Illegal Aliens and Amnesty By Dictate

The more things change the more they stay the same.  I am amazed at the scam Marco Rubio is trying to pull on the American people.  The “Gang of 8” comes up with this great plan that will “protect We the People” while showing some “compassionate conservativism” towards those who break our immigration laws.  Of course, as is the usual case, there are holes in this “plan” big enough to sail an aircraft carrier through.

This immigration surrender is something that no other nation in the world would tolerate.   Once again we have a very small “gang of…” deciding the future of the nation without the consent of the citizens, you know, We the People.  Marco Rubio jumped at the chance to be the front man for this affront to the Constitution and We the People, happily taking on the mantle of being Charles Schumer’s puppet.  This isn’t going to help his 2016 presidential aspirations very much.

Why should We the People believe this spin job has any real truth in it?  They propose to grant legal status to illegals now and spend ten years closing the border.  And if the border isn’t secure in the first five years it will be turned over to a committee made up of the states?  You have got to be kidding!!!  Naturally, the actual legislation isn’t even written so they want to pass the outline.  Give this vague idea a catchy name and vote it into law, QUICKLY!!!  They can get around to writing it later.  Kind of like “pass it so we can find out what is in it”, isn’t it??

I have seen all this before on the immigration issue.  They talk big about how tough they are going to be on those they “pardon” because “there will be rules to abide by, steps to take”.  And they expect me to believe this “new” legislation will be enforced? They actually think We the People are going to buy this clap-trap?  This is not governing, this is ruling by dictate.  They come out and tell us they have decided on this and demand that We the People accept it because it is “fair”.  Fair to who???  Just who is this fair to???

Is it fair to the citizens who are truly poor, those who are here legally?  They have broken no laws, yet cannot subsist on their own because the opportunities that haven’t been squashed directly by government bureaucratic regulations have been eroded by politicians pandering to those who did break the law to be here.  Government works for government.  Politicians and bureaucrats work for themselves; their power and authority, their ability to dictate how we will live our lives.

Is it fair to the retiree whose retirement savings have been frittered away by these same politicians and bureaucrats?  The senior citizens who worked all their lives see the money they saved, instead of driving new cars and taking expensive vacations, stolen by those they elected to manage the country.  They see their money taken by politicians and given to those who thumb their noses at our laws.  Politicians in both parties worked with the “too big to fail” banks, the Wall Streeters they “hate”, and the AFL-CIO to rob seniors of their life savings.

Is it fair to the union workers, er former union workers, who have lost their jobs in the last 15 years?  Is it fair to the union workers who relied on union leaders to work for the benefit of the workers, and politicians who promised to protect the jobs they eventually lost?  Is it fair to the union workers who began a family, bought a new house, went too deep into debt and then had the rug pulled out from under them by union demands and bureaucratic dictates that cost them their job? Richard Trumka and the other union big shots live a lavish lifestyle while millions of former union workers scratch to get by, losing houses and possessions.  These politicians and union leaders are more concerned about a bunch of illegal aliens than those they purport to represent.  FAIR??  Fair to who???

All this “fairness” isn’t about fairness at all, and it isn’t about Democrat versus Republican.  It is about government control of our lives and their authority over everything.  Both parties are doing this to us.  They both posture and bleat but in the end it is We the People who find our standard of living being reduced.  They want more control of our lives and give us less voice in what goes on in our nation.  These aren’t the actions of a republican form of government.  These are the actions of a dictatorial oligarchy.

They, this Gang of 8, propose that we pass “new” laws and “new” regulations to fix the problems that have been caused by not enforcing the “new” laws and “new” regulations they passed the last time this came up.  Both political parties are in this together.  All this “bi-partisanship” is steadily eroding our standard of living and our standard of liberty.

Is anyone else seeing a pattern here?  There is a problem, any problem; healthcare, immigration, firearms, welfare, etc.  The problem has been addressed countless times in the past and “new laws and regulations” have been passed but not enforced each time, because those laws will be “unfair” to those breaking the law.   The answer of politicians is always more control over those who actually follow the laws while turning a blind eye to those who ignore the “new” laws.  Everyone knows that absolutely nothing in the current crop of new legislation will do anything to solve the problem of the illegal alien invasion.

This is but one example of many.  The politicians and the bureaucrats spend all of their time thinking up ways to further restrict the rights of citizens when they should be focusing on enforcing the last set of “new” laws, rules, and regulations they passed.  They admit the new laws won’t matter yet demand that those of us who do obey the law must give up our rights anyway.  They need to pass this idea for a possible outline quickly, before anyone can look at it.    “We have to pass it so we can find out what is in it”, AGAIN!!

The political class is destroying our nation.  They never fix anything!!!  They continually put restrictions on what legal citizens can do without so much as a thought of what the Constitution provides for.  That “old and outdated document” means nothing to either political party, but means everything to liberty and government OF the People, BY the People, and FOR the People.

There are a few in the Senate and a few in the House who are fighting the establishments of both parties on behalf of We the People.  They are being beaten down by those who control both political parties and their minions in the media.  Our voices are not welcomed by Republicans or Democrats.  THEY know best and THEY will “debate and tell us where THEY stand”.  What about where the Constitution stands??? What about where WE THE PEOPLE stand???

They have their dictatorial oligarchy and will not turn loose of it easily.  The statists who control both parties are seeing We the People stand up to their treachery and they don’t like it.  They want to get things jammed through as quickly as possible, knowing that time is not on their side.  We the people are fed up, standing up, and demanding they govern by the Constitution first and the will of the people second.  Their creation and intense arming of DHS is the government, BOTH POLITICAL PARTIES, saying, ”NO We will NOT honor our oath to the Constitution“!!!!!

I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.

Bob Russell

Claremore, Oklahoma

April 21, 2013

Bob Russell

Graduated from Classen High School in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma in May, 1968. Enlisted in the U S Army on December 11, 1968, serving 3 years in the 7th Special Forces Group as a Heavy Weapons Expert, attaining the rank of Sgt. E 5. upon separation went to work at Southwestern Bell Telephone on January 17, 1972 and retired on August 31, 2003. Also spent 1 year on active reserve as a member of the 14th Special Forces Group. attaining the rank of Staff Sgt. E6. started and operated a business installing wiring for telephone, data, and video surveillance systems from October 2003 until December 2011. Suffered a debilitating stroke on August 19, 2014. Now recovering and doing volunteer work at the Claremore, Oklahoma Veterans Center. Attends church in Claremore at CedarPoint and LifeChanger churches. Married to wife Marsha since August 2, 1989 with 4 daughters and a deceased son, 12 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.

Published by
Bob Russell

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