When Obama first got elected in 2008 he said “We are just a few days away from fundamentally transforming America.”If you love something or someone you don’t set out to “fundamentally transform” them. So don’t go saying he never said that Kirsten Powers like you did on Sean Hannity’s show the other night. Former mayor Rudy Guiliani made the incredibly bold, courageous and right on statement that Obama doesn’t lover America and I applaud him for it. He is so right and the left jumped on him like nobody’s business.
The only thing I disagree with Guiliani on is he said Obama is a patriot. Obama is no patriot by far. He gives aid and comfort to the enemy by comparing Christians in the crusades to what ISIS is doing today and at the National Prayer Breakfast of all places. He never has a problem saying terrible deeds were done in the name of Christ, but won’t say terrible deeds were done in the name of Allah. He gives aid and comfort to the enemy when he gave 400 tanks, 14 fighter jets and a billion dollars to the muslim brotherhood, but refuses aid to King Abdulla in Jordan when he asks for it to help fight ISIS. He gives aid and comfort to the enemy when James Foley was beheaded and he comes off the golf course to give a three minute speech and then goes back on the golf course again. He gives aid and comfort to the enemy when he refers to the 21 Coptic Christians who were beheaded as “citizens.” He cut our military back to pre WW11 levels and purged hundreds of senior ranking officers. He constantly undermines our military leaders. The list goes on. No Obama is no patriot. His latest comparisons of terrorism to Global Warming and “jobs for ISIS” declarations are laughable.
Obama never extols the greatness of America like other presidents even Clinton did. He never quotes the bible, but instead quotes the Koran. He’s always putting America down when he goes overseas and apologizes for America in foreign countries. If he loved America he wouldn’t have pulled our troops out of Iraq so quickly and allowed ISIS to come in and slaughter men women and children to the extent they are now becoming a threat to us. He took an oath to protect the American people and uphold the constitution which he called an outdated document. He has demonstrated complete contempt for our country and the military. Instead he’s allowed the Islamic terror threat to be close to home. He refuses to call the enemy what it is “radical Islamic terrorism,” but instead has no problem criticizing Christianity. He wasn’t born in the USA and IS a Muslim by his own admission. He sides with the Muslims as he said he would in his book.
If he loved America he wouldn’t cancel the national day of prayer in favor of a muslim day of prayer. As a letter I recently received said:
In 1952 President Truman Established one day a year as a “National Day of Prayer.”
In 1988 President Reagan Designated the first Thursday in May of each year as The National Day of Prayer.
In June 2007 (then) Presidential Candidate Barack Obama Declared that the USA “Was no longer a Christian nation.
In 2009 President Obama Canceled the 21st annual National Day of Prayer ceremony at the White House under the ruse of “not wanting to offend anyone” BUT… On September 25, 2009 From 4 AM until 7 PM, A National Day of Prayer FOR THE MUSLIM RELIGION Was Held on Capitol Hill, inside the White House.
There were over 50,000 Muslims In D.C. that day. HE PRAYS WITH THE MUSLIMS!
I guess it doesn’t matter if “Christians” are offended by this event – We obviously don’t count as “anyone” anymore.
Now he is encouraging schools to teach the Koran for extra credit in schools, while they cannot even talk about the Bible, God, pray, or salute the American Flag.
The direction this country is headed should strike fear in the heart of every Christian, especially knowing that the Muslim religion believes that if Christians cannot be converted, they should be annihilated.
If Obama loved America he wouldn’t have a chief advisor like Vallerie Jarrett who says her job is to make the country more Islamic. He wouldn’t be letting the most hardened criminals out of GITMO and turned them loose on the battlefield against us.
If Obama loves America why would he hang around people like Bill Ayers a known domestic terrorist who Obama sat on boards with and started his campaign in his house. Why would he hang around people like Jerimiah Wright and Al Sharpton? All who hate America.
One commenter I saw said it perfectly: Barack Hussein Obama is not an American. Even if he was born in America he is not an American.
An American would not release five Al Quadea combatant generals to go back and later be the cause of more of our military and others to die for the release of a deserter.
An American would not bring the deserter’s parents to our White House and treat them like rock stars.
An American would not have turned his back on a U.S. Marine who was wrongly jailed in Mexico
An American would see to it our borders were secure, for the safety of our country.
An American would see to it that anyone that was in our country unlawfully would be deported.
An American would not turn his back on our friends in Israel.
An American would not kiss Cuba’s ASS and have any relations with them as long as they were not a free country.
An American would not say our military knows the risk and should pay for their own medical insurance.
An American goes by the constitution not against it and the rule of law.
An American president does not make laws a dictator does.
I could go on and on but I have wasted enough time on him.
I rest my case, Barack Hussein Obama is not an American
Obama was and is influenced by communists and muslims all his life. His father was a communist and muslim as was his stepfather, his mother was an atheist, his grandparents were communist and his mentor was Frank Marshall Davis who was a soviet supporting communist. He grew up in Indonesia, went to school there and made trips to Pakistan. He doesn’t know our values and culture or history yet the media and dems still have their blinders on and refuse to see it and demand Rudy apologize. Clinton was impeached for lying about sex. Obama creates treasonous act after treasonous act and they let him get away with it so don’t tell me Obama loves America.
So all you liberal pundits, when ISIS comes here (and they will. Some are here now and the Syrian refugees Obama is letting in may have ISIS members) and start chopping heads off and imposing Sharia law enslaving women and children just remember who was in charge.
Giuliani: ‘Perfectly Reasonable’ to Question Obama’s Love of Country
!Giuliani claims Obama has been influenced by communism – NY Daily News
Is This What Obama Meant By ‘Perverted Islam’? | ConservativeHQ.com
317 Articles of Impeachment against Obama | The Conservative Papers
Intel: ISIS planning attacks on U.S. soil
Giuliani: I’m Getting Death Threats for Obama Remarks
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