tyranny, one bird with two wings; Republican and Democrat.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
January 18, 2013
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