Even before he took office, we started hearing and seeing protesters (rioters) who wanted Trump impeached. NEWSFLASH for the low IQ protesters… you need to be in office first and commit an impeachable offense.
I’m not really worried about this action. Most of them don’t even know what an impeachable offense is or else they would have done it to Obama, right? Because if they know what an impeachable offense is and they chose to ignore it with Obama, like they refused to charge the head of the IRS and Hillary Clinton with anything, then it solidifies my mantra last year… “Dems believe themselves to be superior in all things, including being above the law over Republicans” and they believe that any thought that comes between their 2 ears has to be right and just and everything Republicans say is unjust. EVEN if it’s the exact same words that a Dem may have said years or even months earlier.
We know that BOTH Bill and Hillary Clinton spoke about “pausing” immigration and entry to the U.S. Bill got a standing ovation. Trump said it and followed through with it, and now everyone screams impeachment. That’s a DOUBLE STANDARD!
Mr. Obama calls for “pausing” immigration and entry. Not a PEEP from the peanut gallery. Trump said it and followed through with it, and now the peanut gallery loses their shells. One woman at a Dem rally against Trump said it was OK for Obama to do it because they liked him! Yup, so much for the law!
Read the rest at ImpeachAllDems
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