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Republicans MUST stop amnesty dead in its tracks

CALL FOR ACTION: Dear Readers, please call your Congressman and both of your Senators and tell them that you will NEVER vote for them again in any election if they vote for any form of amnesty. Also, please contact all Tea Party groups you know of (including Tea Party Nation, the Tea Party Express, the Tea Party Patriots, and others) and urge them to state openly that they will fight to vote out of office, and deny future office nominations to, any Republican who votes for amnesty.

Sources are saying that the full Senate will soon take up the full amnesty bill, which the Gang of Eight plans to ram through the Senate Judiciary Committee by stealth, while most Americans are occupied with the multiple scandals hitting the Obama administration.

This dangerous bill will kill the GOP as a national party forever if it is passed, for it will legalize 20 million Third World immigrants who will register as Democrats, and import additional millions of Third World potential Democrat voters at a rate of more than 1 million annually.

Here, I will explain the bill’s most dangerous provisions and its consequences.

The bill’s provisions

This massive Obamacare-style “we have to pass it to find out what’s in it” bill has many provisions. I’ll summarize the most important ones.

  • All illegal aliens who arrived in the US no later than January 2012 will be eligible for amnesty – i.e. receiving Green Cards (legal immigrant status) and, 3-5 years down the road, US citizenship and thus the right to vote (though you can bet ACORN will register them for voting well before that).
  • As such, they’ll be eligible for the full cornucopia of federal benefits, even before naturalization. No one will be able to deny them these, because that would (ostensibly) violate the principle of equality before law and die in the courts. The Heritage Foundation has calculated this will cost the Federal Government $6.3 trillion over the next decade – at a time when the US is already in debt to the tune of $16 trillion.
  • As Green Card holders, and later, US citizens, they’ll be eligible to bring in their relatives – not just spouses and children, but also parents, siblings, etc. – into the US without any limits, through “chain immigration” – unskilled immigrants bringing other unskilled immigrants into the US based on family relations. The amnesty bill would abolish ALL limits on chain immigration and would make NO attempt to condition the issuance of Green Cards on skills, work experience, and academic qualifications.
  • The Visa Waiver Program would be expanded, allowing even more people to come to the US without bothering to obtain a visa – whether to work illegally or to perpetrate terrorist attacks.

The political consequences

But most importantly, this bill, if passed, will make the Democrats a permanent, unbeatable majority party by creating millions of new Democratic voters and importing further millions every year. The GOP will become a permanent minority. As Ann Coulter says, the two major parties will be the Nancy Pelosi Democratic Party and the Chuck Schumer Democratic Party.

Say there are only 12 mn illegal immigrants in America eligible for amnesty right now. Let’s assume they’re legalized and that Republicans achieve George W. Bush levels of the Hispanic vote (44%). That still gives the Democrats a net gain of 1.6 million new voters – 6.72 mn new supporters vs 5.28 mn.

Easy to see why the Democrats are for this. But why would a Republican Party that is not suicidally-minded support this?

If amnesty is passed, you can kiss the House, the Senate, the Presidency, and many governorships and state legislatures goodbye, forever. Republicans will never again be able to win any national election again. The Democrats will gain at least 1.6 mn new voters on net and will thus have permanent majorities in Arizona, Texas, Florida, Virginia, Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada.

When Texas goes, America goes.

Consider: while 18 states that have a combined 242 Electoral College votes have voted Democratic in the last consecutive six presidential elections, cobbling together an EC majority has been increasingly difficult for Republicans. Republicans last did it in 2004, and completely failed to do so in 4 of the last 6 elections.

Why? Because California, overwhelmed by immigrants (legal and illegal), is now stridently liberal. New Mexico is now also out of reach for the GOP. Colorado, Nevada, Virginia, and Florida (all states with large and growing Hispanic populations) are increasingly problematic for Republicans. Only Texas and Arizona remain secure – for now.

As Pat Buchanan likes to say: when Texas goes, America goes.

If amnesty becomes law, there goes Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, Florida, Virginia, and Texas, and there goes the presidency, forever.

The “natural conservatives” canard

In response, we always hear “But don’t worry, Hispanics are natural conservatives. They are devout Catholics, devout social conservatives, work hard, and want to achieve the American dream.”

This canard is utterly false. This description is true only of a minority of Hispanics – those whom conservatives usually meet. But the vast majority of Hispanics don’t fit that description at all.

