God answered my prayers regarding the 2016 election, installing Donald Trump as president in spite of the
It is terrible that it doesn’t matter whether one votes for democrats or republicans because both are determined to eradicate the idea of liberty and turn the nation over to the one world government dictators of the united nations dictatorship. The un despots won’t keep their noses out of our internal business because our Constitution is the only thing preventing them from taking over and establishing their world “utopian” dictatorship. There are very few in congress actually standing up for the Constitution and the idea of a nation that our founders and God established after the Revolutionary War. In the years since the Constitution was adopted many have died, many more have been wounded , and even more have and still are fighting for the ideals of liberty this nation stands for.
John mccain has been a traitor for many years and would have been court martialed for his actions during his time of military service if his father and grandfather had not been highly regarded and high ranking
As the democrat party has moved left since the murder of the Kennedy brothers the republicans have been in a headlong dash to keep pace with the race toward totalitarianism. The gop falls all over itself to pander to those who desire to see the flame of liberty extinguished in hopes that they will be included in the eventual dictatorial hierarchy. After the TEA Party gave them control of the House in 2010 and the Senate in 2012 the gop savaged us as the reason Mitt Romney lost the presidential election in 2012. They never bother to acknowledge the pathetic campaign done by Mitty and his pathetic pandering staff, the ineligibility of barak obama, or the vote fraud that was as plain as the noses on their faces. No, their tactic was to denigrate the very people who stood behind them in order to curry favor with people who will court them until the end then dump them for democrats. It is both disgusting and disappointing to see the gop go the way of the New World Order and abandon the principles they now falsely claim to have. It is very apparent to me that the gop of today would not nominate John F. Kennedy as their presidential candidate because they would consider him to be a “radical” conservative . Back in 1960 JFK was considered to be very liberal but today he would not recognize his party, nor would he favor the gop. Paul Ryan is as much of a traitor as was John Boehner before him. I left the republican party after their treachery towards the Ron Paul faction of the party in 2012. I was very apparent that they would rather have more obama than to see a true Patriot win the gop nomination. They had savaged Sarah Palin in 2008
I believe the only way to preserve our nation is to abolish the political party system, establish strict term limits for all elected and judicial offices, and beg God to once again lead our nation. Our founders sought God in everything they did and created the greatest nation ever seen in history. The current crop of political hacks seek only their own power and wealth, and deny God with their every word and deed. This has to be changed immediately. I believe that some change has begun with the election of Donald Trump and Mike Pence, coming as a result of the prayers of millions of American citizens. I don’t have a lot of confidence in the Article V movement because the states are controlled by the same party apparatus that controls the federal government and I believe they will subvert the will of the people unless the political parties are abolished and we once again follow the Constitution to elect the president and vice-president, and give We the People the deciding voice in the future. For liberals who will try to change the focus to their talking points let me state emphatically that I am not calling for a theocracy as some have accused in the past. This nation can honor and follow God and still be a secular body politic. The liberal slant doesn’t even begin to hold water but they still hold that bucket hoping they can drown out any good sense and keep their pathetic dogma alive.
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
March 25, 2017
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