Fired FBI Director James Comey owes a big debt of gratitude to the media for the image that they have constructed of him.
Following his star turn during Thursday’s Senate Intelligence Committee hearing that transfixed America, the former bureaucrat will never have to worry about money again once the book and movie deals begin to roll in.
The media has effectively canonized Comey, a stunning turn of events after he was universally vilified for his October surprise announcement that the matter regarding Hillary Clinton’s emails was not a done deal. The Clinton surrogates erupted with great fury, temporarily redirecting their withering fire at Donald Trump to focus on trashing Comey.
Once the unthinkable happened and Hillary lost the election, Comey received the lion’s share of the blame until Robby Mook and John Podesta successfully launched the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory shortly after Clinton conceded.
According to the book Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign: [emphasis added]
In other calls with advisers and political surrogates in the days after the election, Hillary declined to take responsibility for her own loss. “She’s not being particularly self-reflective,” said one longtime ally who was on calls with her shortly after the election. Instead, Hillary kept pointing her finger at Comey and Russia. “She wants to make sure all these narratives get spun the right way,” this person said.
That strategy had been set within twenty-four hours of her concession speech. Mook and Podesta assembled her communications team at the Brooklyn headquarters to engineer the case that the election wasn’t entirely on the up-and-up. For a couple of hours, with Shake Shack containers littering the room, they went over the script they would pitch to the press and the public. Already, Russian hacking was the centerpiece of the argument.
In Brooklyn, her team coalesced around the idea that Russian hacking was the major unreported story of the campaign, overshadowed by the contents of stolen e-mails and Hillary’s own private-server imbroglio. They also decided to hammer the media for focusing so intently on the investigation into her e-mail, which had created a cloud over her candidacy. “The press botched the e-mail story for eighteen months,” said one person who was in the room. “Comey obviously screwed us, but the press created the story.”
The Russian narrative took hold and caught fire as embittered Democrats and former Obama regime officials saw it as a way to delegitimize President Trump and reverse the election results.
With Comey becoming a central figure in the drive to run Trump out of office, the media shifted the narrative on the embattled FBI Director to portray a heroic figure standing alone against an illegitimate dictator installed due to the meddling of a foreign enemy.
As Eric Hoffer once wrote in the True Believer “Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a god, but never without a belief in a devil” and in Donald J. Trump, the establishment had found their perfect of Satan.
Now that Comey’s testimony is over (pending a subpoena from the Senate Judiciary Committee) he needs to start thinking about what to do with the rest of his life.
Thanks to his media created stardom, there are book and movie deals in Mr. Comey’s future. This according to a report from the Daily Mail.
If the publishing world has anything to say about it, the nation’s ex-top cop, 56, will be a multimillionaire ten times over from the book deal major publishers are offering to pay up front for his memoir – a whopping $10 million, can reveal.
It’s a sum right up there with the kind of advances paid to the Clintons – although maybe not a high as the Obamas – and the kind of royalty money generated by Comey’s nemesis Donald Trump’s many books.
‘Jim Comey’s story has everything, from White House intrigue to possible corruption and law breaking. His explosive story makes ‘West Wing’ and ‘House of Cards’ on a par with Mister Rogers,’ an acquisition editor for a major New York publishing house told
‘When his proposal hits my desk, I’ve already been authorized to offer $10 million.’
Not only that, but the publisher of another key player in the book world revealed that major Hollywood producers are already lining up to make the torn-from-the-headlines blockbuster movie about Comey’s life and his attempt to unseat the president.
A prominent movie-TV agent told ‘I know one top drawer producer who’s already talking to stars to cast the Comey role. He has to be tall, good-looking and a Jimmy Stewart-John Wayne-hero type. I was mesmerized when I spent the whole day watching Comey testify.
‘Comey could expect a movie deal tied into the book worth many millions of dollars more, tens of millions.’
The Washington Post called Comey’s testimony a ‘performance of a lifetime – Classic G-man and aggrieved victim.’ And a New York Times headline billed Comey as, ‘Hero, Villain and Shakespearean Character…’
Comey’s seven-page testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee was released late Wednesday, just hours before his appearance. ‘When that document hit my desk I thought, ‘I want his book.,’ said another top editor whose been involved in some of the biggest New York Times nonfiction bestsellers.
Mr. Comey may be angry and hurt over President Trump giving him a pink slip but the truth is that the POTUS punched his ticket to fame and fortune and he should be down on his hands and knees thanking God that it was Trump who dumped him.
It is one heck of a turn of events when considering that if Mrs. Clinton had won the election, Comey would have been immediately fired.
The establishment media is no longer in the news business. Now they are able to manufacture “reality” which is a dangerous development in the golden age of propaganda in a country that has become increasingly unhinged since Trump won the election.
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