
Two More Idiots Added To The List

The older I get the more stupid young people seem to be getting, I don’t get it, did they not teach the same things in school as when I went to school? Jesse Waters of Waters World fame went on the prowl for a Memorial Day quiz of young people, here’s a small sample taken from the Blaze.

“Who did America fight in the Revolutionary War?” asked Watters to several beach goers.

“The French,” responded one woman.

“That’s a good question,” said one man. “I don’t know.”

“China,” answered another young woman.

“North versus South,” responded one particularly confident-sounding man. “The Confederate versus the Union.”

Watters also asked people to name the victor of the U.S. Civil War.

“Britain,” replied one woman.

“America and Britain and Spain, some part of Spain, and uh, uh yeah,” said another young woman.

It’s no wonder they don’t know anything, when we see college students protesting and rioting against free speech when they should be studying, what can we expect?

But there are two recent comments from the rich and famous that you would think know better. First Katy Perry, who I have to admit I really don’t know much about, and after hearing her, I really don’t want to either. On a recent radio show after the bombings in Manchester, England, she said this.

“You know I can’t really tell anyone else how they should feel but I just feel devastated. The thing of it is, you know, besides all the weird stuff that goes around on the internet, which is, you know, sometimes a great place, but an absolute you know underbelly mob pit of horribleness, I think that the greatest thing that we can do now is just unite as people, as fan bases, all of it, you know?”

“Cuz I think like, there, like,” she continued, “as much you know, whatever we say behind people’s back, cuz the internet can be a little bit ruthless as far as fan bases go, but I think that the greatest thing we could do is just unite and love on each other, and like, no barriers, no borders, like, we all need to just co-exist.”

If you can make any sense out of what she said beyond the “Likes” and “You Knows” let me help. She says that we should love on one another. Well Katy if you think that love is all you need, (The Beatles sang about that in the 1960’s)  I will give you a one way ticket to Syria and you can try loving ISIS, guaranteed you won’t be coming out alive. These terrorists are animals and their sole purpose in life is to kill you, not love you.

Next she say we should have no barriers and no borders, hey lady wake up, that’s why we have all these bombings, because these countries have an open door policy that allowed these terrorists to come in. My advice to Ms. Perry, it’s time to come out of the cocoon you live in and find out what the real world is like. “Like” “You Know.”

Next person added to the list Mark Zuckerberg, he recently gave a Commencement Speech at Harvard where he said; “We should explore ideas like universal basic income to make sure that everyone has a cushion to try new ideas.”  This means a country that has universal basic income guarantees every person a set minimum income regardless of  age, wealth, job status, hometown, family size, or whatever. That means everyone gets a paycheck, whether they have a job or not.

First of all didn’t Zuckerberg steal the Facebook idea from a set of twins? Next didn’t he ever hear the term “Necessity is the mother of invention?” If everyone is living scot free and they don’t need anything, nothing would be invented. People need to work to have a sense of self worth, but the younger generation does not seem to realize that. If my FaceBook  account gets cancelled I’ll know why.

Next, handing out free money has been tried in different countries, IT DON”T WORK. Mr. Zuckerberg should know that Capitalism has created more wealth and brought more people out of poverty than any other system in the history of the world.

Ms. Perry and Mr. Zuckerberg seem to be leaning toward Socialism, which by the way has destroyed more countries and has been responsible for more deaths than any other system, except for Communism that is.

I am truly afraid for this country.

“What Kind Of Society Are We Leaving Our Kids” Available here.

This is one man’s opinion.

Chris Vaca

Published by
Chris Vaca

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