This is such tripe that it is actually embarrassing, and infuriating at the same time. This is the best we have to govern our nation? For anyone who doesn’t already know, let me lay out a few facts that you won’t hear on any “news media” outlet, including FOX News. The “media” covers the false flag talking points arguing but not the facts
Follow me here because this is the crux of the game being played by both political parties. Spending goes UP, every year, in spite of the “horrendous cuts” they are “forced” to make. The federal government is expected to spend approximately $3.7 trillion in 2013, yet they are wringing their hands and fretting over cutting $85 billion out of that total, which is 1.1% by the way. According to figures released by the Heritage Foundation the federal government spent $3.6 trillion in FY 2012. If we take $85 billion off of the projected $3.7 trillion in 2013 we still find the government spending $3.615 trillion in 2013. What the “the sky is falling” politicians are telling us is that spending $61.5 billion MORE, 1.66% more, in 2013 than they spent in 2012 is somehow a cut in spending, and will cause untold calamities if it happens. How does that work? I must have had a defective education because that doesn’t look they are spending less to me.
The “hawks” on defense want social items cut and the “hawks” on social items want defense cut. So, they come to a
The question I have, and one that never gets answered, is “if the country is going to almost totally shut down because we “cut” $85 billion, why are they spending $3.7 TRILLION and where does the rest of it go?” This “spending cut” is going to cause firemen, policemen, and teachers to be laid off? Since when does the federal government pay for these services? Isn’t that why I pay county property taxes and state taxes? Social Security checks won’t go out, pony rides in national parks will end (sad face), soldiers won’t have
And to spending cuts, I have yet to hear Obama speak about cutting back on his vacations to Hawaii and Spain, golf with Tiger Woods, a special Leer jet for his dog to go to Martha’s Vineyard, or a junket on Air Force One to Nevada or wherever to announce another of his “green energy” or “jobs” scams that he could have announced from Washington. I haven’t heard about ‘Ole Nan’ giving up her first class jet for a broom.
Rand Paul recently returned $600,000 that he was authorized as a Senator but didn’t spend. Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma has been doing this for years. A side question is “how much money do they get for ‘office expenses’?” Apparently too much!!
I also haven’t heard anything about cutting congressional or White House staff, not to mention the pay raises they seem to get quite often. We hear the horror stories about how We the People will suffer due to “cutbacks” but never how Congress or
In the real world they are scamming liberal and conservative voters alike. The people running OUR government take We the People for being so stupid we can’t figure this out. The sad fact of the matter is that about 51%, at least, buy into this lie. How do people like Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Diane Feinstein, Sheila Jackson Lee, Charles Rangel, Hank (Guam might tip over) Johnson, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Eric Cantor, Jeb Hensarling, Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, etc. continue to get elected?
Much of the problem comes from the Republican Party yet these same people who turn their backs on conservatives get elected time and again. WHY???? I don’t know of a single major promise Republicans have made in 20 years that they have actually followed through on, yet they continue to receive the same support from the same people.
The problem is that we have no other options. It is either ultra-liberal Democrats or very-liberal Republicans. We vote time and again for the lesser of two evils because that is all the options we have. That has to change if we are going to salvage the Republic established in 1791 and defended for all these years by the blood of American patriots. The biggest problem facing America is career politicians and bureaucrats who could care less what We the People think or what the Constitution says. A 3rd party encompassing the 67% of We the People who make up the TEA Party could cure these problems. Where are the leaders to step up and lead????
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
February 24, 2013
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