These diabolical new standards will be sure to create a lot more window washers and gas station attendants to service the well educated Chinese and Indian Immigrants who no doubt will run our businesses and create all of our jobs. If Common Core is not stopped soon the next generation will be less prepared and less educated and as a result have less opportunity and initiative than other generations.
Adolph Hitler once famously said, “He who controls the youth, controls the future.” This is no doubt why Common Core was implemented. It was not put in place to educate our youth. It was put into place to re-educate our youth. The leftist progressives in our government and the teacher’s unions can’t have our children think for themselves. They need little mindless drones that will buy into their Communist and Socialist garbage.
Liberals do not believe in the success of the individual. This goes against the very fiber of being a liberal. They would rather fail together than succeed individually. Liberals believe that individual success is somehow either racist or unjust and usually achieved not through hard work and dedication but rather by some sort of injustice. This is why class warfare is so prevalent in the Democratic Party’s playbook.
Common Core teaches our children to love thy government, trust thy government, and above all obey thy government. Common Core celebrates tyrants and ridicules heroes. It points out percieved injustices and hides the real unsung heroes who made America the great nation it is. The ultimate goal of Common Core is to create a new generation of radical Americans who hate their country, who hate the Constitution, and who hate our Christian-Judeo principles.
Let’s take a look at what our children are being taught by the Communists in our government and the Pimps and Johns of our teacher’s unions.
In Illinois, home of Barack Obama’s Crook County, children were given an assignment that said, “Government is your family and we are here to take care of you.”
Fourth graders in some urban cesspools in our dilapidated liberal cities are now taught mandatory Ebonics. They learn words such as, “Bitchaz, Ho’s, and Mobstaz.” Imagine that, teaching our children hood rat dialogue? As if somehow teaching this illiterate version of street trash is somehow going to prepare our children to compete with their Asian and Indian counterparts?
In Arkansas, sixth graders were given an assignment and told to “imagine that the Bill of Rights was outdated and that it may not survive in its common form.” What would you do to change it? Again, another example of the hatred the left has for our founding fathers.
Folks let me start by saying this. I have a seven year old son who is my world. When I help him with his homework and I see “Common Core” plastered all over it I get a feeling of sickness and sadness all throughout my body. If I EVER see an assignment like the ones I just described that are pure indoctrination and an attempt at revisionist history I will go ballistic! I will immediately forbid my child from doing the assignment and then I will storm into the school and DEMAND an immediate meeting with the teachers and the school administrators. I will do what I have to in order to protect the integrity of my child’s education. I will not sit back and allow my child to be indoctrinated in this leftist ideology, and I would hope you will not allow your child to be either.
Common Core is already starting to unravel. Just recently, Indiana’s Governor signed a bill outlawing this disgusting curriculum. Let’s hope other states follow suit soon. I implore everyone reading this to call your Governor and your state legislature and demand they opt out of this curriculum. Also citizens need to start petitions in every state that has Common Core and get the required amount of signatures to put its repeal onto ballot initiatives in all 46 states. Let’s show these criminal re-educators what the power of the people still looks like.
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