If 20 pregnant women and 20 pregnant dogs were lined up before a firing squad and fired on, which group’s potential murder would the Left be most horrified over; dogs or human beings?
By the way the Left is ignoring Dr. Kermit B. Gosnell’s torturous murders of born children in his abortion clinic; I have to assume the Left’s horror only extends to the killing of animals and not human beings—unless of course it’s the killing of an Islamic terrorist, then all hell will break loose and we’ll see riots in the streets for the dead terrorist.
Maybe that’s why the Left is ignoring Kermit Gosnell: He’s a medical terrorist who performed abortions in the most heinous manner imaginable.
Dr. Kermit B. Gosnell regularly delivered live babies and murdered them. This news is not important to the left wing, pro-abortion mainstream media, because Dr. Gosnell did not slaughter kittens and puppies.
Gosnell “catered to women” who could not get abortions legally, because they were 20 weeks to six months or more into their pregnancies.
Gosnell’s abortion procedures went beyond anything conceived of. Anyone who reads the “Report Of The Grand Jury” will think they are reading the script to a violent horror movie:
This case is about a doctor who killed babies and endangered women. What we mean is that he regularly and illegally delivered live, viable, babies in the third trimester of pregnancy – and then murdered these newborns by severing their spinal cords with scissors. The medical practice by which he carried out this business was a filthy fraud in which he overdosed his patients with dangerous drugs, spread venereal disease among them with infected instruments, perforated their wombs and bowels – and, on at least two occasions, caused their deaths. Over the years, many people came to know that something was going on here. But no one put a stop to it.
Making things worse, Gosnell’s employees were not nurses or doctors; they pretended to be licensed medical practitioners, making diagnoses and performing medical procedures only licensed, schooled medical doctors or nurses can perform.
Despite screams of pain from mothers and birthed babies being tortured to death, these so-called “doctors” ignored it all. The horrific style was part of “Gosnell’s approach…,” “keep volume high, expenses low – and break the law.”
According the Grand Jury:
“Gosnell’s approach, whenever possible, was to force full labor and delivery of premature infants on ill-informed women. The women would check in during the day, make payment, and take labor-inducing drugs. The doctor wouldn’t appear until evening, often 8:00, 9:00, or 10:00 p.m., and only then deal with any of the women who were ready to deliver.”
If that wasn’t enough:
Many of them gave birth before he even got there. By maximizing the pain and danger for his patients, he minimized the work, and cost, for himself and his staff. The policy, in effect, was labor without labor. There remained, however, a final difficulty. When you perform late-term ‘abortions’ by inducing labor, you get babies. Live, breathing, squirming babies. By 24 weeks, most babies born prematurely will survive if they receive appropriate medical care. But that was not what the Women’s Medical Society was about. Gosnell had a simple solution for the unwanted babies he delivered: he killed them. He didn’t call it that. He called it “ensuring fetal demise.” The way he ensured fetal demise was by sticking scissors into the back of the baby’s neck and cutting the spinal cord. He called that “snipping.’
Just imagine veterinarians performing such vile procedures on animals. Animals rights activists already scream bloody murder over pet shops and “puppy mills,” but never put their efforts against abuse into fighting the murder of human beings, specifically babies born in abortion clinics where doctors order their murders.
According to investigators:
Medical equipment – such as the defibrillator, the EKG, the pulse oximeter, the blood pressure cuff – was generally broken; even when it worked, it wasn’t used. The emergency exit was padlocked shut. And scattered throughout, in cabinets, in the basement, in a freezer, in jars and bags and plastic jugs, were fetal remains. It was a baby charnel house.
Imagine veterinarians joking about killing animals the way Dr. Gosnell joked about murdering born babies:
[One baby boy] was breathing and moving when Dr. Gosnell severed his spine and put the body in a plastic shoebox for disposal. The doctor joked that this baby was so big he could ‘walk me to the bus stop.’
PETA and the Left would march on Gosnell’s home no doubt calling for his “disposal.” But then again, Gosnell is an animal, so don’t look for the Left to stand up against him.
At Gosnell’s clinic, there was “Another, Baby Boy B, whose body was found at the clinic frozen in a one-gallon spring-water bottle, was at least 28 weeks of gestational age when he was killed. Baby C was moving and breathing for 20 minutes before an assistant came in and cut the spinal cord, just the way she had seen Gosnell do it so many times.”
Gosnell’s “nurse” watched her boss, who never hid his violent practice, murder babies born six months old and up daily, never once dialing 911 or going to police, begging they raid Gosner to prevent murder. She too is on trial for murder and faces life in prison.
The Grand Jury Report states Gosnell induced labor on every woman, causing as much pain as possible to mother and child, tearing open cervix’s, colons, puncturing uterus’s, ripping intestines, leaving parts of fetuses inside mothers, procedures so painful and cheap (Gosnell liked cheap procedures) they caused convulsive seizures, causing women to fall of operating tables onto their heads, never receiving care, and much more.
Gosnell’s staff said he found the screams of mothers and children annoying.
There is another side to Gosnell’s eugenics horrors the media ignores: Gosnell is black man who purposely mistreated impoverished black women in the most heinous fashion possible. Yet, when one white patient entered his clinic, he used the utmost care.
The only reason Gosnell was caught is because police raided his clinic for selling illegal prescriptions: Money flowed into the clinic via “fake prescriptions that brought in hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.” Otherwise the racist Gosnell and his “doctors” would still be torturing poor black women and their birthed babies.
Why isn’t this racist, murderous Gosnell making left wing media headlines? He’s a black abortionist who murdered poor black babies.
Why doesn’t the Left care about that racism? Because Gosnell was accomplishing the century long progressives plan: Population control to eliminate poor children from society, furthering Margaret Sanger’s Negro Project to exterminate the black race, and allowing only the fittest and wealthiest among us to survive.
If Dr. Kermit Gosnell was a veterinarian who slaughtered animals, the Left would demand his life. But he murdered black children, so he did the world a favor.
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