“I Don’t Give A S–T”: Finally!!! Truth From Washington

 Well, Folks, that just about sums it up!!!!!! Rep. Markwayne Mulllin (R OK-2) made this famous statement when confronted at a townhall meeting in Afton, Oklahoma on August 8, 2013.  Activist Miki Booth, also of Oklahoma, tried to present Mullin with a 71 page affidavit from the Sheriff Joe Arpaio investigation of Barack Obama’s eligibility to hold the office of President of the United States of America.   Mullin said we lost that argument Nov. 6, 2012 and “testily” refused to accept the document.  The left is going nuts because they say he has “come out” as a “birther”. That is nonsense, as he clearly stated, more than once, that he doesn’t care, to put it more politely.  I think the “birthers” are the ones who do care.

I witnessed the same kind of attitude the next day in Oolagah regarding the TEA Party members of Congress who are trying to stop the hemorrhaging of our liberty.  I told him I wanted him to join with the reformers but he has jumped in bed with Boehner and the party establishment.  He didn’t take that very well.  Another man insisted the House could refuse to fund anything they desired to defund.  Mullin said they couldn’t do that because the Senate and Obama would stop such a bill.  If the House sends an appropriations bill without funding for Obamacare they can’t force the money to be there.  Mullin doesn’t seem to understand that part of the Constitution very well either.  Doing John Boehner’s bidding seems to be the only answer Mullin has to our problems. The idea of governing according to the Constitution and the wishes of his constituents seems to evade his radar!!!

His curt attitude to Ms. Booth, and his following attitude, pretty much sums up the general attitude of members of Congress towards the Constitution and We the People.  The most serious issue here isn’t that the member ranked 408th in seniority in the House of Representatives showed this kind of callous disregard for the Constitution in public.  Mullin is just following the dictates of the Republican Party “leadership”.  He is merely following the instructions and example of his mentors, Sen. Tom Coburn and Speaker of the House, Rep. John “the Traitor” Boehner. 

How many members of Congress actually care what the Constitution says????? Jim Bridenstine, Louie Gohmert, Justin Amash, Tim Huelskamp, and a few others are standing up for the Constitution, and We the People, in the House. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, and a few others are doing the same in the Senate. Other than that we have the Markwayne Mullin attitude from the rest of them towards the very basis of our Republic of the United States of America.

Mullin told those of us gathered in Oolagah that the TEA Party congressmen are busy grandstanding for their own personal gain and hurting the “co-operation needed” to get anything done in the House.  He mentioned them losing a $10 billion cut in some program because of their insistence on cutting more.  While that cut would probably be a good thing, it won’t matter much if we don’t preserve our nation as it was left to us by our founders.  The Republican Party is not preserving, protecting, or defending the Constitution, they are subverting it.  We have already lost so much that we are on the precipice of a Nazi Germany future.

Obama, and those in control of both political parties in both houses of Congress, are systematically destroying our very way of life and it is pretty apparent that “I don’t give a s**t” is the prevailing attitude among nearly everyone we elected to “preserve, protect, uphold, and defend” the Constitution of the United States of America.

In a related incident last week, Oklahoma State School Superintendent Janet Barresi, a Republikrat, took the same attitude towards people meeting to discuss education with her, the topic being Common Core. She can’t seem to make up her mind if citizens were split on the matter or if it is lopsided in opposition to Common Core.  She seems to change her story to match the latest facts that she can’t be bothered with. She told one attendee that she doesn’t answer to We the People, but rather that she answers to the state legislature. That is true in the sense that the legislature passes the guidelines but she is elected by We the People to provide our children with the best possible education. Common Core isn’t the best possible education and she isn’t doing any better than the lame Democrat we tossed out in 2010.

I seem to remember the big ballyhoo from the Republikrat Party when they swept the statewide elections, including the school superintendent post in 2012.  Now she has the attitude that We the People don’t matter and she evidently “doesn’t give a s**t” what the citizens say either.

Mullin isn’t an aberration; he is the norm from the Republikrat Party.  Both political parties are owned by big money, and the big money is on “K” Street in Washington D C (De Cesspool).  Legislators at both state and federal level give their allegiance to the political party because that is where their money for campaigns comes from. We the People are merely peasants who should sit down and shut up because we aren’t intelligent enough “to know what is good for us or what is in our best interests”.

This is the general attitude of the Republican Party establishment.  We the People don’t matter and merely need to sit down and shut up while they attend to the business we are too ignorant to understand.  Our government is no longer OF the People, BY the People, and FOR the People.  We now see a government that sees itself as the final arbiter of what is and is not legal, what is and is not moral, and what is and is not acceptable.

The ruling class political thugs do not consider We the People to be their superiors.  We are peasants who lack the intelligence or ability to decide what is what.  The worst of it is that they don’t recognize the RIGHT of We the People to have any input into what goes on in government.

I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.

Bob Russell

Claremore, Oklahoma

August 13, 2012



Bob Russell

Graduated from Classen High School in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma in May, 1968. Enlisted in the U S Army on December 11, 1968, serving 3 years in the 7th Special Forces Group as a Heavy Weapons Expert, attaining the rank of Sgt. E 5. upon separation went to work at Southwestern Bell Telephone on January 17, 1972 and retired on August 31, 2003. Also spent 1 year on active reserve as a member of the 14th Special Forces Group. attaining the rank of Staff Sgt. E6. started and operated a business installing wiring for telephone, data, and video surveillance systems from October 2003 until December 2011. Suffered a debilitating stroke on August 19, 2014. Now recovering and doing volunteer work at the Claremore, Oklahoma Veterans Center. Attends church in Claremore at CedarPoint and LifeChanger churches. Married to wife Marsha since August 2, 1989 with 4 daughters and a deceased son, 12 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.

Published by
Bob Russell

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