by Jeremy Griffith
crossposted from
Glenn Beck and Company have been talking at length recently about the dangerous takeover of our education system by Progressive educators, specifically through the programs C-Scope and Common Core. But the Progressives have been slowly taking over the education system for years and their main weapon in this takeover has always been to teach their brand of Progressive science and get our children to disregard the Bible as a quaint, outdated myth.
Andrew Breitbart, the famous Blogger and media personality and visionary, God Bless his soul, said that politics is downstream from culture. He is absolutely right and that is why we are losing today’s youth at the ballot box. The Progressives are effectively using media, entertainment and education to shape the minds of our kids which is why when they get to be the age to vote, they make the wrong choices, choosing goofy liberals like Barack Obama over sane alternatives. Those politicians are depicted as hip and with it, while in the meantime, conservatives are thought of and projected as backwards, Bible believing throwbacks.
The problem with this picture the youth has of our world is that it is based on a lie, and a clever one, taught to them at a very young age, in our Progressive public schools. The main weapon of this indoctrination has always been, the theory of Evolution. Only when we delve into the details of this flawed theory and method of education can we expose the problems and outright lies being taught. If we don’t confront our education system with this systemic lie, we will never reclaim our kids or our future.
Here are a couple of lies and myths that are being taught in school as fact.
“Science shows that life began through purely natural means, without the help of a mythical, all powerful being.”
This is a lie, science has shown no such thing and when you delve into the facts, you find there are more problems with the evolutionary theory than there is with a Biblical view of Creation.
Here is one way that evolutionists like to demonstrate their theory as fact.
“The geological column and the paleontological record shows that life evolved on this planet over billions of years.”
That claim is false. The geological column is a model that shows the rock layers of the Earth from the deepest to the shallowest in the order of what they are thought to appear. These layers of Earth also have dates associated with them showing the best guess of scientists when these rock layers were formed from an evolutionary standpoint. The paleontological record is the record of fossils of extinct species in these rock layers that further validates the dating methods of evolutionary scientists. It shows the natural progression from simple life forms at the beginning, to more complex forms higher up.
The problem with this model is that it appears nowhere in nature. In actual fact, these rock layers are often found in much different order based on geographic location and indeed are folded together with rock layers that should have been formed billions of years later.
The fossil record to is a problem too. Often you find very simple life forms that are supposedly billions of years old at the same depth or higher than more recent fossils. My favorite fossil is a set of very human looking foot prints in the same soil as set of ancient dinosaur prints.
Scientists teach our students that the Earth has no special place in the universe and that life that created itself from nothing and started here, could very easily start very easily elsewhere. This is called the Copernicus Principle and it is the basis of much of what is taught in science instruction today. The problem with this principle is that it is mischaracterized and misconstrued to the point that the original meaning of this principle has been lost.
Nicolas Copernicus was an early scientist living in the 16th century that claimed that the Earth is not central in our solar system, that it in fact orbits the sun along with the other planets. This of course is correct and the common view of today. But the theory has been twisted beyond its original intent to say that there is nothing special about Earth and its location, that if evolution is true there should be thousands maybe millions of Earthlike planets out there, and they’re cropping up all the time as the universe evolves. This theory has been espoused by many great scientists, chief among them the late great Carl Sagan.
But when we observe the universe with our own eyes we see the opposite is true. The Earth occupies a habitability zone that is perfect and critically important to create and sustain life. It is so unique indeed that we have never found anything like it after all our years looking through the telescope. The universe is so vast that even if there were other inhabitable worlds, we could never reach them even if we achieved light speed. So the fact is the Earth IS unique and special, just like the Bible says it is.
Evolutionists have gone far out of their way to prove their theory as fact that they have even committed fraud to do so. So called ape-man links have repeatedly been exposed to be outright frauds; and sketches of the fetuses of different lifeforms when compared to humans have been doctored to show a relationship that doesn’t actually exist. Movies like Inherit The Wind are created to falsely show the victory of this brand of science over religion changes the facts so grossly as to lie about the actual outcome of the famous Scopes monkey trial and all of the important details of the case. (Watch this humorous and short video on a fictional debate between an evolutionist and creationist on the movie Inherit The Wind. )
The left’s position in schools when it comes to science instruction is so shaky that school boards won’t tolerate even the mention of creation science theory for fear that they will lose the near perfect strangle hold on our kids, and they are right. If the children are presented an idea that differs from what they are being instructed, they might, horror of horrors, start thinking for themselves and questioning things they are taught. That’s too dangerous for a Progressive to tolerate, so they bombard school districts with lawsuit after lawsuit until they get their way.
If we are going to win back the culture, we can’t cede this battle to the Progressives. Science is fun and important but it doesn’t answer any of the really interesting questions, who are we and where do we come from? Where are we going, is there life after death? Are we more important than the animals or are we just animals ourselves with no real purpose? These are the questions our children are struggling with, whether they are equipped in our schools to handle them or not. The outcome is obvious. A child trained that he is accountable for his very soul to an Almighty God who created him and everything else is far less likely to shoot up a classroom of sixth graders than a boy who is taught he is an animal and there is no real purpose to this life. This is the real battle we are facing, not gay marriage or gun control, but the purpose for life and higher meaning. Can we really just let it slide and let the Progressives win? I think not.
Either the Bible is true or it isn’t. I think the next generation, with proper instruction on how to think for themselves, are smart enough to figure that out for themselves. What harm can there be in teaching the Christian axiom, “do onto others as you would have done to you?” There is danger in the other worldview, we’ve seen it at places like Sandy Hook.
Watch The Privileged Planet on DVD for more information on the special place your world has in our solar system.
Check out this interesting article on the age of the sun at
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