As a demographic group, Hispanics are less likely than any other (other than Jews) to attend church or support conservative policies, more likely to support liberal ones, and more likely than any other group (other than blacks) to vote Democratic, achieve poor school grades, drop out of high school, commit crimes, end up in prison, have children out of wedlock, be pregnant during teenagehood (girls), be raised by single parents, and be dependent on welfare and other government programs.

This is the antithesis of a natural conservative.

The canard about Hispanics being “natural conservatives” is even more idiotic than the one about blacks being “natural conservatives”. At least blacks really are social conservatives – they simply vote Democratic anyway, ignoring the fact that the Democrats support abortion on demand (read: the Holocaust of black children[1]) and gay marriage.

And as Ann Coulter points out, last year, Hispanics were almost alone in increasing the share of their vote going to Obama from 2008 to 2012. Only they and Asians voted for Obama in greater numbers in 2012 than in 2008. (The black vote for Obama remained, alas, unchanged at over 90%.)

Every other demographic group: whites, men, women, youngsters, Evangelicals, Catholics, Jews – gave a larger share of their vote to the Republican nominee in 2012 than in 2008. In fact, if the election were to be decided only by whites, or if the electorate had been as white in 2012 as it was in 1980, Romney would’ve trashed Obama by a landslide.

Profiles in Welfare

And what does a typical Hispanic (or black) voter look like? Pat Buchanan gives us the answer.

He or she is raised by a single mother. He/she, like his single mom, is completely dependent on the federal government and its cornucopia of social programs for survival.[2]

His/her education is paid for, K-12, by the federal and state governments. For college, he can apply for federal student loans and other federal programs. For food, mom has foodstamps, and children get 2-3 federally-subsidized meals at school every day.

If mom works, she has no tax liability thanks to a high no-tax treshold and the Earned Income Tax Credit. If she doesn’t work, she gets welfare benefits, including 99 weeks of unemployment compensation.

For healthcare, there’s Medicaid and Obamacare.

And that’s the majority of Hispanic families. Why would these people vote for a party that pledges to cut taxes they don’t pay and promises to cut the government programs they benefit from? Wouldn’t logic dictate voting for a party that promises to let them keep this entire cornucopia of federal benefits and even to expand them?

The problem is all immigration – not just illegal immigration

We’re also being constantly told another cretinous canard: that legal immigration is fine, it’s just illegal immigration that’s problematic.

But this is also utterly false. Legal immigration is also a huge drain on the Treasury and a huge political threat to the GOP. The problem is not just illegal immigration; the problem is immigration, period.

Since 1965, a million newcomers have immigrated to America every year on average, the vast majority of them from dysfunctional, socialist Third World countries like Mexico.

It is thanks to THESE immigrants that California and New Mexico are now out of reach and why CO, NV, FL, and VA are increasingly problematic for the GOP. It is thanks to THESE legal immigrants that Obama was elected and reelected. If they hadn’t been present in the US, Obama would’ve never been elected, let alone reelected after a disastrous first term.

Therefore, not only should Republicans stop amnesty dead in its tracks, they must also severely restrict legal immigration when they retake the White House and the Senate. This must include eliminating chain immigration, a 10-year moratorium on legal immigration, and then, allowing only highly-educated, English-speaking immigrants who will be able to find a job and will not become a drain on taxpayers.

Statistics from the Center for Immigration Studies prove that when legal immigration grows, illegal immigration grows with it; and when the rate of legal immigration is reduced, illegal immigration declines concurrently.

Remember: the problem is not just “illegal immigration”, the problem is immigration, period.

A matter of life and death

As Ann Coulter points out, massive immigration – both legal and illegal – has turned California into such a liberal state that no Republican can win statewide in California anymore. Not so long ago, this state gave America great Republican Senators and Governors such as Richard Nixon, S. I. Hayakawa, Ronald Reagan, and Pete Wilson.

New Mexico has now gone the same way. The GOP nowadays can’t even win presidential elections in CO, NV, FL, or VA. Only Arizona and Texas remain secure – for now.

And as Pat Buchanan says, when Texas goes, America goes.

We conservatives must not allow that to happen. Amnesty must be stopped dead in its tracks, and legal immigration must be severely restricted.

This is literally a matter of life and death, for the GOP, the conservative movement, and the Country.

Zbigniew Mazurak

Published by
Zbigniew Mazurak
Tags: Politics

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